#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Android.Adb&version=3.2.0 #addin nuget:?package=Cake.Android.AvdManager&version=2.2.0 #load "./uitests-shared.cake" const int DefaultApiLevel = 30; Information("Local Dotnet: {0}", localDotnet); if (EnvironmentVariable("JAVA_HOME") == null) { throw new Exception("JAVA_HOME environment variable isn't set. Set it to your JDK installation (e.g. \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Android\\openjdk\\jdk-\\bin\")."); } string DEFAULT_ANDROID_PROJECT = "../../src/Controls/tests/TestCases.Android.Tests/Controls.TestCases.Android.Tests.csproj"; var projectPath = Argument("project", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_PROJECT") ?? DEFAULT_ANDROID_PROJECT); var testDevice = Argument("device", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_DEVICE") ?? $"android-emulator-64_{DefaultApiLevel}"); var targetFramework = Argument("tfm", EnvironmentVariable("TARGET_FRAMEWORK") ?? $"{DotnetVersion}-android"); var binlogArg = Argument("binlog", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_BINLOG") ?? ""); var testApp = Argument("app", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_APP") ?? ""); var testAppProjectPath = Argument("appproject", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_APP_PROJECT") ?? DEFAULT_APP_PROJECT); var testAppPackageName = Argument("package", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME") ?? ""); var testAppInstrumentation = Argument("instrumentation", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_APP_INSTRUMENTATION") ?? ""); var testResultsPath = Argument("results", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_RESULTS") ?? GetTestResultsDirectory()?.FullPath); var deviceCleanupEnabled = Argument("cleanup", true); // Device details var deviceSkin = Argument("skin", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_TEST_SKIN") ?? "Nexus 5X"); var androidAvd = "DEVICE_TESTS_EMULATOR"; var androidAvdImage = ""; var deviceArch = ""; var androidVersion = Argument("apiversion", EnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_PLATFORM_VERSION") ?? DefaultApiLevel.ToString()); // Directory setup var binlogDirectory = DetermineBinlogDirectory(projectPath, binlogArg)?.FullPath; string DEVICE_UDID = ""; string DEVICE_VERSION = ""; string DEVICE_NAME = ""; string DEVICE_OS = ""; // Android SDK setup var androidSdkRoot = GetAndroidSDKPath(); SetAndroidEnvironmentVariables(androidSdkRoot); Information("Android SDK Root: {0}", androidSdkRoot); Information("Project File: {0}", projectPath); Information("Build Binary Log (binlog): {0}", binlogDirectory); Information("Build Configuration: {0}", configuration); Information("Build Target Framework: {0}", targetFramework); var avdSettings = new AndroidAvdManagerToolSettings { SdkRoot = androidSdkRoot }; var adbSettings = new AdbToolSettings { SdkRoot = androidSdkRoot }; var emuSettings = new AndroidEmulatorToolSettings { SdkRoot = androidSdkRoot }; emuSettings = AdjustEmulatorSettingsForCI(emuSettings); AndroidEmulatorProcess emulatorProcess = null; var dotnetToolPath = GetDotnetToolPath(); Setup(context => { LogSetupInfo(dotnetToolPath); PerformCleanupIfNeeded(deviceCleanupEnabled); DetermineDeviceCharacteristics(testDevice, DefaultApiLevel); HandleVirtualDevice(emuSettings, avdSettings, androidAvd, androidAvdImage, deviceSkin, deviceBoot); }); Teardown(context => { // For the uitest-prepare target, just leave the virtual device running if (! string.Equals(TARGET, "uitest-prepare", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CleanUpVirtualDevice(emulatorProcess, avdSettings); } }); Task("boot"); Task("build") .WithCriteria(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath)) .Does(() => { ExecuteBuild(projectPath, testDevice, binlogDirectory, configuration, targetFramework, dotnetToolPath); }); Task("test") .IsDependentOn("Build") .Does(() => { ExecuteTests(projectPath, testDevice, testApp, testAppPackageName, testResultsPath, configuration, targetFramework, adbSettings, dotnetToolPath, deviceBootWait, testAppInstrumentation); }); Task("uitest-build") .IsDependentOn("dotnet-buildtasks") .Does(() => { ExecuteBuildUITestApp(testAppProjectPath, testDevice, binlogDirectory, configuration, targetFramework, "", dotnetToolPath); }); Task("uitest-prepare") .Does(() => { ExecutePrepareUITests(projectPath, testAppProjectPath, testAppPackageName, testDevice, testResultsPath, binlogDirectory, configuration, targetFramework, "", androidVersion, dotnetToolPath, testAppInstrumentation); }); Task("uitest") .IsDependentOn("uitest-prepare") .Does(() => { ExecuteUITests(projectPath, testAppProjectPath, testAppPackageName, testDevice, testResultsPath, binlogDirectory, configuration, targetFramework, "", androidVersion, dotnetToolPath, testAppInstrumentation); }); Task("cg-uitest") .IsDependentOn("dotnet-buildtasks") .Does(() => { ExecuteCGLegacyUITests(projectPath, testAppProjectPath, testAppPackageName, testDevice, testResultsPath, configuration, targetFramework, dotnetToolPath, testAppInstrumentation); }); Task("logcat") .Does(() => { WriteLogCat(); }); RunTarget(TARGET); void ExecuteCGLegacyUITests(string project, string appProject, string appPackageName, string device, string resultsDir, string config, string tfm, string toolPath, string instrumentation) { CleanDirectories(resultsDir); Information("Starting Compatibility Gallery UI Tests..."); var testApp = GetTestApplications(appProject, device, config, tfm, "").FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appPackageName)) { var appFile = new FilePath(testApp); appFile = appFile.GetFilenameWithoutExtension(); appPackageName = appFile.FullPath.Replace("-Signed", ""); } Information($"Testing Device: {device}"); Information($"Testing App Project: {appProject}"); Information($"Testing App: {testApp}"); Information($"Testing App Package Name: {appPackageName}"); Information($"Results Directory: {resultsDir}"); InstallApk(testApp, appPackageName, resultsDir, deviceSkin); //set env var for the app path for Xamarin.UITest setup SetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_APP", $"{testApp}"); var resultName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(project)}-{config}-{DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc()}"; Information("Run UITests project {0}", resultName); RunTestWithLocalDotNet( project, config: config, pathDotnet: toolPath, noBuild: false, resultsFileNameWithoutExtension: resultName, filter: Argument("filter", "")); } void ExecuteBuild(string project, string device, string binDir, string config, string tfm, string toolPath) { var projectName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(project); var binlog = $"{binDir}/{projectName}-{config}-ios.binlog"; DotNetBuild(project, new DotNetBuildSettings { Configuration = config, Framework = tfm, MSBuildSettings = new DotNetMSBuildSettings { MaxCpuCount = 0 }, ToolPath = toolPath, ArgumentCustomization = args => args .Append("/p:EmbedAssembliesIntoApk=true") .Append("/bl:" + binlog) }); } void ExecuteTests(string project, string device, string appPath, string appPackageName, string resultsDir, string config, string tfm, AdbToolSettings adbSettings, string toolPath, bool waitDevice, string instrumentation) { CleanResults(resultsDir); var testApp = GetTestApplications(project, device, config, tfm, "").FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appPackageName)) { var appFile = new FilePath(testApp); appFile = appFile.GetFilenameWithoutExtension(); appPackageName = appFile.FullPath.Replace("-Signed", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instrumentation)) { instrumentation = appPackageName + ".TestInstrumentation"; } Information("Test App: {0}", testApp); Information("Test App Package Name: {0}", appPackageName); Information("Test Results Directory: {0}", resultsDir); if (waitDevice) { Information("Waiting for the emulator to finish booting..."); // wait for it to finish booting (10 mins) var waited = 0; var total = 60 * 10; while (AdbShell("getprop sys.boot_completed", adbSettings).FirstOrDefault() != "1") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Information("Wating {0}/{1} seconds for the emulator to boot up.", waited, total); if (waited++ > total) break; } Information("Waited {0} seconds for the emulator to boot up.", waited); } Information("Setting the ADB properties..."); var lines = AdbShell("setprop debug.mono.log