зеркало из https://github.com/dotnet/infer.git
Special functions improvements (#253)
- Ensured argument consistency in NormalCdfIntegralTest - Fixed some test values - Exp-Sinh quadrature in LogisticGaussian - Arithmetic-precision-based constants in logistic gaussian - Named const for Ulp(1) - Generating series for gamma(x) - 1/x - Fixed integer overflow in BGRat - GenerateSeries can print arrays of bigfloats.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
/// </summary>
public static class Quadrature
private const int AdaptiveQuadratureMaxNodes = 10000;
/// <summary>
/// Integrate the function f from -Infinity to Infinity
/// </summary>
@ -35,7 +37,103 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
double sinX = System.Math.Sin(x);
return f(scale / System.Math.Tan(x)) / (sinX * sinX);
return scale * AdaptiveTrapeziumRule(fInvTan, nodeCount, 0, System.Math.PI, relTol, 10000);
return scale * AdaptiveTrapeziumRule(fInvTan, nodeCount, 0, System.Math.PI, relTol, AdaptiveQuadratureMaxNodes);
/// <summary>
/// Integrate the function f from 0 to +Infinity using exp-sinh quadrature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f">The function to integrate</param>
/// <param name="scale">A positive tuning parameter.
/// <paramref name="f"/> is assumed to be continuous and at least one of <paramref name="f"/>(0) and
/// cosh(arsinh(2 * ln(scale)/pi)) * scale * <paramref name="f"/>(<paramref name="scale"/>) to be non-zero.</param>
/// <param name="relTol">A threshold to stop subdividing</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double AdaptiveExpSinh(Converter<double, double> f, double scale, double relTol)
const double halfPi = System.Math.PI / 2;
const double ln2ByHalfPi = MMath.Ln2 / halfPi;
// Let g(x) = f(exp(pi/2 * sinh(x))) * cosh(x) * exp(pi/2 * sinh(x)),
// fExpSinh(x) = g(x) + g(-x), when x != 0, fExpSinh(0) = g(0),
// then int_-inf^+inf g(x) dx = int_0^+inf fExpSinh(x) dx
double fExpSinh(double x)
if (x == 0)
return f(1);
double halfPiSinhX = halfPi * System.Math.Sinh(x);
double expHalfPiSinhX = System.Math.Exp(halfPiSinhX);
double expHalfPiSinhNegX = System.Math.Exp(-halfPiSinhX);
return System.Math.Cosh(x) * (expHalfPiSinhX * f(expHalfPiSinhX) + expHalfPiSinhNegX * f(expHalfPiSinhNegX));
double invHalfPiLnScale = System.Math.Log(scale) / halfPi;
double rescale = System.Math.Abs(System.Math.Log(invHalfPiLnScale + System.Math.Sqrt(invHalfPiLnScale * invHalfPiLnScale + 1))); // abs . arsinh
while (fExpSinh(rescale) == 0)
invHalfPiLnScale -= ln2ByHalfPi;
rescale = System.Math.Abs(System.Math.Log(invHalfPiLnScale + System.Math.Sqrt(invHalfPiLnScale * invHalfPiLnScale + 1)));
return halfPi * AdaptivePositiveHalfAxisTrapeziumRule(fExpSinh, rescale, relTol, AdaptiveQuadratureMaxNodes / 2 + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Integrate the function f from 0 to +Infinity
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f">The function to integrate. Must have at most one extremum.</param>
/// <param name="scale">A positive tuning parameter.
