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Bumps the version number of GitHub for Visual Studio
By default, just bumps the last component of the version number by one. An
alternate version number can be specified on the command line.
The new version number is committed to the local repository and pushed to
# It would be nice to use our Validate-Version function here, but we
# can't because this Param definition has to come before any other code in the
# file.
[ValidateScript({ ($_.Major -ge 0) -and ($_.Minor -ge 0) -and ($_.Build -ge 0) -and ($_.Revision -ge 0) })]
$NewVersion = $null
$BumpMajor = $false
$BumpMinor = $false
$BumpPatch = $false
$BumpBuild = $false
$NoPush = $false
$Force = $false
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$scriptsDirectory = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$modulesPath = (Join-Path $scriptsDirectory Modules)
$env:PATH = "$scriptsDirectory;$modulesPath;$env:PATH"
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ";$modulesPath"
Import-Module "$modulesPath\wix"
Import-Module "$modulesPath\vsix"
$rootDirectory = Split-Path ($scriptsDirectory)
$sourceDirectory = Join-Path $rootDirectory src\GitHub.VisualStudio
. $scriptsDirectory\common.ps1
function Die([string]$message, [object[]]$output) {
if ($output) {
Write-Output $output
$message += ". See output above."
Write-Error $message
exit 1
function Validate-Version([System.Version]$version) {
($version.Major -ge 0) -and ($version.Minor -ge 0) -and ($version.Build -ge 0) -and ($version.Revision -ge 0)
function Bump-Version {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
if ($proposedVersion) {
if ($currentVersion -ge $proposedVersion) {
Die "Proposed version $proposedVersion is not higher than the current version $currentVersion"
return $proposedVersion
if ($BumpMajor) {
New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList ($currentVersion.Major + 1), $currentVersion.Minor, $currentVersion.Build, $currentVersion.Revision
} elseif ($BumpMinor) {
New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList $currentVersion.Major, ($currentVersion.Minor + 1), $currentVersion.Build, $currentVersion.Revision
} elseif ($BumpPatch) {
New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList $currentVersion.Major, $currentVersion.Minor, ($currentVersion.Build + 1), $currentVersion.Revision
} elseif ($BumpBuild) {
New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList $currentVersion.Major, $currentVersion.Minor, $currentVersion.Build, ($currentVersion.Revision + 1)
function Read-CurrentVersion {
$element = Get-ApplicationVersionElement (Get-CsprojXml)
[System.Version] $element.InnerText
function Get-CsprojPath {
Join-Path $sourceDirectory GitHub.VisualStudio.csproj
function Get-CsprojXml {
$xmlLines = Get-Content (Get-CsprojPath)
# If we don't explicitly join the lines with CRLF, comments in the XML will
# end up with LF line-endings, which will make Git spew a warning when we
# try to commit the version bump.
$xmlText = $xmlLines -join [System.Environment]::NewLine
[xml] $xmlText
function Get-ApplicationVersionElement([xml]$csproj) {
$xmlns = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($csproj.NameTable)
$xmlns.AddNamespace("vs", $csproj.Project.xmlns)
$nodeList = $csproj.SelectNodes("/vs:Project/vs:PropertyGroup/vs:ApplicationVersion", $xmlns)
if ($nodeList.Count -ne 1) {
throw ("Expected only one ApplicationVersion element, but found {0}" -f $nodeList.Count)
function Write-VersionCsproj {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
$document = Get-CsprojXml disk
$element = Get-ApplicationVersionElement $document
$element.InnerText = $version.ToString()
function Write-VersionVsixManifest {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
$document = Get-VsixManifestXml
$numberOfReplacements = 0
$document.PackageManifest.Metadata.Identity.Version = $version.ToString()
function Write-VersionInstaller{
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
$content = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?define VersionNumber="$version" ?>
$file = Get-WiXVersionFile
$content | Set-Content $file
function Write-VersionAssemblyInfo {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
$assemblyInfo = Join-Path $rootDirectory "src\common\SolutionInfo.cs"
Write-Output $assemblyInfo
$numberOfReplacements = 0
$newContent = Get-Content $assemblyInfo | %{
$regex = "(Assembly(?:File)?Version)\(`"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+`"\)"
$newString = $_
if ($_ -match $regex) {
$newString = $_ -replace $regex, "`$1(`"$version`")"
$regex = "(const string Version = )`"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+`";"
if ($_ -match $regex) {
$newString = $_ -replace $regex, "`$1`"$version`";"
if ($numberOfReplacements -ne 3) {
Die "Expected to replace the version number in 3 places in SolutionInfo.cs (AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion, const string Version) but actually replaced it in $numberOfReplacements"
$newContent | Set-Content $assemblyInfo
function Write-Version {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
Write-VersionCsproj $version
Write-VersionVsixManifest $version
Write-VersionInstaller $version
Write-VersionAssemblyInfo $version
function Commit-VersionBump {
[ValidateScript({ Validate-Version $_ })]
Write-Output "Committing version bump..."
Push-Location $rootDirectory
$output = Start-Process $git "commit --all --message ""Bump version to $version""" -wait -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Continue -PassThru
if ($output.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Die "Error committing version bump"
if (!$Force){
Require-CleanWorkTree "bump version"
if (!$? -or ($LastExitCode -ne 0)) {
exit 1
if (!$BumpMajor -and !$BumpMinor -and !$BumpPatch -and !$BumpBuild -and ($NewVersion -eq $null -or !(Validate-Version($NewVersion)))) {
Die "You need to indicate which part of the version to update via -BumpMajor/-BumpMinor/BumpPatch/BumpBuild flags or a custom version via -NewVersion"
$currentVersion = Read-CurrentVersion
$NewVersion = Bump-Version $currentVersion $NewVersion
Write-Version $NewVersion
Commit-VersionBump $NewVersion
if ($NoPush) {
Write-Output "Skipping push because -NoPush"
} else {
Push-Changes $Branch