default,mono_log_level=debug,mono_log_mask=all", adbSettings); Information("{0}", string.Join("\n", lines)); lines = AdbShell("getprop debug.mono.log", adbSettings); Information("{0}", string.Join("\n", lines)); var settings = new DotNetToolSettings { DiagnosticOutput = true, ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("run xharness android test " + $"--app=\"{testApp}\" " + $"--package-name=\"{appPackageName}\" " + $"--instrumentation=\"{instrumentation}\" " + $"--device-arch=\"{deviceArch}\" " + $"--output-directory=\"{resultsDir}\" " + $"--verbosity=\"Debug\" ") }; bool testsFailed = true; try { DotNetTool("tool", settings); testsFailed = false; } finally { if (testsFailed) { // uncomment if you want to copy the test app to the results directory for any reason // CopyFile(testApp, new DirectoryPath(resultsDir).CombineWithFilePath(new FilePath(testApp).GetFilename())); } HandleTestResults(resultsDir, testsFailed, false); } Information("Testing completed."); } void ExecuteBuildUITestApp(string appProject, string device, string binDir, string config, string tfm, string rid, string toolPath) { Information($"Building UI Test app: {appProject}"); var projectName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(appProject); var binlog = $"{binDir}/{projectName}-{config}-ios.binlog"; DotNetBuild(appProject, new DotNetBuildSettings { Configuration = config, Framework = tfm, ToolPath = toolPath, ArgumentCustomization = args => { args .Append("/p:EmbedAssembliesIntoApk=true") .Append("/bl:" + binlog) .Append("/tl"); return args; } }); Information("UI Test app build completed."); } void ExecutePrepareUITests(string project, string app, string appPackageName, string device, string resultsDir, string binDir, string config, string tfm, string rid, string ver, string toolPath, string instrumentation) { string platform = "android"; Information("Preparing UI Tests..."); var testApp = GetTestApplications(app, device, config, tfm, "").FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testApp)) { throw new Exception("UI Test application path not specified."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appPackageName)) { var appFile = new FilePath(testApp); appFile = appFile.GetFilenameWithoutExtension(); appPackageName = appFile.FullPath.Replace("-Signed", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instrumentation)) { instrumentation = appPackageName + ".TestInstrumentation"; } Information("Test App: {0}", testApp); Information("Test App Package Name: {0}", appPackageName); Information("Test Results Directory: {0}", resultsDir); Information($"Testing Device: {device}"); Information($"Testing App Project: {app}"); Information($"Testing App: {testApp}"); Information($"Results Directory: {resultsDir}"); InstallApk(testApp, appPackageName, resultsDir, deviceSkin); } void ExecuteUITests(string project, string app, string appPackageName, string device, string resultsDir, string binDir, string config, string tfm, string rid, string ver, string toolPath, string instrumentation) { string platform = "android"; Information("Build UITests project {0}", project); var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(project); var binlog = $"{binDir}/{name}-{config}-{platform}.binlog"; var resultsFileName = SanitizeTestResultsFilename($"{name}-{config}-{platform}-{testFilter}"); var appiumLog = $"{binDir}/appium_{platform}_{resultsFileName}.log"; DotNetBuild(project, new DotNetBuildSettings { Configuration = config, ToolPath = toolPath, ArgumentCustomization = args => args .Append("/p:ExtraDefineConstants=ANDROID") .Append("/bl:" + binlog) }); SetEnvironmentVariable("APPIUM_LOG_FILE", appiumLog); int numOfRetries = 0; if (IsCIBuild()) numOfRetries = 1; Information("Run UITests project {0}", project); for(int retryCount = 0; retryCount <= numOfRetries; retryCount++) { try { Information("Retry UITests run Count: {0}", retryCount); RunTestWithLocalDotNet(project, config, pathDotnet: toolPath, noBuild: true, resultsFileNameWithoutExtension: resultsFileName); break; } catch(Exception) { if (retryCount == numOfRetries) { WriteLogCat(); throw; } } } Information("UI Tests completed."); } // Helper methods void PerformCleanupIfNeeded(bool cleanupEnabled) { if (cleanupEnabled) { } } void