Publish rzls as a nuget package for vs-code (#10453)

The majority of this was just copied from the way Roslyn packages their language server. Publish each of our RIDs for rzls as nuget packages instead of zipping them for the cdn.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Hall 2024-06-11 17:01:39 -07:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 0b7c3a0bc3
Коммит 74bed8ee11
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
7 изменённых файлов: 154 добавлений и 202 удалений

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@ -38,67 +38,4 @@
<FileWrites Include="$(_DependentAssemblyVersionsFile)"/>
<Target Name="_ZipLanguageServerBinaries" AfterTargets="Pack" Condition="'$(ArcadeBuildFromSource)' != 'true'">
<!-- This target is defined in eng/targets/Packaging.targets and included in every project. -->
<MSBuild Projects="$(RepoRoot)src\Razor\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer.csproj"
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="_ResolvedPackageVersionInfo" />
<!-- Build a .zip file from each platform's directory and write it to 'artifacts' -->
<_DotNetPath Condition="'$(_DotNetPath)' == ''">dotnet</_DotNetPath>
<LanguageServiceBinaryDir Include="$([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories(&quot;$(RidsPublishDir)&quot;))" />
<LanguageServiceBinary Include="@(LanguageServiceBinaryDir)">
<MakeDir Directories="$(ZipOutputDir)" />
<Delete Files="%(LanguageServiceBinary.ZipFile)" />
<!-- Build a .zip file from each platform's directory and write it to 'artifacts' -->
<ZipDirectory SourceDirectory="%(LanguageServiceBinary.SourceDir)" DestinationFile="%(LanguageServiceBinary.ZipFile)" />
<Target Name="_ZipDevKitTelemetryBinaries" AfterTargets="_ZipLanguageServerBinaries" Condition="'$(ArcadeBuildFromSource)' != 'true'">
<!-- This target is defined in eng/targets/Packaging.targets and included in every project. -->
<MSBuild Projects="$(RepoRoot)src\Razor\src\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevKit.Razor\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevKit.Razor.csproj"
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="_ResolvedPackageVersionInfo" />
<!-- Build a .zip file from each platform's directory and write it to 'artifacts' -->
<_DotNetPath Condition="'$(_DotNetPath)' == ''">dotnet</_DotNetPath>
<DevKitTelemetryBinaryDir Include="$([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories(&quot;$(RidsPublishDir)&quot;))" />
<DevKitTelemetryBinary Include="@(DevKitTelemetryBinaryDir)">
<MakeDir Directories="$(ZipOutputDir)" />
<Delete Files="%(DevKitTelemetryBinary.ZipFile)" />
<!-- Build a .zip file from each platform's directory and write it to 'artifacts' -->
<ZipDirectory SourceDirectory="%(DevKitTelemetryBinary.SourceDir)" DestinationFile="%(DevKitTelemetryBinary.ZipFile)" />

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
<Target Name="_PublishLanguageServerRids" AfterTargets="Pack" Condition="'$(DotNetBuildFromSourceOnly)' != 'true' and '$(DotNetBuildFromSource)' != 'true'">
<MSBuild Projects="$(BuildAnalyzersSolutionPath)"
Targets="Restore" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(RazorSolutionPath)"
Targets="Restore" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(LanguageServerProject)"
Targets="PublishAllRids" />
<Target Name="_PublishDevKitTelemetryRids" AfterTargets="Pack" Condition="'$(DotNetBuildFromSourceOnly)' != 'true' and '$(DotNetBuildFromSource)' != 'true'">
<MSBuild Projects="$(RazorSolutionPath)"
Targets="Restore" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(DevKitTelemetryProject)"
Targets="PublishAllRids" />

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
<FileSignInfo Include="Nerdbank.Streams.dll" CertificateName="3PartySHA2" />
<FileSignInfo Include="MessagePack.Annotations.dll" CertificateName="3PartySHA2" />
<FileSignInfo Include="MessagePack.dll" CertificateName="3PartySHA2" />
<FileSignInfo Include="Humanizer.dll" CertificateName="3PartySHA2" />
<FileSignInfo Include="ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll" CertificateName="3PartySHA2" />

