️ Azure SDK for Java API documentation repository. Content here is mostly auto-generated.
Обновлено 2024-12-02 07:53:57 +03:00
Documentation and issues for Pylance
Обновлено 2024-11-27 02:02:35 +03:00
Automatically open a pull request for repositories that have no CONTRIBUTING.md file
Обновлено 2024-11-25 17:57:47 +03:00
Project Mu Documentation
Обновлено 2024-11-01 20:38:03 +03:00
Sample code for the Django tutorial in the VS Code documentation
Обновлено 2024-02-28 00:45:57 +03:00
WikiMo documentation (mainly the security space, but everyone's welcome to use this)
Обновлено 2024-01-17 19:53:19 +03:00
Repository for documentation on the Azure .NET SDK.
Обновлено 2023-11-16 19:25:25 +03:00
Tools, scripts and documentation to help build the SONiC project
Обновлено 2023-08-16 06:29:46 +03:00
Industrial IoT Samples, Solutions and Documentation
Обновлено 2023-06-12 23:27:40 +03:00
Ansible on Azure Lab playbooks and documentation
Обновлено 2023-06-12 21:21:59 +03:00
Tool for Simulating Demo's, delivering Tutorials and using documentation as tests.
Обновлено 2023-01-06 03:02:25 +03:00
Azure Reference Documentation for SDKs and Command Lines
Обновлено 2019-07-31 22:04:50 +03:00
Documentation for the playdoh application template.
Обновлено 2014-06-06 23:49:40 +04:00