# Name: dotnet.vscode-dotnet-runtime # URL: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build?definitionId=60 trigger: batch: true branches: include: - main tags: include: - SDK-v* - Runtime-v* pr: autoCancel: false branches: include: - '*' variables: - name: Codeql.Enabled value: true # The public PR pool schema is different from the 1ES one. We use 'vmImage' which is a default azure pipeline schema. 'os' and 'name' have nothing to do with image selection here. # 1ES uses 'image' but defining an image this way using our public pools duseOneEngineeringPool not work as they aren't configured this way. # We can later add the flag 'useOneEngineeringPool' or one engineering system: false or true in all tasks to determine if we use vmImage or a 1es pool object. parameters: - name: pools type: object default: - name: NetCore-Public vmImage: windows-latest os: windows emoji: 🪟 - name: NetCore-Public vmImage: ubuntu-latest os: linux emoji: 🐧 - name: NetCore-Public vmImage: macOS-latest os: macOS emoji: 🍎 stages: - stage: o # o is just used so it looks like a bullet point in the output of devops jobs: - ${{ each image in parameters.pools }}: - template: pipeline-templates/build-test.yaml parameters: pool: vmImage: ${{ image.vmImage }} os: ${{ image.os }} emoji: ${{ image.emoji }} useOneEngineeringPool: false - template: pipeline-templates/upstream-verify.yaml parameters: pool: vmImage: windows-latest os: windows useOneEngineeringPool: false - template: pipeline-templates/lint.yaml parameters: pool: vmImage: windows-latest os: windows useOneEngineeringPool: false - template: pipeline-templates/package-vsix.yaml parameters: pool: vmImage: windows-latest os: windows useOneEngineeringPool: false SignType: Test