If you need to downgrade or uninstall the extension, **do not use*****Revert*** in Visual Studio 2017 15.3. Instead, manually uninstall the extension with the steps listed in https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/issues/1206#issuecomment-326558902
If you have a corrupted extension cache, steps for fixing it are in https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/issues/1206#issuecomment-326053090
The Visual Studio 2017 15.3 installer [has a bug](https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/issues/1206) that causes a corruption of the installed extensions data when you revert an installation of the extension (see also [this MS issue](https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/102178/error-installing-github-extension.html)). Until VS 2017 15.4 comes out, **do not use Revert in*****Extensions and Updates***.
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Visit the [documentation](https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/tree/master/docs) for details on how to use the features in the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio.
Older and pre-release/beta/untested versions are available at [the releases page](https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/releases), and also via a custom gallery feed for Visual Studio.
You can configure the gallery by going to `Tools / Options / Extensions and Updates` and adding a new gallery with the url https://visualstudio.github.com/releases/feed.rss. The gallery will now be available from `Tools / Extensions and Updates`.
Beta releases will have `(beta)` in their title in the gallery, following the version number. You can view the release notes in the gallery by hovering over the description, or by clicking the `Release Notes` link on the right side.
- Open [src/GitHub.Api/ApiClientConfiguration_User.cs](src/GitHub.Api/ApiClientConfiguration_User.cs) and fill out the clientId/clientSecret fields for your application. **Note this has recently changed location, so you may need to re-do this**
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