Extends Verify to allow comparison of text via Quibble.
Обновлено 2024-09-18 18:41:26 +03:00
C# command line tool for running tests on Android / iOS / tvOS devices and simulators
Обновлено 2024-09-17 20:43:56 +03:00
Adds Verify (https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify) support to verify NServiceBus Test Contexts
Обновлено 2024-09-15 13:25:10 +03:00
Roslyn analyzers for writing unit tests with NUnit
Обновлено 2024-09-12 09:26:48 +03:00
In-App MS Tests Runner for Uno Platform and WinAppSDK
Обновлено 2024-09-11 15:17:57 +03:00
Akka.NET TestKit integration plugin for NUnit
Обновлено 2024-09-10 14:15:45 +03:00
Visual Studio extension that enables testing tools with unit tests written for Boost.Test.
Обновлено 2024-09-01 10:19:52 +03:00
Join us at the RDP IO Lab 2023 (3/20 - 3/22)
Обновлено 2024-04-30 16:57:07 +03:00
Functional Tests, run nightly, to drive quality of the Microsoft Bot Framework
Обновлено 2024-04-02 18:28:46 +03:00
Обновлено 2024-02-28 23:31:16 +03:00
Used to manage custom metadata for Unity performance tests.
Обновлено 2023-10-10 22:54:42 +03:00
Обновлено 2023-06-16 01:46:32 +03:00
TestApi is a library of test and utility APIs that enables developers and testers to create testing tools and automated tests for .NET and Win32 applications. TestApi provides a set of common test building blocks -- types, data-structures and algorithms -- in a simple, layered, componentized and documented stack.
Обновлено 2023-06-12 23:27:26 +03:00
Web Validate (WebV) is a web request validation tool that can be used to run end-to-end tests and long-running smoke tests
Обновлено 2023-06-03 20:29:02 +03:00
Azure SignalR Service E2E Tests
Обновлено 2023-06-01 05:37:54 +03:00
Regression Tests
Обновлено 2023-05-21 01:18:31 +03:00
Tests for compliance with Unity specification
Обновлено 2023-05-21 00:01:25 +03:00
Nightly integration tests using the latest dev builds of Akka.NET
Обновлено 2023-05-17 23:57:39 +03:00
Testing project for UCB. Built in 2017.4.30f1.
Обновлено 2023-04-06 20:29:09 +03:00
Platform providing features to test Azure Functions performance according to implemented tests scenarios.
Обновлено 2023-03-28 19:47:31 +03:00
A Visual Studio extension for generating unit tests and IntelliTests using NUnit
Обновлено 2023-03-07 19:05:52 +03:00
Tests demonstrating issues with NUnit-console
Обновлено 2022-11-14 22:23:20 +03:00
Manual Input tests that are used by the Unity X-Reality Quality Assurance team to understand status across virtual reality and augmented reality platforms.
Обновлено 2022-01-13 22:33:09 +03:00
Runs NUnit V2 tests inside the Visual Studio 2012 or later Test Explorer window.
Обновлено 2021-12-16 00:56:58 +03:00
Extended tests for ILSpy newdecompiler
Обновлено 2021-11-10 10:51:04 +03:00
Unit tests for WPF controls
Обновлено 2021-10-03 23:44:17 +03:00
Engine extension supporting execution of NUnit V2 tests
Обновлено 2021-09-29 03:34:58 +03:00
This repository contains manual and automated tests for XR SDK Provider validation. All tests are run through Unity Test Runner. This project is mirrored from Unity internal github.
Обновлено 2021-07-23 21:03:18 +03:00
This repo is for building installers, and then executing xunit tests that run them and verify that they worked.
Обновлено 2021-05-04 19:33:47 +03:00
Provides extensions over xUnit to author performance tests.
Обновлено 2021-01-26 23:05:43 +03:00