/// <paramref name="f"/> is assumed to be continuous on (0, + Infinity) and non-negligible somewhere on (0, <paramref name="scale"/>]</param>
/// <param name="relTol">A threshold to stop subdividing</param>
/// <param name="maxNodes">Another threshold to stop subdividing</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double AdaptivePositiveHalfAxisTrapeziumRule(Converter<double, double> f, double scale, double relTol, int maxNodes)
double intervalWidth = 1.0 / 8;
double sumf2 = 0;
double sumf1 = f(0);
double x = 0;
double oldSum;
int usedNodes = 1;
x += intervalWidth;
oldSum = sumf1;
sumf1 += f(x);
while (!MMath.AreEqual(oldSum, sumf1) || x < scale);
if (x > scale)
scale = x;
while (usedNodes < maxNodes)
intervalWidth /= 2;
sumf2 = sumf1;
x = intervalWidth;
sumf2 += f(x);
if (x < scale)
x += 2 * intervalWidth;
x += intervalWidth;
oldSum = sumf2;
sumf2 += f(x);
while (!MMath.AreEqual(oldSum, sumf2) || x < scale);
if (x > scale)
scale = x;
double i1 = sumf1 * intervalWidth * 2;
double i2 = sumf2 * intervalWidth;
double err_est = System.Math.Abs((i1 - i2) / i2);
if (err_est < relTol)
return i2;
sumf1 = sumf2;
return sumf1 * intervalWidth;
/// <summary>
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
private static double BGRat(double x, double a, double b, double epsilon)
List<double> p = new List<double>();
List<int> twoNPlus1Factorial = new List<int>();
List<double> twoNPlus1Factorial = new List<double>();
double T = a + 0.5 * (b - 1);
@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
bPlus2n += 2;
bPlus2nPlus1 += 2;
lnXTerm *= lnXOver2Sq;
// This can overflow, which will result in infinity. This is OK, because
// it will mean only that some of the terms added to currP will be zero.
twoNPlus1Factorial.Add(twoNPlus1Factorial.Last() * (2 * n) * (2 * n + 1));
double currP = 0.0;
@ -499,6 +501,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
return mult * result;
private const double DefaultBetaEpsilon = 1e-15;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the regularized incomplete beta function: int_0^x t^(a-1) (1-t)^(b-1) dt / Beta(a,b)
/// </summary>
@ -508,7 +512,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
/// <param name="epsilon">A tolerance for terminating the series calculation.</param>
/// <returns>The incomplete beta function at (<paramref name="x"/>, <paramref name="a"/>, <paramref name="b"/>).</returns>
/// <remarks>The beta function is obtained by setting x to 1.</remarks>
public static double Beta(double x, double a, double b, double epsilon = 1e-15)
public static double Beta(double x, double a, double b, double epsilon = DefaultBetaEpsilon)
double result = 0.0;
bool swap = false;
@ -1168,6 +1172,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
return result;
private static readonly double Ulp1 = Ulp(1.0);
/// <summary>
/// Compute the regularized upper incomplete Gamma function: int_x^inf t^(a-1) exp(-t) dt / Gamma(a)
/// </summary>
@ -1209,7 +1215,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
return GammaAsympt(a, x, true);
else if (x > 1.5)
return GammaUpperConFrac(a, x);
else if (a <= 1e-16)
else if (a <= Ulp1)
// Gamma(a) = 1/a for a <= 1e-16
return a * GammaUpperSeries(a, x, false);
@ -1430,7 +1436,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Math
if (Math.Abs(alogx) <= 1e-16) offset = GammaSeries(a) - logx;
if (Math.Abs(alogx) <= Ulp1) offset = GammaSeries(a) - logx;
else offset = GammaSeries(a) - xaMinus1 / a;
scale = 1 + xaMinus1;
term = x;
@ -1465,14 +1471,17 @@ var('x');
f = gamma(x)-1/x
[c[0].n(100) for c in f.taylor(x,0,16).coefficients()]
return Digamma1
+ x * (0.98905599532797255539539565150
+ x * (-0.90747907608088628901656016736
+ x * (0.98172808683440018733638029402
+ x * (-0.98199506890314520210470141379
+ x * (0.99314911462127619315386725333
+ x * (-0.99600176044243153397007841966
// Truncated series 19: Gamma(x) - 1/x
// Generated automatically by /src/Tools/PythonScripts/GenerateSeries.py
-0.577215664901532860606512090082 +
x * (0.989055995327972555395395651501 +
x * (-0.907479076080886289016560167356 +
x * (0.981728086834400187336380294022 +
x * (-0.981995068903145202104701413791 +
x * (0.993149114621276193153867253329 +
x * -0.996001760442431533970078419665)))))
/// <summary>
@ -2181,7 +2190,7 @@ f = gamma(x)-1/x
const double smallestNormalized = 1e-308;
const double smallestNormalizedOverEpsilon = smallestNormalized / double.Epsilon;
