resources: - repo: self clean: true # The variables `_DotNetArtifactsCategory` and `_DotNetValidationArtifactsCategory` are required for proper publishing of build artifacts. See variables: - name: _DotNetArtifactsCategory value: .NETCore - name: _DotNetValidationArtifactsCategory value: .NETCoreValidation # Branches that trigger a build on commit trigger: - main - dev17.0 stages: - stage: build displayName: Build pool: name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES demands: - cmd jobs: - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main') }}: - template: /eng/common/templates/job/onelocbuild.yml parameters: CreatePr: true LclSource: lclFilesfromPackage LclPackageId: 'LCL-JUNO-PROD-ROSLYNSDK' - job: OfficialBuild displayName: Official Build steps: - task: ms-vseng.MicroBuildTasks.30666190-6959-11e5-9f96-f56098202fef.MicroBuildSigningPlugin@1 displayName: Install Signing Plugin inputs: signType: $(SignType) esrpSigning: true condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['SignType'], '')) - task: ms-vseng.MicroBuildTasks.32f78468-e895-4f47-962c-58a699361df8.MicroBuildSwixPlugin@1 displayName: Install Swix Plugin - task: PowerShell@2 inputs: targetType: 'filePath' filePath: eng\common\Build.ps1 arguments: > # Use this to avoid newline characters in multiline string -restore -build -sign -pack -publish -ci -configuration $(BuildConfiguration) /p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber) /p:VisualStudioDropName=$(VisualStudioDropName) /p:DotNetSignType=$(SignType) /p:DotNetSymbolServerTokenMsdl=$(microsoft-symbol-server-pat) /p:DotNetSymbolServerTokenSymWeb=$(symweb-symbol-server-pat) /p:DotNetArtifactsCategory=$(_DotNetArtifactsCategory) /p:DotnetPublishUsingPipelines=true displayName: Build - template: eng\common\templates\steps\generate-sbom.yml # Publishes setup VSIXes to a drop. # Note: The insertion tool looks for the display name of this task in the logs. - task: ms-vseng.MicroBuildTasks.4305a8de-ba66-4d8b-b2d1-0dc4ecbbf5e8.MicroBuildUploadVstsDropFolder@1 displayName: Upload VSTS Drop inputs: DropName: $(VisualStudioDropName) DropFolder: 'artifacts\VSSetup\$(BuildConfiguration)\Insertion' AccessToken: $(System.AccessToken) condition: succeeded() - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: Publish Logs inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts\log\$(BuildConfiguration)' ArtifactName: 'Logs' continueOnError: true condition: always() # Publish an artifact that the RoslynInsertionTool is able to find by its name. - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: Publish Artifact VSSetup inputs: PathtoPublish: 'artifacts\VSSetup\$(BuildConfiguration)' ArtifactName: 'VSSetup' condition: succeeded() # Publish our NuPkgs as an artifact. The name of this artifact must be PackageArtifacts as the # arcade templates depend on the name. - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: Publish Artifact Packages inputs: PathtoPublish: 'artifacts\packages\$(BuildConfiguration)' ArtifactName: 'PackageArtifacts' condition: succeeded() # Publish Asset Manifests for Build Asset Registry job - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: Publish Asset Manifests inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/log/$(BuildConfiguration)/AssetManifest' ArtifactName: AssetManifests condition: succeeded() - task: ms-vseng.MicroBuildTasks.521a94ea-9e68-468a-8167-6dcf361ea776.MicroBuildCleanup@1 displayName: Cleanup condition: always() # Publish to Build Asset Registry - template: /eng/common/templates/job/publish-build-assets.yml parameters: publishUsingPipelines: true dependsOn: - OfficialBuild queue: name: Hosted VS2017 - stage: analysis displayName: Code analysis pool: name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES demands: - cmd jobs: - job: codeql displayName: CodeQL timeoutInMinutes: 120 variables: # CG is handled in the primary CI pipeline - name: skipComponentGovernanceDetection value: true # Force CodeQL enabled so it may be run on any branch - name: Codeql.Enabled value: true # Do not let CodeQL 3000 Extension gate scan frequency - name: Codeql.Cadence value: 0 - name: Codeql.TSAEnabled value: true steps: - task: UseDotNet@2 inputs: useGlobalJson: true - task: CodeQL3000Init@0 displayName: CodeQL Initialize - script: eng\common\cibuild.cmd -configuration Release -prepareMachine /p:Test=false displayName: Windows Build - task: CodeQL3000Finalize@0 displayName: CodeQL Finalize - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - template: eng\common\templates\post-build\post-build.yml parameters: publishingInfraVersion: 3 # Symbol validation is not entirely reliable as of yet, so should be turned off until # is resolved. enableSymbolValidation: false enableSourceLinkValidation: false