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
"feeds": {
"vs-impl": ""
"packages": {
"default": {
"rzls": "vs-impl",
"rzls.alpine-arm64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.alpine-x64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.linux-arm64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.linux-x64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.linux-musl-x64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.linux-musl-arm64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.neutral": "vs-impl",
"rzls.osx-arm64": "vs-impl",
"rzls.osx-x64": "vs-impl",
"": "vs-impl",
"": "vs-impl",
"": "vs-impl",
"Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevKit.Razor": "vs-impl"
"branches": {
"main": {
"nugetKind": [

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,30 +1,15 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Description>Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package contains the language server assets for C# DevKit.</Description>
In a vertical build, we'll only publish for the RID of the vertical.
In a non-vertical build, we'll publish for all RIDs of the OS we are building on (to reduce the number of CI jobs).
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(DotNetBuild)' != 'true'">
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows'))">win-x64;win-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Linux'))">linux-x64;linux-musl-x64;linux-arm64;linux-musl-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))">osx-x64;osx-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(DotNetBuild)' == 'true'">
<!-- This is not a standard nuget package and only consumed by the extension build. We don't care if the folder structure doesn't match what nuget expects. -->
@ -37,6 +22,10 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry" />
<Content Include="$(TargetPath)" Pack="true" PackagePath="content" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
<Content Include="$(RepositoryRoot)NOTICE.txt">
@ -46,38 +35,4 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.ProjectEngineHost\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.ProjectEngineHost.csproj" PrivateAssets="all" />
Technique for publishing multiple RIDs from
Example usage:
dotnet msbuild -restore -t:PublishAllRids -p:Configuration=Release
<!-- Enable roll-forward to latest patch. This allows one restore operation
to apply to all of the self-contained publish operations. -->
<Target Name="PublishAllRids">
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifiers property to item -->
<RuntimeIdentifierForPublish Include="$(RuntimeIdentifiers)" />
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifierForPublish items to project items to pass to MSBuild task -->
<ProjectToPublish Include="@(RuntimeIdentifierForPublish->'$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)')">
<ProjectToPublish_PlatformAgnostic Include="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToPublish)" Targets="Publish" BuildInParallel="false" />
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToPublish_PlatformAgnostic)" Targets="Publish" BuildInParallel="false" Condition="'$(OS)' == 'WINDOWS_NT'" />

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<!-- We are defining our own Pack target, so opt out of the SDK version. -->
<_RazorPublishReadyToRun Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">true</_RazorPublishReadyToRun>
<Target Name="Pack">
We have to run restore first with the PublishReadyToRun flag set to true to ensure that the correct crossgen packages get restored.
We also pass the RestoreUseStaticGraphEvaluation=false flag to workaround a long path issue when calling the restore target.
<MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" Targets="Restore" Properties="PublishReadyToRun=$(_RazorPublishReadyToRun);RestoreUseStaticGraphEvaluation=false" />
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifiers property to item -->
<RuntimeIdentifierForPack Include="$(RuntimeIdentifiers)" />
<RuntimeIdentifierForPack Include="neutral" />
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifierForPublish items to project items to pass to MSBuild task -->
<ProjectToPublish Include="@(RuntimeIdentifierForPack->'$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)')">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToPublish)" Targets="Pack" BuildInParallel="true" />

