
50 строки
1.4 KiB

# Set default behavior to:
# automatically normalize line endings on check-in, and
# convert to Windows-style line endings on check-out
* text=auto encoding=UTF-8
*.sh text eol=lf
# Set file behavior to:
# treat as text, and
# diff as C# source code
*.cs text diff=csharp
# Set file behavior to:
# treat as text
*.cmd text
*.config text
*.csproj text
*.groovy text
*.json text
*.md text
*.nuspec text
*.pkgdef text
*.proj text
*.projitems text
*.props text
*.ps1 text
*.resx text
*.ruleset text
*.shproj text
*.sln text
*.targets text
*.vb text
*.vbproj text
*.vcxproj text
*.vcxproj.filters text
*.vsct text
*.vsixmanifest text
# Set file behavior to:
# treat as binary
*.png binary
*.snk binary