SetAndroidEnvironmentVariables(string sdkRoot) { // Set up Android SDK environment variables and paths string[] paths = { $"{sdkRoot}/tools/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/5.0/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/7.0/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/11.0/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/12.0/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/cmdline-tools/13.0/bin", $"{sdkRoot}/platform-tools", $"{sdkRoot}/emulator" }; foreach (var path in paths) { SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path, prepend: true); } } AndroidEmulatorToolSettings AdjustEmulatorSettingsForCI(AndroidEmulatorToolSettings settings) { if (IsCIBuild()) { settings.ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("-no-window"); } return settings; } void DetermineDeviceCharacteristics(string deviceDescriptor, int defaultApiLevel) { var working = deviceDescriptor.Trim().ToLower(); var emulator = true; var api = defaultApiLevel; // version if (working.IndexOf("_") is int idx && idx > 0) { api = int.Parse(working.Substring(idx + 1)); working = working.Substring(0, idx); } var parts = working.Split('-'); // os if (parts[0] != "android") throw new Exception("Unexpected platform (expected: android) in device: " + deviceDescriptor); // device/emulator Information("Create for: {0}", parts[1]); if (parts[1] == "device") emulator = false; else if (parts[1] != "emulator" && parts[1] != "simulator") throw new Exception("Unexpected device type (expected: device|emulator) in device: " + deviceDescriptor); // arch/bits Information("Host OS System Arch: {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture); Information("Host Processor System Arch: {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture); if (parts[2] == "32") { if (emulator) deviceArch = "x86"; else deviceArch = "armeabi-v7a"; } else if (parts[2] == "64") { if (System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture == System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture.Arm64) deviceArch = "arm64-v8a"; else if (emulator) deviceArch = "x86_64"; else deviceArch = "arm64-v8a"; } var sdk = api >= 27 ? "google_apis_playstore" : "google_apis"; if (api == 27 && deviceArch == "x86_64") sdk = "default"; androidAvdImage = $"system-images;android-{api};{sdk};{deviceArch}"; Information("Going to run image: {0}", androidAvdImage); // we are not using a virtual device, so quit if (!emulator) { Information("Not using a virtual device, skipping... and getting devices "); GetDevices(api.ToString(), dotnetToolPath); return; } } void HandleVirtualDevice(AndroidEmulatorToolSettings emuSettings, AndroidAvdManagerToolSettings avdSettings, string avdName, string avdImage, string avdSkin, bool boot) { Information("Test Device ID: {0}", avdImage); if (boot) { Information("Trying to boot the emulator..."); // delete the AVD first, if it exists Information("Deleting AVD if exists: {0}...", avdName); try { AndroidAvdDelete(avdName, avdSettings); } catch { } // create the new AVD Information("Creating AVD: {0} ({1})...", avdName, avdImage); AndroidAvdCreate(avdName, avdImage, avdSkin, force: true, settings: avdSettings); // start the emulator Information("Starting Emulator: {0}...", avdName); emulatorProcess = AndroidEmulatorStart(avdName, emuSettings); } if (IsCIBuild()) { AdbLogcat(new AdbLogcatOptions() { Clear = true }); AdbShell("logcat -G 16M"); } } void CleanUpVirtualDevice(AndroidEmulatorProcess emulatorProcess, AndroidAvdManagerToolSettings avdSettings) { // no virtual device was used if (emulatorProcess == null || !deviceBoot || targetBoot) return; //stop and cleanup the emulator Information("AdbEmuKill"); AdbEmuKill(adbSettings); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // kill the process if it has not already exited Information("emulatorProcess.Kill()"); try { emulatorProcess.Kill(); } catch { } Information("AndroidAvdDelete"); // delete the AVD try { AndroidAvdDelete(androidAvd, avdSettings); } catch { } } void WriteLogCat(string filename = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { var timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); filename = $"logcat_{TARGET}_{timeStamp}.log"; } EnsureDirectoryExists(GetLogDirectory()); // I