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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon;
namespace Microsoft.ML.RunTests
using ResultProcessor = ResultProcessor.ResultProcessor;
/// <summary>
/// This is a base test class designed to support running trainings and related
/// commands, and comparing the results against baselines.
/// </summary>
public abstract partial class BaseTestPredictors : TestDmCommandBase
public enum Cmd
/// <summary>
/// A generic class for a test run.
/// </summary>
protected sealed class RunContext : RunContextBase
public readonly Cmd Command;
public readonly PredictorAndArgs Predictor;
public readonly TestDataset Dataset;
public readonly string[] ExtraArgs;
public readonly string ExtraTag;
public readonly bool ExpectedToFail;
public readonly bool Summary;
public readonly bool SaveAsIni;
public readonly OutputPath ModelOverride;
public override bool NoComparisons { get { return true; } }
public RunContext(TestCommandBase test, Cmd cmd, PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraArgs = null, string extraTag = "",
bool expectFailure = false, OutputPath modelOverride = null, bool summary = false, bool saveAsIni = false)
: base(test, predictor.Trainer.Kind, GetNamePrefix(cmd.ToString(), predictor, dataset, extraTag), predictor.BaselineProgress)
Command = cmd;
Predictor = predictor;
Dataset = dataset;
ExtraArgs = extraArgs;
ExtraTag = extraTag;
ExpectedToFail = expectFailure;
Summary = summary;
ModelOverride = modelOverride;
SaveAsIni = saveAsIni;
public override OutputPath ModelPath()
return ModelOverride ?? base.ModelPath();
public RunContextBase TestCtx()
return new TestImpl(this);
private sealed class TestImpl : RunContextBase
public override bool NoComparisons { get { return true; } }
public TestImpl(RunContextBase ctx) :
base(ctx.Test, ctx.BaselineDir, ctx.BaselineNamePrefix + "-test", ctx.BaselineProgress)
public delegate bool Equal<T1, T2>(ref T1 a, ref T2 b, out int nonEqualIdx);
/// <summary>
/// Run the predictor with given args and check if it adds up
/// </summary>
protected void Run(RunContext ctx, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
List<string> args = new List<string>();
if (ctx.Command != Cmd.Test)
AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Trainer, "tr");
string dataName = ctx.Command == Cmd.Test ? ctx.Dataset.testFilename : ctx.Dataset.trainFilename;
AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(dataName), "data");
AddIfNotEmpty(args, 1, "seed");
//AddIfNotEmpty(args, false, "threads");
Log("Running '{0}' on '{1}'", ctx.Predictor.Trainer.Kind,;
string dir = ctx.BaselineDir;
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest)
AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(ctx.Dataset.testFilename), "test");
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest || ctx.Command == Cmd.Train)
AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(ctx.Dataset.validFilename), "valid");
// Add in the loader args, and keep a location so we can backtrack and remove it later.
int loaderArgIndex = -1;
string loaderArgs = GetLoaderTransformSettings(ctx.Dataset);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loaderArgs))
loaderArgIndex = args.Count;
// Add in the dataset transforms. These need to come before the predictor imposed transforms.
if (ctx.Dataset.mamlExtraSettings != null)
// Model file output, used only for train/traintest.
var modelPath = ctx.Command == Cmd.Train || ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest ? ctx.ModelPath() : null;
AddIfNotEmpty(args, modelPath, "out");
string basePrefix = ctx.BaselineNamePrefix;
// Predictions output, for all types of commands except train.
OutputPath predOutPath = ctx.Command == Cmd.Train ? null : ctx.InitPath(".txt");
AddIfNotEmpty(args, predOutPath, "dout");
if (ctx.Predictor.MamlArgs != null)
// If CV, do not run the CV in multiple threads.
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.CV)
if (ctx.ExtraArgs != null)
foreach (string arg in ctx.ExtraArgs)
AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Scorer, "scorer");
if (ctx.Command != Cmd.Test)
AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Tester, "eval");
AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.ModelOverride.Path, "in");
string runcmd = string.Join(" ", args.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a)));
Log(" Running as: {0} {1}", ctx.Command, runcmd);
int res;
if (basePrefix == null)
// Not capturing into a specific log.