// the number of iterations required may grow with n, so we need to explicitly test for convergence.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
double numerNew = numer + a * numerPrev;
double denomNew = denom + a * denomPrev;
@ -2607,7 +2616,8 @@ f = gamma(x)-1/x
// Second term of the Taylor series
sum += Qderiv * rPowerN;
double sumOld = sum;
for (int n = 2; n <= 100; n++)
int maxIterations = 1000;
for (int n = 2; n <= maxIterations; n++)
//Console.WriteLine($"n = {n - 1} sum = {sum:g17}");
double dlogphiOverFactorial;
@ -2623,7 +2633,7 @@ f = gamma(x)-1/x
rPowerN *= r;
sum += QderivOverFactorial * rPowerN;
if ((sum > double.MaxValue) || double.IsNaN(sum) || n >= 100)
if ((sum > double.MaxValue) || double.IsNaN(sum) || n >= maxIterations)
throw new Exception($"NormalCdfRatioTaylor not converging for x={x:g17}, y={y:g17}, r={r:g17}");
if (AreEqual(sum, sumOld)) break;
sumOld = sum;
@ -2708,6 +2718,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
internal static bool TraceConFrac;
private static readonly double NormalCdfRatioConfracTolerance = Ulp1 * 1024;
/// <summary>
/// Returns NormalCdf divided by N(x;0,1) N((y-rx)/sqrt(1-r^2);0,1), multiplied by scale.
@ -2921,7 +2932,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
b /= x;
double bIncr = sqrtomr2 / x;
const int iterationCount = 1000;
const int iterationCount = 10000;
for (int i = 1; i <= iterationCount; i++)
double numerNew, denomNew;
@ -3013,7 +3024,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
Trace.WriteLine($"iter {i}: result={result:g17} c={c:g17} cOdd={cOdd:g17} numer={numer:g17} numer2={numer2:g17} denom={denom:g17} numerPrev={numerPrev:g17}");
if ((result > double.MaxValue) || double.IsNaN(result) || result < 0 || i >= iterationCount - 1)
throw new Exception($"NormalCdfRatioConFrac2 not converging for x={x:g17} y={y:g17} r={r:g17} sqrtomr2={sqrtomr2:g17} scale={scale:g17}");
if (AreEqual(result, resultPrev) || AbsDiff(result, resultPrev, 0) < 1e-13)
if (AreEqual(result, resultPrev) || AbsDiff(result, resultPrev, 0) < NormalCdfRatioConfracTolerance)
resultPrev = result;
@ -3514,7 +3525,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
// log(1+exp(x))-x = log(1+exp(-x)) <= exp(-x)
// Thus we should use the approximation when exp(-x) <= ulp(x)/2
// ulp(1) < ulp(x) therefore x > -log(ulp(1)/2)
if (x > -logEpsilon)
if (x > -logHalfUlpPrev1)
return x;
return Log1Plus(Math.Exp(x));
@ -3965,10 +3976,13 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
vf = Ex2 - mf * mf;
// Math.Exp(-745.14) == 0
private const double log0 = -745.14;
// 1-Math.Exp(-38) == 1
private const double logEpsilon = -38;
// Math.Exp(log0) == 0
private static readonly double log0 = Math.Log(double.Epsilon) - Ln2;
// 1-Math.Exp(logHalfUlpPrev1) == 1
private static readonly double logHalfUlpPrev1 = Math.Log((1.0 - PreviousDouble(1.0)) / 2);
private static readonly double logisticGaussianQuadratureRelativeTolerance = 512 * Ulp1;
private static readonly double logisticGaussianDerivativeQuadratureRelativeTolerance = 1024 * 512 * Ulp1;
private static readonly double logisticGaussianSeriesApproximmationThreshold = 1e-8;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate sigma(m,v) = \int N(x;m,v) logistic(x) dx
@ -3990,19 +4004,19 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
// use the upper bound exp(m+v/2) to prune cases that must be zero or one
if (mean + halfVariance < log0)
return 0.0;
if (-mean + halfVariance < logEpsilon)
if (-mean + halfVariance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return 1.0;
// use the upper bound 0.5 exp(-0.5 m^2/v) to prune cases that must be zero or one
double q = -0.5 * mean * mean / variance - MMath.Ln2;
if (mean <= 0 && mean + variance >= 0 && q < log0)
return 0.0;
if (mean >= 0 && variance - mean >= 0 && q < logEpsilon)
if (mean >= 0 && variance - mean >= 0 && q < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return 1.0;
// sigma(|m|,v) <= 0.5 + |m| sigma'(0,v)
// sigma'(0,v) <= N(0;0,v+8/pi)
//double d0Upper = MMath.InvSqrt2PI / Math.Sqrt(variance + 8 / Math.PI);
if (mean * mean / (variance + 8 / Math.PI) < 1e-8)
if (mean * mean / (variance + 8 / Math.PI) < logisticGaussianSeriesApproximmationThreshold)
double deriv = LogisticGaussianDerivative(0, variance);
return 0.5 + mean * deriv;
@ -4010,14 +4024,14 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
// Handle tail cases using the following exact formulas:
// sigma(m,v) = 1 - exp(-m+v/2) + exp(-2m+2v) - exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma(m-3v,v)
