Add changes to powershell script to support powershell 1 & 2
why: you cannot invoke other ps1 files using the older method in powershell 1 and powershell 2
Revert change for bad copy operation in .sh file
Fix to use .
Add a step to compile for test so we can mock webpacking the library to make tests pass.
Add a json schema per @baronfel 's suggestion to explain our json linux distro schema better
The library does not get webpacked nor should it be as its not an extension
But it needs the files to be copied for it to access them correctly as it would be in the .VSIX file
We should be absolutely sure and verify with manual test that the VSIX when packed has the same behavior as it will load differently.
But this is the best solution I found; install scripts folder is never accessed in a lib test to my knowledge, so it never encountered this issue.