* Remove 'Debug' As it's not used
* Remove 'Diff' as it's not used
* Remove 'es-abstract' as its not used
* Remove 'got' as its not used
* Remove http cache semantics from the main dependencies list
its just a sub dependency
* Remove 'p-retry' as its not used
* Remove 'public-ip' as its not used
* Remove tslint from dependencies, its not a dependency
* Increase attribution information for library dependencies
* Remove a ton of unused dependencies
* Clean out dependency tree
* Clean up sample extension dependencies
* Fix SDK Yarn.Lock
* Fix sample yarn.lock
* Reorder remaining licenses to match package.json
* add missing semver package that used to be included elsewhere by other dependencies
* Delete vscode-dotnet-runtime-extension/yarn-error.log
* Update readme.md with notices per industry standard
* Add back in ts-loader as it is required