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@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: This command launches a Visual Studio solution with environment variables required to use a local version of the .NET Core SDK.
:: This tells .NET Core to use the same dotnet.exe that build scripts use
set DOTNET_ROOT=%~dp0.dotnet
set DOTNET_ROOT(x86)=%~dp0.dotnet\x86
:: This tells .NET Core not to go looking for .NET Core in other places
:: Put our local dotnet.exe on PATH first so Visual Studio knows which one to use
call restore.cmd
if not exist "%DOTNET_ROOT%\dotnet.exe" (
echo [ERROR] .NET Core has not yet been installed. Run `%~dp0restore.cmd` to install tools
exit /b 1
:: Prefer the VS in the developer command prompt if we're in one, followed by whatever shows up in the current search path.
set "DEVENV=%DevEnvDir%devenv.exe"
if exist "%DEVENV%" (
:: Fully qualified works
set "COMMAND=start "" /B "%ComSpec%" /S /C ""%DEVENV%" "%~dp0Winforms.sln"""
) else (
where devenv.exe /Q
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
:: On the PATH, use that.
set "COMMAND=start "" /B "%ComSpec%" /S /C "devenv.exe "%~dp0Winforms.sln"""
) else (
:: Can't find devenv.exe, let file associations take care of it
set "COMMAND=start /B .\Winforms.sln"