The .NET version sweeper is designed to alert repositories that there are projects targeting versions that are no longer supported. For example, projects targeting .NET Core 3.0, or .NET Framework 4.5.1 would trigger an issue to be created to update these non-LTS or current versions. For example issues, see [issues created in this repo based on the *non-lts* directory](
This is intended to be used as a GitHub action that will run as a [scheduled CRON job]( Ideally, once a month or as often as necessary to align with .NET version updates.
A schedule/cron job that runs on the first of every month is detailed below in the [example workflow](#example-workflow), `'0 0 1 * *'`.
To configure the action, you can create a file at the root of the repository named *dotnet-versionsweeper.json*. This config file contains a node, named `"ignore"` that is an array of patterns following the [globbing matcher detailed here](
This repo serves as a sample, as it contains a directory *non-lts* with projects and solutions that are intentionally targeting unsupported versions. There are issues created against these to exemplify how they render. For more information, see [these issues](