if (2 * (variance - mean) < logEpsilon)
if (2 * (variance - mean) < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return 1.0 - Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean);
if (-3 * mean + 9 * halfVariance < logEpsilon)
if (-3 * mean + 9 * halfVariance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return 1.0 - Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean) + Math.Exp(2 * (variance - mean));
// sigma(m,v) = exp(m+v/2) - exp(2m+2v) + exp(3m + 9v/2) (1 - sigma(m+3v,v))
if (mean + 1.5 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (mean + 1.5 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(mean + halfVariance);
if (2 * mean + 4 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (2 * mean + 4 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(mean + halfVariance) * (1 - Math.Exp(mean + 1.5 * variance));
if (variance > LogisticGaussianVarianceThreshold)
@ -4032,7 +4046,8 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
double upperBound = mean + Math.Sqrt(variance);
double scale = Math.Max(upperBound, 10) / sqrtv;
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveClenshawCurtis(f, scale, 32, 1e-13), shift).ToDouble();
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveExpSinh(f, scale, logisticGaussianQuadratureRelativeTolerance / 2) +
Quadrature.AdaptiveExpSinh(x => f(-x), scale, logisticGaussianQuadratureRelativeTolerance / 2), shift).ToDouble();
@ -4078,9 +4093,9 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
// Handle the tail cases using the following exact formula:
// sigma'(m,v) = exp(-m+v/2) -2 exp(-2m+2v) +3 exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma(m-3v,v) - exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma'(m-3v,v)
if (-mean + 1.5 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (-mean + 1.5 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean);
if (-2 * mean + 4 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (-2 * mean + 4 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean) - 2 * Math.Exp(2 * (variance - mean));
if (variance > LogisticGaussianVarianceThreshold)
@ -4090,7 +4105,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
return Math.Exp(MMath.LogisticLn(x) + MMath.LogisticLn(-x) + Gaussian.GetLogProb(x, mean, variance) - shift);
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveClenshawCurtis(f, 10, 32, 1e-10), shift).ToDouble();
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveClenshawCurtis(f, 10, 32, logisticGaussianDerivativeQuadratureRelativeTolerance), shift).ToDouble();
@ -4139,14 +4154,14 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
// Handle the tail cases using the following exact formulas:
// sigma''(m,v) = -exp(-m+v/2) +4 exp(-2m+2v) -9 exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma(m-3v,v) +6 exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma'(m-3v,v) - exp(-3m+9v/2) sigma''(m-3v,v)
if (-mean + 1.5 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (-mean + 1.5 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return -Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean);
if (-2 * mean + 4 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (-2 * mean + 4 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return -Math.Exp(halfVariance - mean) + 4 * Math.Exp(2 * (variance - mean));
// sigma''(m,v) = exp(m+v/2) -4 exp(2m+2v) +9 exp(3m + 9v/2) (1 - sigma(m+3v,v)) - 6 exp(3m+9v/2) sigma'(m+3v,v) - exp(3m + 9v/2) sigma''(m+3v,v)
if (mean + 1.5 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (mean + 1.5 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(mean + halfVariance);
if (2 * mean + 4 * variance < logEpsilon)
if (2 * mean + 4 * variance < logHalfUlpPrev1)
return Math.Exp(mean + halfVariance) * (1 - 4 * Math.Exp(mean + 1.5 * variance));
if (variance > LogisticGaussianVarianceThreshold)
@ -4159,7 +4174,7 @@ rr = mpf('-0.99999824265582826');
double OneMinus2Sigma = -Math.Tanh(x / 2);
return OneMinus2Sigma * Math.Exp(logSigma + log1MinusSigma + Gaussian.GetLogProb(x, mean, variance) - shift);
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveClenshawCurtis(f, 10, 32, 1e-10), shift).ToDouble();
return new ExtendedDouble(Quadrature.AdaptiveClenshawCurtis(f, 10, 32, logisticGaussianDerivativeQuadratureRelativeTolerance), shift).ToDouble();
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def normal_cdf2(x, y, r):
