trigger: none pr: none resources: pipelines: - pipeline: interactive-ci # alias source: dotnet/interactive/interactive-ci branch: main repositories: - repository: 1esPipelines type: git name: 1ESPipelineTemplates/1ESPipelineTemplates ref: refs/tags/release variables: - group: '.NET Core Nuget API Keys' - name: simulate value: $(isSimulated) - name: DotNetNugetApiKey value: $(DotNetNugetApiKey-A1) - template: /eng/common/templates-official/variables/pool-providers.yml@self extends: # The pipeline extends the 1ES PT which will inject different SDL and compliance tasks. # For non-production pipelines, use "Unofficial" as defined below. # For productions pipelines, use "Official". template: v1/1ES.Official.PipelineTemplate.yml@1esPipelines parameters: # Update the pool with your team's 1ES hosted pool. pool: name: $(DncEngInternalBuildPool) # Name of your hosted pool image: 1es-windows-2022 # Name of the image in your pool. If not specified, first image of the pool is used os: windows # OS of the image. This value cannot be a variable. Allowed values: windows, linux, macOS # Build Tags customBuildTags: - DotnetInteractive - $(Build.BuildNumber) sdl: git: longpaths: true stages: - stage: Publish jobs: - job: PublishExtension displayName: 'Publish VS Code Extension' steps: # Download pipeline artifacts - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 displayName: '📦 Download artifacts from build pipeline' inputs: buildType: 'specific' project: 'internal' definition: 743 buildVersionToDownload: 'specific' buildId: '$(resources.pipeline.interactive-ci.runID)' # Dynamically fetch the latest build ID branchName: '$(resources.pipeline.officialBuildCI.sourceBranch)' path: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/artifacts' # Specify a clear download path # List files and folders under ArtifactsDirectory for debugging - pwsh: | Get-ChildItem -Path '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/artifacts' -Recurse displayName: 'List files and folders under ArtifactsDirectory' - pwsh: | npm install --global @vscode/vsce displayName: 'Install VSCE' # Authenticate with Azure and publish extension - task: AzureCLI@2 displayName: 'Authenticate with Azure and Publish Extension' inputs: azureSubscription: 'VSCode Marketplace Publishing' scriptType: 'pscore' scriptLocation: 'scriptPath' scriptPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\artifacts\vscode\PublishInsidersPolyglotNotebooks.ps1' arguments: '-artifactsPath $(Pipeline.Workspace)\artifacts -nugetToken "$(DotNetNugetApiKey)" -isSimulated $(simulate)'