FROM AS build-env WORKDIR /App # Copy everything COPY . ./ # Make sure we run bash CMD ["bash"] # Make sure we get all the updates and tools we need to build RUN tdnf install gawk -y # This is Node v16. For 18, use nodejs18. RUN tdnf install nodejs -y RUN tdnf clean all # Build javascript library RUN /App/ # Restore RUN dotnet restore --configfile /App/NuGet.config /App/TryDotNet.sln # Build and publish a release RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out /App/src/Microsoft.TryDotNet # Build runtime image FROM ARG TRY_DOT_NET_BUILD_ID WORKDIR /App # Make sure we run bash CMD ["bash"] # Make sure we get all the tools we need RUN tdnf install procps -y RUN tdnf clean all # Copy from build image COPY --from=build-env /App/out . # Set up to run and expose app on port 80 EXPOSE 80 ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:80/ # This is a workaround for the fact that the Try .NET website is not yet container-aware ENV TRY_DOT_NET_REQUEST_SCHEME=https ENV TRY_DOT_NET_BUILD_ID=$TRY_DOT_NET_BUILD_ID ENV TRY_DOT_NET_MANUAL_BUILD_ID=2 # Run the Microsoft.TryDotNet website ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Microsoft.TryDotNet.dll"]