
Windows Forms Projects Templates

We provide the following templates:

Item templates are located in the VSProject repo

Testing Templates

Before submitting a change to any of the templates please make sure to test them locally.

  1. Install the required template with dotnet tool (e.g. WinFormsApplication-CSharp).
    In the command prompt of your choice run the following command:

    > dotnet new -i <path to the repo>\winforms\pkg\Microsoft.Dotnet.WinForms.ProjectTemplates\content\WinFormsApplication-CSharp
  2. To confirm that the template is correctly installed run the following command and look for your template:

    > dotnet new -u


  3. Create an app from your template:

    > dotnet new winforms -n testapp1
  4. Verify the app behaves as expected.
    If necessary, tweak the template and create new apps.

  5. Once you are happy with the template, you can uninstall it to revert to the original by running the command given in dotnet new -u output; e.g.

    > dotnet new -u <path to the repo>\winforms\pkg\Microsoft.Dotnet.WinForms.ProjectTemplates\content\WinFormsApplication-CSharp