y = z
# Avoid quadrature with r < 0 since it is sometimes inaccurate.
if r < 0 and x - y <= 0:
if r < 0 and x - y < 0:
# phi(x,y,r) = phi(inf,y,r) - phi(-x,y,-r)
# phi(x,y,r) = phi(x,inf,r) - phi(x,-y,-r)
return ncdf(x) - normal_cdf2(x, -y, -r)
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ def logistic_gaussian_deriv(m, v):
return result
def logistic_gaussian_deriv2(m, v):
if m == inf or m == -inf or v == inf:
if m == inf or m == -inf or v == inf or m == mpf(0):
return mpf(0)
# The integration routine below is obtained by substituting x = atanh(t)
# into the definition of logistic_gaussian''
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ from __future__ import division
from sympy import zeta, evalf, bernoulli, symbols, Poly, series, factorial, factorial2, S, log, exp, gamma, digamma, sqrt
# configuration
decimal_precision = 30
evalf_inner_precision = 500
default_decimal_precision = 30
default_evalf_inner_precision = 500
gamma_at_2_series_length = 26
gamma_at_2_variable_name = "dx"
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_series_length = 17
reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_variable_name = "x"
reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_indent = " "
gamma_minus_reciprocal_series_length = 7
gamma_minus_reciprocal_variable_name = "x"
gamma_minus_reciprocal_indent = " "
def print_heading_comment(indent, header):
print(f"{indent}// Truncated series {header}")
print(f"{indent}// Generated automatically by /src/Tools/PythonScripts/GenerateSeries.py")
def format_real_coefficient(coefficient):
return str(coefficient)
def format_real_coefficient(coefficient, decimal_precision = default_decimal_precision, evalf_inner_precision = default_evalf_inner_precision):
return str(coefficient.evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision))
def print_polynomial_with_real_coefficients(varname, coefficients, indent):
if len(coefficients) <= 1:
@ -111,6 +115,19 @@ def print_polynomial_with_real_coefficients(varname, coefficients, indent):
print(")", end='')
def print_big_float_array(coefficients, decimal_precision, evalf_inner_precision):
print("new BigFloat[]")
last_non_zero_idx = len(coefficients) - 1
while coefficients[last_non_zero_idx] == 0.0:
last_non_zero_idx = last_non_zero_idx - 1
idx = 0
while idx < last_non_zero_idx:
print(f' BigFloatFactory.Create("{format_real_coefficient(coefficients[idx], decimal_precision, evalf_inner_precision)}"),')
idx = idx + 1
print(f' BigFloatFactory.Create("{format_real_coefficient(coefficients[last_non_zero_idx], decimal_precision, evalf_inner_precision)}")')
def format_rational_coefficient(coefficient):
return str(coefficient).replace("/", ".0 / ") + ".0"
@ -143,38 +160,38 @@ def print_polynomial_with_rational_coefficients(varname, coefficients, indent):
def gamma_at_2_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return 0.0
return ((-1)**(k + 1)*(zeta(k + 1) - 1)/(k + 1)).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return S(0)
return ((-1)**(k + 1)*(zeta(k + 1) - 1)/(k + 1))
def digamma_at_1_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return digamma(1).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return ((-1)**(k + 1) * zeta(k + 1)).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return digamma(1)
return ((-1)**(k + 1) * zeta(k + 1))
def digamma_at_2_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return 0.0
return ((-1)**(k + 1)*(zeta(k + 1) - 1)).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return S(0)
return ((-1)**(k + 1)*(zeta(k + 1) - 1))
def digamma_asymptotic_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return 0.0
return S(0)
return bernoulli(2 * k) / (2 * k)
def trigamma_at_1_coefficient(k):
return ((-1)**k * (k + 1) * zeta(k + 2)).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return ((-1)**k * (k + 1) * zeta(k + 2))
def trigamma_asymptotic_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return 0.0
