# How to contribute ## Add to the community ASP.NET Core SPA templates list You can add a project template to the community-owned ASP.NET Core SPA templates listing by submitting a pull request to update [README.md](https://github.com/dotnet/spa-templates/blob/main/README.md). Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following: * Make an individual pull request for each new project template listing. * Use the following format: \[NAME\]\(TEMPLATE PACKAGE LINK\) - DESCRIPTION. * Keep descriptions simple. * End all descriptions with a period. * Remove trailing whitespace. * Add new listings in alphabetical order. * Project templates should be of high quality, maintained, and follow the patterns and conventions used by the templates maintained in this repo. * Project templates should be open source and should reference the source project from the package metadata. See the ASP.NET Core docs for details on [integrating ASP.NET Core with frontend JavaScript frameworks](https://aka.ms/aspnetcorespa) and the .NET docs for instructions on [creating .NET project templates](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/tutorials/cli-templates-create-project-template).