
68 строки
2.1 KiB

[string] $Configuration = "Debug",
[string] $Architecture = "x64",
[string[]] $Targets = @("Build", "Tests"),
[switch] $Help,
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $ExtraParameters )
Write-Host "Usage: build [[-Help] [-Targets <TARGETS...>] "
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Options:"
Write-Host " -Targets <TARGETS...> Comma separated build targets to run (Build, Tests; Default is a full build and tests)"
Write-Host " -Help Display this help message"
exit 0
#make path absolute
$RepoRoot = "$PSScriptRoot"
$sdkVersion = '1.0.1'
function Install-DotnetSdk([string] $sdkVersion)
Write-Host "# Install .NET Core Sdk versione '$sdkVersion'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
$sdkInstallScriptUrl = ""
$sdkInstallScriptPath = ".dotnetsdk\dotnet_cli_install.ps1"
Write-Host "Downloading sdk install script '$sdkInstallScriptUrl' to '$sdkInstallScriptPath'"
mkdir "$RepoRoot\.dotnetsdk" -Force | Out-Null
try {
Invoke-WebRequest $sdkInstallScriptUrl -OutFile "$RepoRoot\$sdkInstallScriptPath"
} catch {
Write-Host "failed $_.Exception"
exit 1
Write-Host "Running sdk install script..."
./.dotnetsdk/dotnet_cli_install.ps1 -InstallDir ".dotnetsdk\sdk-$sdkVersion" -Version $sdkVersion
function Run-Cmd
param( [string]$exe, [string]$arguments )
Write-Host "$exe $arguments" -ForegroundColor "Blue"
iex "$exe $arguments 2>&1" | Out-Host
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "Command failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
Write-Host ""
function Using-Sdk ([string] $sdkVersion)
$sdkPath = "$RepoRoot\.dotnetsdk\sdk-$sdkVersion"
Write-Host "# Using sdk '$sdkVersion'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
$env:Path = "$sdkPath;$env:Path"
Run-Cmd "dotnet" "--version"
# main
Install-DotnetSdk $sdkVersion
Using-Sdk $sdkVersion
dotnet msbuild build.proj /m /v:diag /p:Architecture=$Architecture $ExtraParameters
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed to build" }