return S(0)
return bernoulli(2 * k)
def tetragamma_at_1_coefficient(k):
return ((-1)**(k + 1) * (k + 1) * (k + 2) * zeta(k + 3)).evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision)
return ((-1)**(k + 1) * (k + 1) * (k + 2) * zeta(k + 3))
def tetragamma_asymptotic_coefficient(k):
if k == 0:
return 0.0
return S(0)
return -(2 * k - 1) * bernoulli(2 * k - 2)
def gammaln_asymptotic_coefficient(k):
@ -182,7 +199,7 @@ def gammaln_asymptotic_coefficient(k):
def log_1_plus_coefficient(k):
if k == S(0):
return 0
return S(0)
if k % 2 == 0:
return S(-1) / k
return S(1) / k
@ -218,7 +235,7 @@ def get_log_exp_minus_1_ratio_coefficients(count):
# Can be obtained by composing the Taylor expansion for log(1 + x) and asymtotic expansion for erfc
def normcdfln_asymptotic_coefficient(m):
if m == 0:
return 0
return S(0)
def next(v):
idx = 1
while idx < len(v) and v[idx] == 0:
@ -253,7 +270,11 @@ def get_one_minus_sqrt_one_minus_coefficients(count):
def get_reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients(count):
x = symbols('x')
return list(reversed(Poly((1 / gamma(x + 1) - 1).series(x, 0, count).removeO().evalf(decimal_precision, maxn=evalf_inner_precision), x).all_coeffs()))
return list(reversed(Poly((1 / gamma(x + 1) - 1).series(x, 0, count).removeO(), x).all_coeffs()))
def get_gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients(count):
x = symbols('x')
return list(reversed(Poly((gamma(x) - 1 / x).series(x, 0, count).removeO(), x).all_coeffs()))
def main():
print_heading_comment(gamma_at_2_indent, "1: Gamma at 2")
@ -327,5 +348,54 @@ def main():
print_heading_comment(reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_indent, "18: Reciprocal factorial minus 1")
reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients = get_reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients(reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_series_length)
print_polynomial_with_real_coefficients(reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_variable_name, reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients, reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_indent)
print_heading_comment(gamma_minus_reciprocal_indent, "19: Gamma(x) - 1/x")
gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients = get_gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients(gamma_minus_reciprocal_series_length)
print_polynomial_with_real_coefficients(gamma_minus_reciprocal_variable_name, gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients, gamma_minus_reciprocal_indent)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def big_float_main():
print_heading_comment(trigamma_at_1_indent, "5: Trigamma at 1")
trigamma_at_1_coefficients = [trigamma_at_1_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 10)]
print_big_float_array(trigamma_at_1_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(trigamma_asymptotic_indent, "6: Trigamma asymptotic")
trigamma_asymptotic_coefficients = [trigamma_asymptotic_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 32)]
print_big_float_array(trigamma_asymptotic_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(tetragamma_at_1_indent, "7: Tetragamma at 1")
tetragamma_at_1_coefficients = [tetragamma_at_1_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 11)]
print_big_float_array(tetragamma_at_1_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(tetragamma_asymptotic_indent, "8: Tetragamma asymptotic")
tetragamma_asymptotic_coefficients = [tetragamma_asymptotic_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 32)]
print_big_float_array(tetragamma_asymptotic_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(gammaln_asymptotic_indent, "9: GammaLn asymptotic")
gammaln_asymptotic_coefficients = [gammaln_asymptotic_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 31)]
print_big_float_array(gammaln_asymptotic_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(log_1_minus_indent, "11: log(1 - x)")
