This commit is contained in:
Danny Greg 2012-09-14 10:33:50 +01:00
Родитель 6ea520cc78
Коммит 7d7534c5fe
1 изменённых файлов: 21 добавлений и 26 удалений

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@ -78,14 +78,12 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
#pragma mark Showing
- (void)showRelativeToRect:(CGRect)positioningRect ofView:(NSView *)positioningView preferredEdge:(CGRectEdge)preferredEdge {
if (self.shown)
if (self.shown) return;
//TODO: Create RBLViewController with viewWillAppear
//[self.contentViewController viewWillAppear:YES]; //this will always be animated in the current implementation
if (self.willShowBlock != nil)
if (self.willShowBlock != nil) self.willShowBlock(self);
if (self.behavior != RBLPopoverViewControllerBehaviorApplicationDefined) {
if (self.transientEventMonitor != nil) {
@ -93,8 +91,7 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
self.transientEventMonitor = [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSRightMouseDownMask | NSKeyUpMask) handler: ^ (NSEvent *event) {
if (self.popoverWindow == nil)
return event;
if (self.popoverWindow == nil) return event;
static NSUInteger escapeKey = 53;
BOOL shouldClose = (event.type == NSLeftMouseDown || event.type == NSRightMouseDown ? (!NSPointInRect([NSEvent mouseLocation], self.popoverWindow.frame) && self.behavior == RBLPopoverViewControllerBehaviorTransient) : event.keyCode == escapeKey);
@ -107,8 +104,9 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
if (CGRectEqualToRect(positioningRect, CGRectZero))
positioningRect = [positioningView bounds];
if (CGRectEqualToRect(positioningRect, CGRectZero)) {
positioningRect = [positioningView bounds];
NSRect windowRelativeRect = [positioningView convertRect:positioningRect toView:nil];
CGRect screenPositioningRect = windowRelativeRect;
@ -116,8 +114,7 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
self.originalViewSize = self.contentViewController.view.frame.size;
CGSize contentViewSize = (CGSizeEqualToSize(self.contentSize, CGSizeZero) ? self.contentViewController.view.frame.size : self.contentSize);
CGRect (^popoverRectForEdge)(CGRectEdge) = ^ (CGRectEdge popoverEdge)
CGRect (^popoverRectForEdge)(CGRectEdge) = ^ (CGRectEdge popoverEdge) {
CGSize popoverSize = [self.backgroundViewClass sizeForBackgroundViewWithContentSize:contentViewSize popoverEdge:popoverEdge];
CGRect returnRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, popoverSize.width, popoverSize.height);
if (popoverEdge == CGRectMinYEdge) {
@ -141,16 +138,14 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
return returnRect;
BOOL (^checkPopoverSizeForScreenWithPopoverEdge)(CGRectEdge) = ^ (CGRectEdge popoverEdge)
BOOL (^checkPopoverSizeForScreenWithPopoverEdge)(CGRectEdge) = ^ (CGRectEdge popoverEdge) {
CGRect popoverRect = popoverRectForEdge(popoverEdge);
return NSContainsRect(positioningView.window.screen.visibleFrame, popoverRect);
//This is as ugly as sin but it gets the job done. I couldn't think of a nice way to code this but still get the desired behavior
__block CGRectEdge popoverEdge = preferredEdge;
CGRect (^popoverRect)() = ^
CGRect (^popoverRect)() = ^ {
CGRectEdge (^nextEdgeForEdge)(CGRectEdge) = ^ (CGRectEdge currentEdge)
if (currentEdge == CGRectMaxXEdge) {
@ -169,15 +164,19 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
CGRect (^fitRectToScreen)(CGRect) = ^ (CGRect proposedRect) {
NSRect screenRect = positioningView.window.screen.visibleFrame;
if (proposedRect.origin.y < NSMinY(screenRect))
if (proposedRect.origin.y < NSMinY(screenRect)) {
proposedRect.origin.y = NSMinY(screenRect);
if (proposedRect.origin.x < NSMinX(screenRect))
if (proposedRect.origin.x < NSMinX(screenRect)) {
proposedRect.origin.x = NSMinX(screenRect);
if (NSMaxY(proposedRect) > NSMaxY(screenRect))
if (NSMaxY(proposedRect) > NSMaxY(screenRect)) {
proposedRect.origin.y = (NSMaxY(screenRect) - NSHeight(proposedRect));
if (NSMaxX(proposedRect) > NSMaxX(screenRect))
if (NSMaxX(proposedRect) > NSMaxX(screenRect)) {
proposedRect.origin.x = (NSMaxX(screenRect) - NSWidth(proposedRect));
return proposedRect;
@ -248,23 +247,20 @@ static NSTimeInterval const RBLPopoverDefaultFadeoutDuration = 0.3;
- (void)closeWithFadeoutDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
if (self.animating || !self.shown)
if (self.animating || !self.shown) return;
if (self.transientEventMonitor != nil) {
[self removeEventMonitor];
if (self.willCloseBlock != nil)
if (self.willCloseBlock != nil) self.willCloseBlock(self);
void (^windowTeardown)() = ^ {
[self.popoverWindow.parentWindow removeChildWindow:self.popoverWindow];
[self.popoverWindow close];
self.animating = NO;
if (self.didCloseBlock != nil)
if (self.didCloseBlock != nil) self.didCloseBlock(self);
self.contentViewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(self.contentViewController.view.frame.origin.x, self.contentViewController.view.frame.origin.y, self.originalViewSize.width, self.originalViewSize.height);
@ -445,8 +441,7 @@ CGFloat const RBLPopoverBackgroundViewArrowWidth = 35.0;
//originScreenRect is in the screen coordinate space
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame popoverEdge:(CGRectEdge)popoverEdge originScreenRect:(CGRect)originScreenRect {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self == nil)
return nil;
if (self == nil) return nil;
_popoverEdge = popoverEdge;
_screenOriginRect = originScreenRect;