function Install-Dotnet { $installDotnet = $true try { # Check that the dotnet.exe command exists Get-Command dotnet.exe 2>&1 | Out-Null # Read the version from global.json $globalJson = Get-Content .\global.json | ConvertFrom-Json $requiredVersion = $globalJson.sdk.version # Check versions already installed $localVersions = dotnet --list-sdks |% { $_.Split(" ")[0] } Write-Output "Required SDK: $requiredVersion" Write-Output "Installed SDKs: $localversions" # If the required version is not installed, we will call the installation script $installDotnet = !$localVersions.Contains($globalJson.sdk.version) } catch { Write-Output "dotnet not found" # do nothing, we will install dotnet } if ($installDotnet) { Write-Output "Installing dotnet ${requiredVersion}" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path .\Tools | Out-Null [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-WebRequest ` -Uri "" ` -OutFile ".\Tools\dotnet-install.ps1" & .\Tools\dotnet-install.ps1 -InstallDir Tools\dotnetcli\ -JSonFile .\global.json } } function Invoke-Dotnet { param ( $Command, $Arguments ) $cmdArgs = @() $cmdArgs = $cmdArgs + $Command $cmdArgs = $cmdArgs + ($Arguments -split "\s+") Write-Output "dotnet $cmdArgs" & dotnet $cmdArgs if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "===== Build FAILED -- $Command with error $LASTEXITCODE - CANNOT CONTINUE =====" Exit $LASTEXITCODE } }