Log("*** Start raw predictor output");
res = MainForTest(_env, LogWriter, string.Join(" ", ctx.Command, runcmd), ctx.BaselineProgress);
Log("*** End raw predictor output, return={0}", res);
var consOutPath = ctx.StdoutPath();
TestCore(ctx, ctx.Command.ToString(), runcmd, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
bool matched = consOutPath.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
if (modelPath != null && (ctx.Summary || ctx.SaveAsIni))
// Save the predictor summary and compare it to baseline.
string str = string.Format("SavePredictorAs in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path);
List<string> files = new List<string>();
if (ctx.Summary)
var summaryName = basePrefix + "-summary.txt";
var summaryPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, summaryName);
str += string.Format(" sum={{{0}}}", summaryPath);
Log(" Saving summary with: {0}", str);
if (ctx.SaveAsIni)
var iniName = basePrefix + ".ini";
var iniPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, iniName);
str += string.Format(" ini={{{0}}}", iniPath);
Log(" Saving ini file: {0}", str);
MainForTest(_env, LogWriter, str);
files.ForEach(file => CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, file, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption));
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.Train || ctx.Command == Cmd.Test || ctx.ExpectedToFail)
// ResultProcessor output
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) // -rp.txt files are not getting generated for Non-Windows Os
string rpName = basePrefix + "-rp.txt";
string rpOutPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, rpName);
string[] rpArgs = null;
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.CV && ctx.ExtraArgs != null && ctx.ExtraArgs.Any(arg => arg.Contains("opf+")))
rpArgs = new string[] { "opf+" };
// Run result processor on the console output.
RunResultProcessorTest(new string[] { consOutPath.Path }, rpOutPath, rpArgs);
CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, rpName, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
// Check the prediction output against its baseline.
Contracts.Assert(predOutPath != null);
predOutPath.CheckEquality(digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest)
// Adjust the args so that we no longer have the loader and transform
// arguments in there.
if (loaderArgIndex >= 0)
bool foundOut = false;
List<int> toRemove = new List<int>();
HashSet<string> removeArgs = new HashSet<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; ++i)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[i]))
if (removeArgs.Any(x => args[i].StartsWith(x)))
if (args[i].StartsWith("out="))
args[i] = string.Format("in={0}", args[i].Substring(4));
if (args[i].StartsWith("test="))
args[i] = string.Format("data={0}", args[i].Substring(5));
foundOut = true;
foreach (int i in toRemove)
runcmd = string.Join(" ", args.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a)));
// Redirect output to the individual log and run the test.
var ctx2 = ctx.TestCtx();
OutputPath consOutPath2 = ctx2.StdoutPath();
TestCore(ctx2, "Test", runcmd, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
if (CheckTestOutputMatchesTrainTest(consOutPath.Path, consOutPath2.Path, 1))
else if (matched)
// The TrainTest output matched the baseline, but the SaveLoadTest output did not, so
// append some stuff to the .txt output so comparing output to baselines in BeyondCompare
// will show the issue.
using (var writer = OpenWriter(consOutPath.Path, true))
writer.WriteLine("*** Unit Test Failure! ***");
writer.WriteLine("Loaded predictor test results differ! Compare baseline with {0}", consOutPath2.Path);
writer.WriteLine("*** Unit Test Failure! ***");
// REVIEW: There is nothing analogous to the old predictor output comparison here.
// The MAML command does not "export" the result of its training programmatically, that would
// allow us to compare it to the loaded model. To verify that the result of the trained model
// is the same as its programmatic
protected void RunResultProcessorTest(string[] dataFiles, string outPath, string[] extraArgs)
List<string> args = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataFiles.Length; i++)
args.Add("\"" + dataFiles[i] + "\"");
if (extraArgs != null)
ResultProcessor.Main(Env, args.ToArray());
private static string GetNamePrefix(string testType, PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset, string extraTag = "")
// REVIEW: Once we finish the TL->MAML conversion effort, please make the output/baseline
// names take some form that someone could actually tell what test generated that file.
string datasetSuffix =;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraTag))
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(extraTag[0]))
datasetSuffix += "." + extraTag;
datasetSuffix += extraTag;
string filePrefix = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(predictor.Tag) ? predictor.Trainer.Kind : predictor.Tag);
return filePrefix + "-" + testType + "-" + datasetSuffix;
/// <summary>
/// Create a string for specifying the loader and transform.
