* Moving tests to its own 'tests' folder.
* Updating .gitignore folder
* Updating vscode settings.
* Fix perf.groovy syntax errors and removed --buildTimeout 300.
* Moving JitBench into its own folder under real-world
* Adding/Updating "init tools" scripts.
* Suppress warnings for using preview SDK
* Remove the .dotnet folder from exclusion list
* Adding a cross platform script to pull BenchView tools without nuget.
* Updating some markdown syntax warnings/errors.
* Script cleanup and generate current BenchView configurations.
* Bug fixes.
* Marking scripts are executable.
* CI script now downloads SDKs based on the specified target frameworks
- Updated to .NET Core tooling (Cli).
- Reorganized the folders.
- Renamed PerfHarness to PerformanceHarness and placed it side-by-side to the benchmarks.
- Added a reference of the benchmarks to the harness.
- Enabled treat warnings as error.
- Fixed warning/errors.
- Adams needed to define XUNIT_PERF.
- Added logs folder to .gitignore.
- Added ms-python.python vscode extension suggestion.
- Added initial README.md for the CoreClr benchmarks.
- Moved common package reference to common.props
- Added a prefix to the benchmark assembly names so it is easy to find/iterate on automation/ad-hoc runs
- Removed CORE_ROOT dependency!!!
- NOTE: CscBench code could be improved/cleaned (for example, it does not run on .NET Framework)
- Bonus: Enable Desktop: net461