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,36 +1,90 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Description>Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package contains a Razor language server.</Description>
<Description>Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package
contains a Razor language server.</Description>
In a vertical build, we'll only publish for the RID of the vertical.
In a non-vertical build, we'll publish for all RIDs of the OS we are building on (to reduce the number of CI jobs).
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(DotNetBuild)' != 'true'">
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows'))">win-x64;win-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Linux'))">linux-x64;linux-musl-x64;linux-arm64;linux-musl-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))">osx-x64;osx-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
Build a nuget package for this project. This is not consumed as a standard NuGet package; it just
the server executables that we need to ship inside the extension vsix. The extension will download
this and extract the
executables when it builds. NuGet just happens to be a convenient way to share build artifacts.
<!-- Our outer Pack task (defined in PackAllRids.targets) invokes Pack passing in a
PackRuntimeIdentifier to produce one package per RID; from that we can set everything else. -->
<RuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(PackRuntimeIdentifier)' != '' and '$(PackRuntimeIdentifier)' != 'neutral'">$(PackRuntimeIdentifier)</RuntimeIdentifier>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(DotNetBuild)' == 'true'">
By default since this is an Exe project and we build on windows, we'll get a .exe as output from a
platform neutral build.
However, we really only want an executable if we're building for a specific platform (aka have a
runtime identifier).
So if we don't have a platform, tell the build not to output a .exe file because we're building
platform neutral bits.
<UseAppHost Condition="'$(RuntimeIdentifier)' == ''">false</UseAppHost>
Publish the platform specific executables before any of the pack related targets run.
This is important to ensure that the content files exist on the project before nuget looks for
Note that BeforeTargets="Pack" is not enough, as the determination of what to include in the
package runs
before the actual "Pack" target runs.
NU5100: Since this is not a standard nuget package and is only consumed by the extension build, we
don't care if the folder structure doesn't match what nuget expects.
NETSDK1206: Until we move to a newer release of the SQLitePCLRaw packages (2.1.6+) that removes the
libs for alpine RIDs, we have to ignore the SDK warning about distribution specific RIDs.
<!-- Publishing settings -->
<PublishDir Condition="'$(RuntimeIdentifier)' != ''">$(ArtifactsDir)LanguageServer\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)\$(RuntimeIdentifier)</PublishDir>
<PublishDir Condition="'$(RuntimeIdentifier)' == ''">$(ArtifactsDir)LanguageServer\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)\neutral</PublishDir>
<!-- List of runtime identifiers that we want to publish an executable for. -->
<!-- When building a VMR vertical, we don't need to pack everything. Just pack the passed in
TargetRid is provided to razor via the build arguments passed in the VMR orchestrator's repo
project. We copy roslyn here: For definitions of the
and other common properties, see -->
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="'$(TargetRid)' != ''">$(TargetRid)</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<RuntimeIdentifiers Condition="'$(TargetRid)' == ''">win-x64;win-arm64;linux-x64;linux-arm64;linux-musl-x64;linux-musl-arm64;osx-x64;osx-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
<!-- Publish ready to run executables when we're publishing platform specific executables. -->
<PublishReadyToRun Condition="'$(RuntimeIdentifier)' != '' AND '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">true</PublishReadyToRun>
<!-- When we are packing each RID, we set PackRuntimeIdentifier; by default this will also get
passed to the builds of all ResolveProjectReferences
which causes a lot of duplicate building. This removes it. -->
<ProjectReference Include="..\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer.csproj" />
Include="..\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.LanguageServer.csproj" />
@ -47,39 +101,20 @@
Technique for publishing multiple RIDs from
Example usage:
dotnet msbuild -restore -t:PublishAllRids -p:Configuration=Release
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.DiaSymReader" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Private.Uri" />
<Target Name="PublishAllRids">
<Target Name="PackPublishContent" DependsOnTargets="Publish">
<!-- We have to add the content files in a target (and not just defined in a normal item group) since they are produced by the prior step and won't exist at evaluation time. -->
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifiers property to item -->
<RuntimeIdentifierForPublish Include="$(RuntimeIdentifiers)" />
<!-- Transform RuntimeIdentifierForPublish items to project items to pass to MSBuild task -->
<ProjectToPublish Include="@(RuntimeIdentifierForPublish->'$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)')">
<ProjectToPublish_PlatformAgnostic Include="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)">
<Content Include="$(PublishDir)/**/*.*">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToPublish)" Targets="Publish" BuildInParallel="false" />
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToPublish_PlatformAgnostic)" Targets="Publish" BuildInParallel="false" Condition="'$(OS)' == 'WINDOWS_NT'" />
<!-- If we don't have a PackRuntimeIdentifier set, that means pack has been invoked on the project directly, with say dotnet pack. In this case
we'll replace the Pack target with one that instead recursively invokes pack for each runtime identifier. We define those targets
in a separate .targets file, since we can't say to MSBuild "only consider our Pack target as a definition based on this condition" any other way. -->
<Import Project="PublishAllRids.targets" Condition="'$(PackRuntimeIdentifier)' == ''" />