
64 строки
1.3 KiB

[string]$flag = $null,
[string]$hive = "RoslynDev",
if ($null -eq $flag -or '' -eq $flag) {
throw "Specify a -flag to set"
if ($flag.EndsWith("\")) {
throw "Provided flag '$flag' ends with '\', which is not valid"
$flagBase = "FeatureFlags\Razor\LSP"
$slashIndex = $flag.LastIndexOf("\")
if ($slashIndex -ge 0) {
$flagBase = $flag.Substring(0, $slashIndex)
$flag = $flag.Substring($slashIndex + 1) #+1 to trim the \
if ($set -and $get) {
throw "Use only one of set or get"
if (-not ($set -or $get)) {
throw "Specify one of -set or -get"
if ($set)
if ($enable -and $disable) {
throw "Use only one of -enable or -disable"
if (-not ($enable -or $disable)) {
throw "Specify one of -enable or -disable"
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "eng" "common" "tools.ps1")
$vsInfo = LocateVisualStudio
if ($null -eq $vsInfo) {
throw "Unable to locate required Visual Studio installation"
$vsDir = $vsInfo.installationPath.TrimEnd("\")
$vsRegEdit = Join-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $vsDir 'Common7') 'IDE') 'VsRegEdit.exe'
$value = $enable ? 1 : 0
if ($set) {
&$vsRegEdit set "$vsDir" $hive HKCU $flagBase $flag dword $value
else {
&$vsRegEdit read "$vsDir" $hive HKCU $flagBase $flag dword