log_1_minus_coefficients = [log_1_minus_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 50)]
print_big_float_array(log_1_minus_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(x_minus_log_1_plus_indent, "12: x - log(1 + x)")
x_minus_log_1_plus_coefficients = [x_minus_log_1_plus_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 26)]
print_big_float_array(x_minus_log_1_plus_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(exp_minus_1_ratio_minus_1_ratio_minus_half_indent, "14: ((exp(x) - 1) / x - 1) / x - 0.5")
exp_minus_1_ratio_minus_1_ratio_minus_half_coefficients = [exp_minus_1_ratio_minus_1_ratio_minus_half_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 19)]
print_big_float_array(exp_minus_1_ratio_minus_1_ratio_minus_half_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(normcdfln_asymptotic_indent, "16: normcdfln asymptotic")
normcdfln_asymptotic_coefficients = [normcdfln_asymptotic_coefficient(k) for k in range(0, 19)]
print_big_float_array(normcdfln_asymptotic_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_indent, "18: Reciprocal factorial minus 1")
reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients = get_reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients(22)
print_big_float_array(reciprocal_factorial_minus_1_coefficients, 50, 500)
print_heading_comment(gamma_minus_reciprocal_indent, "19: Gamma(x) - 1/x")
gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients = get_gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients(30)
print_big_float_array(gamma_minus_reciprocal_coefficients, 50, 500)
if __name__ == '__main__': big_float_main()
@ -791,9 +791,9 @@ exp(x*x/4)*pcfu(0.5+n,-x)
public void NormalCdfIntegralTest()
Assert.True(0 <= MMath.NormalCdfIntegral(1.9018718309533485E+77, -1.9018718309533485E+77, -1, 8.17880416082724E-79).Mantissa);
Assert.True(0 <= MMath.NormalCdfIntegral(213393529.2046707, -213393529.2046707, -1, 7.2893668811495072E-10).Mantissa);
Assert.True(0 < MMath.NormalCdfIntegral(-0.42146853220760722, 0.42146843802130329, -0.99999999999999989, 6.2292398855983019E-09).Mantissa);
Assert.True(0 <= NormalCdfIntegral(190187183095334850882507750944849586799124505055478568794871547478488387682304.0, -190187183095334850882507750944849586799124505055478568794871547478488387682304.0, -1, 0.817880416082724044547388352452631856079457366800004151664125953519049673808376291470533145141236089924006896061006277409614237094627499958581030715374379576478204968748786874650796450332240045653919846557755590765736997127532958984375e-78).Mantissa);
Assert.True(0 <= NormalCdfIntegral(213393529.2046706974506378173828125, -213393529.2046706974506378173828125, -1, 0.72893668811495072384656764856902984306419313043079455383121967315673828125e-9).Mantissa);
Assert.True(0 < NormalCdfIntegral(-0.421468532207607216033551367218024097383022308349609375, 0.42146843802130329326161017888807691633701324462890625, -0.99999999999999989, 0.62292398855983019004972723654291189010479001808562316000461578369140625e-8).Mantissa);
Parallel.ForEach (OperatorTests.Doubles(), x =>
@ -807,6 +807,24 @@ exp(x*x/4)*pcfu(0.5+n,-x)
// Same as MMath.NormalCdfIntegral but avoids inconsistent values of r and sqrtomr2 when using arbitrary precision.
public static ExtendedDouble NormalCdfIntegral(double x, double y, double r, double sqrtomr2)
if (sqrtomr2 < 0.618)
// In this regime, it is more accurate to compute r from sqrtomr2.
// See NormalCdfRatioLn
r = System.Math.Sign(r) * System.Math.Sqrt((1 - sqrtomr2) * (1 + sqrtomr2));
// In this regime, it is more accurate to compute sqrtomr2 from r.
double omr2 = 1 - r * r;
sqrtomr2 = System.Math.Sqrt(omr2);
return MMath.NormalCdfIntegral(x, y, r, sqrtomr2);
internal void NormalCdfIntegralTest2()
double x = 0.0093132267868981222;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ arg0,arg1,expectedresult
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