/// </summary>
public string GetLoaderTransformSettings(TestDataset dataset)
List<string> settings = new List<string>();
Contracts.Check(dataset.testSettings == null, "Separate test loader pipeline is not supported");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset.loaderSettings))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset.labelFilename))
settings.Add(string.Format("xf=lookup{{col=Label data={{{0}}}}}", GetDataPath(dataset.labelFilename)));
return settings.Count > 0 ? string.Join(" ", settings) : null;
/// <summary>
/// Run TrainTest and CV for a set of predictors on a set of datasets.
/// </summary>
protected void RunAllTests(
IList<PredictorAndArgs> predictors, IList<TestDataset> datasets,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "", bool summary = false,
int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in datasets)
foreach (PredictorAndArgs predictor in predictors)
RunOneAllTests(predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag, summary, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
/// <summary>
/// Run TrainTest, CV, and TrainSaveTest for a single predictor on a single dataset.
/// </summary>
protected void RunOneAllTests(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "", bool summary = false,
int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
Run_TrainTest(predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag, summary: summary, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
Run_CV(predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag, useTest: true, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
/// <summary>
/// Run Train for a single predictor on a single dataset.
/// </summary>
protected RunContext RunOneTrain(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "")
return Run_Train(predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag);
/// <summary>
/// Run a train unit test
/// </summary>
protected RunContext Run_Train(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "")
RunContext ctx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.Train, predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag);
return ctx;
/// <summary>
/// Run a train-test unit test
/// </summary>
protected void Run_TrainTest(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "", bool expectFailure = false, bool summary = false,
bool saveAsIni = false, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision,
NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
RunContext ctx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.TrainTest, predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag, expectFailure: expectFailure, summary: summary, saveAsIni: saveAsIni);
Run(ctx, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
// REVIEW: Remove TrainSaveTest and supporting code.
/// <summary>
/// Run a unit test which does training, saves the model, and then tests
/// after loading the model
/// </summary>
protected void Run_TrainSaveTest(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "")
// Train and save the model.
RunContext trainCtx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.Train, predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag);
// Load the model and test.
RunContext testCtx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.Test, predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag,
modelOverride: trainCtx.ModelPath());
protected void Run_Test(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset, string modelPath,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "")
OutputPath path = new OutputPath(modelPath);
RunContext testCtx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.Test, predictor, dataset,
extraSettings, extraTag, modelOverride: path);
/// <summary>
/// Run a cross-validation unit test, over the training set, unless
/// <paramref name="useTest"/> is set.
/// </summary>
protected void Run_CV(PredictorAndArgs predictor, TestDataset dataset,
string[] extraSettings = null, string extraTag = "", bool useTest = false,
int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
if (useTest)
// REVIEW: It is very strange to use the *test* set in
// cross validation. Should this just be deprecated outright?
dataset = dataset.Clone();
dataset.trainFilename = dataset.testFilename;
RunContext cvCtx = new RunContext(this, Cmd.CV, predictor, dataset, extraSettings, extraTag);
Run(cvCtx, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
/// <summary>
/// Add a /arg value pair if value is not null/empty
/// </summary>
private static void AddIfNotEmpty(List<string> list, OutputPath val, string name)
if (val != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val.Path))
/// <summary>
/// Add a /arg value pair if value is not null/empty
/// </summary>
private static void AddIfNotEmpty(List<string> list, object val, string name)
string sval = val as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sval) || ((sval == null) != (val == null)))
list.Add(string.Format("{0}={1}", name, val));
/// <summary>
/// Combine all sets of options
/// </summary>
public static string[] JoinOptions(params string[][] options)
List<string> optionsList = new List<string>();
foreach (string[] o in options)
if (o != null)
return optionsList.ToArray();