AzureML customer managed k8s compute samples
Обновлено 2024-08-15 09:09:07 +03:00
Industrial IoT Samples, Solutions and Documentation
Обновлено 2023-06-12 23:27:40 +03:00
This repository contains code samples for building a continuous integration pipeline for an AI application using Azure.
Обновлено 2023-05-31 21:49:01 +03:00
Project Template for Jupyter Notebooks in Azure Machine Learning Workbench
Обновлено 2023-05-31 21:48:49 +03:00
Samples of ML models learning from source code
Обновлено 2022-11-28 22:10:37 +03:00
TensorFlow implementations of Graph Neural Networks
Обновлено 2022-11-28 22:09:39 +03:00
An end-to-end IoT Edge solution performing object detection (YOLOv3)
Обновлено 2019-12-26 14:09:14 +03:00
Sample Code for Gated Graph Neural Networks
Обновлено 2019-10-10 12:27:15 +03:00