tried AdbLogcat here but the pipeline kept reporting "cannot create file" var location = $"{GetLogDirectory()}/{filename}"; Information("Writing logcat to {0}", location); var processSettings = new ProcessSettings(); processSettings.RedirectStandardOutput = true; processSettings.RedirectStandardError = true; var adb = $"{androidSdkRoot}/platform-tools/adb"; Information("Running: {0} logcat -d", adb); processSettings.Arguments = $"logcat -d"; using (var fs = new System.IO.FileStream(location, System.IO.FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) { processSettings.RedirectedStandardOutputHandler = (output) => { sw.WriteLine(output); return output; }; var process = StartProcess($"{adb}", processSettings); Information("exit code {0}", process); } Information("Logcat written to {0}", location); } void InstallApk(string testApp, string testAppPackageName, string testResultsDirectory, string skin) { var installadbSettings = new AdbToolSettings { SdkRoot = androidSdkRoot }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DEVICE_UDID)) { installadbSettings.Serial = DEVICE_UDID; } if (deviceBootWait) { Information("Waiting for the emulator to finish booting..."); // wait for it to finish booting (10 mins) var waited = 0; var total = 60 * 10; while (AdbShell("getprop sys.boot_completed", installadbSettings).FirstOrDefault() != "1") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Information("Wating {0}/{1} seconds for the emulator to boot up.", waited, total); if (waited++ > total) break; } Information("Waited {0} seconds for the emulator to boot up.", waited); } Information("Setting the ADB properties..."); var lines = AdbShell("setprop debug.mono.log default,mono_log_level=debug,mono_log_mask=all", installadbSettings); Information("{0}", string.Join("\n", lines)); lines = AdbShell("getprop debug.mono.log", installadbSettings); Information("{0}", string.Join("\n", lines)); //install apk on the emulator or device Information("Install with xharness: {0}", testApp); var settings = new DotNetToolSettings { DiagnosticOutput = true, ArgumentCustomization = args => { args.Append("run xharness android install " + $"--app=\"{testApp}\" " + $"--package-name=\"{testAppPackageName}\" " + $"--output-directory=\"{testResultsDirectory}\" " + $"--verbosity=\"Debug\" "); //if we specify a device we need to pass it to xharness if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DEVICE_UDID)) { args.Append($"--device-id=\"{DEVICE_UDID}\" "); } return args; } }; Information("The platform version to run tests:"); SetEnvironmentVariable("DEVICE_SKIN", skin); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DEVICE_UDID)) { SetEnvironmentVariable("DEVICE_UDID", DEVICE_UDID); //this needs to be translated to android 10/11 for appium var realApi = ""; if (DEVICE_VERSION == "34ß") { realApi = "14"; } if (DEVICE_VERSION == "33") { realApi = "13"; } if (DEVICE_VERSION == "32" || DEVICE_VERSION == "31") { realApi = "12"; } else if (DEVICE_VERSION == "30") { realApi = "11"; } SetEnvironmentVariable("PLATFORM_VERSION", realApi); } DotNetTool("tool", settings); } void GetDevices(string version, string toolPath) { var deviceUdid = ""; var deviceName = ""; var deviceVersion = ""; var deviceOS = ""; var devices = AdbDevices(adbSettings); foreach (var device in devices) { deviceUdid = device.Serial; deviceName = device.Model; deviceOS = device.Product; deviceVersion = AdbShell($"getprop ro.build.version.sdk ", new AdbToolSettings { SdkRoot = androidSdkRoot, Serial = deviceUdid }).FirstOrDefault(); Information("DeviceName:{0} udid:{1} version:{2} os:{3}", deviceName, deviceUdid, deviceVersion, deviceOS); if (version.Contains(deviceVersion.Split(".")[0])) { Information("We want this device: {0} {1} because it matches {2}", deviceName, deviceVersion, version); DEVICE_UDID = deviceUdid; DEVICE_VERSION = deviceVersion; DEVICE_NAME = deviceName; DEVICE_OS = deviceOS; break; } } //this will fail if there are no devices with this api attached var settings = new DotNetToolSettings { DiagnosticOutput = true, ToolPath = toolPath, ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("run xharness android device " + $"--api-version=\"{version}\" ") }; DotNetTool("tool", settings); }