Remove manifest from this repo to move to editor tools repo

This commit is contained in:
Meaghan Lewis 2017-09-05 10:14:27 -07:00
Родитель 19bf7aacec
Коммит 3d9afb3fc7
1 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 266 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# First Launch
- **Start page is displayed by default on first launch**
- **Click on GitHub link on start page under Open > Checkout from**
- [ ] Team Explorer Window exposed
- [ ] Clone a GitHub Repository dialog visible
- **If last solution was in a git repo hosted on GitHub**
- **Team Explorer Home page shows:**
- [ ] GitHub header, repo information
- [ ] Pull Requests button
- [ ] Pulse button
- [ ] Graphs button
- [ ] Issues button
- **If last solution was in a git repo not hosted on GitHub**
- [ ] Team Explorer Home page does not show any github information
- **Go to Team Explorer Connect page**
- [ ] GitHub invitation section in Hosted Service Providers area is visible with Connect... and Sign up links
- [ ] **Click on Connect**
- [ ] Connect to GitHub dialog appears
- [ ] GitHub option underlined
- [ ] Cursor on username field
- [ ] Login button disabled
- [ ] Link to sign up at the bottom
- [ ] **Fill out login information**
- [ ] **On successful login**
- [ ] Connect dialog disappears
- [ ] GitHub invitation section in Connect page disappears
- [ ] GitHub connection appears above Hosted Service Providers area with Clone, Create and Sign out action links. As long as it's above Local Git Repositories, it's good
# In Team Explorer Connect page (logged in)
- [ ] **Click on Clone action link**
- [ ] Clone dialog appears
- [ ] List of user repositories is populated
- [ ] Path field contains default cloning path C:\Users\[user]\Source\Repos
- [ ] Cursor is in Search Repositories field
- [ ] Clone button is disabled
- [ ] Typing in the Search Repositories field filters the list
- [ ] Clicking on the browse action link opens a file explorer
- [ ] Selecting a directory in the file explorer changes the contents of the Path field to the new path
- [ ] Selecting a repository from the list enables the clone button
- [ ] ctrl-clicking a selection in the list removes the selection and disables the clone button
- [ ] Hovering over the clone button (when enabled) animates the button (reversing colors)
- [ ] **Select a repository and click Clone**
- [ ] Clone dialog disappears
- [ ] Progress bar appears in the Team Explorer Connect page with cloning progress (depending on repo size)
- [ ] Notification appears in Team Explorer Connect page: "The repository was cloned successfully. username/repo-name has been successfully created. Create a new project or solution." with proper links displayed.
- [ ] Repository shows up in the "Local Git Repositories" list
- [ ] **Double-click the cloned repository in the "Local Git Repositories" list**
- [ ] Team Explorer view changes to Home page
- [ ] GitHub header and repo information is shown
- [ ] **Navigate back to Connect view, then click clone in "Local Git Repositories" list**
- [ ] Copy/paste a repo from .com. Clone and verify the message displays, "The repository was cloned successfully."
- [ ] **Click on Create action link in GitHub section**
- [ ] Create dialog appears
- [ ] Cursor is on the Name field
- [ ] Create button is disabled
- [ ] Local path is set to default cloning path C:\Users\[user]\Source\Repos
- [ ] Git ignore is set to VisualStudio
- [ ] User is set to current logged user
- [ ] Tabbing through the fields follows visual placement of fields
- [ ] Filling the name field enables the Create button
- [ ] Hovering over the Create button animates it (reversing colors)
- [ ] Clicking on the browse action link opens a file explorer
- [ ] Selecting a directory in the file explorer changes the contents of the Path field to the new path
- [ ] **Fill out the name field and click Create**
- [ ] Dialog disappears
- [ ] Notification appears in Team Explorer Connect page: "The repository was created successfully"
- [ ] Repository shows up in the "Local Git Repositories" list
- [ ] **Double-click the created repository in the "Local Git Repositories" list**
- [ ] Team Explorer view changes to Home page
- [ ] GitHub header and repo information is shown
- [ ] **Publishing a local repo**
- [ ] **File - New - Project - Console Application (or any type of project, doesn't matter much)**
- [ ] **Set "Create new Git Repository" checkbox to checked**
- [ ] **Click OK button**
- [ ] Verify that Team Explorer home page does *not* have a GitHub section
- [ ] **Click "Sync"**
- [ ] Synchronization page opens with "Publish to GitHub" section
- [ ] **Click "Publish to GitHub" in the "Publish to GitHub" section**
- [ ] Contents of section change to a publish form with:
- [ ] Account type dropdown
- [ ] User dropdown
- [ ] Pre-filled name field with project name
- [ ] Description field
- [ ] Private checkbox
- [ ] Publish button
- [ ] **Publish button is enabled and private checkbox is unchecked (and disabled if user cannot create private repos)**
- [ ] Click on "Publish"
- [ ] Form becomes disabled
- [ ] Progress bar appears above Synchronization title
- [ ] Team Explorer view changes to Home page
- [ ] Notification appears: "Repository published successfully"
- [ ] Publish a private repo and verify on .com that it's private
- [ ] **Project section (Home button)***
- [ ] Click on "Home" icon
- [ ] Verify Project has the following sections/buttons when signed into and the Repository is enabled: Pull Requests, Pulse, Graphs, Issues, Wikis
- [ ] Verify Pulse button navigates to Pulse page on
- [ ] Verify Graphs button navigates to Graphs page on
- [ ] Verify Wikis button navigates to Wikis page on (when logged in and the repository is enabled)
- [ ] Verify Issues button navigates to Issues page on (when logged in and the repository is enabled)
- [ ] **Creating Multiple Repositories**
- [ ] Go to Team Explorer Connect page (logged in)
- [ ] Create additional repository
- [ ] Publish new repository
- [ ] Verify remote information present in repository settings
- [ ] **Validate Publish Repository Error**
- [ ] Remove remote settings from repository
- [ ] Go to Sync page and publish repository
- [ ] Go to Team Explorer Connect page (logged in)
- [ ] Click GitHub > Create
- [ ] Received error: "There is already a repository named [repo name] for the current account"
# Connect page when logged in to TFS
- [ ] **Connect to a TFS project**
- [ ] Login to GitHub
- [ ] Team Explorer Connect page: GitHub section appears above TFS section with Clone | Create | Sign out links
- [ ] Log out of GitHub
- [ ] Team Explorer Connect page: GitHub section appears above TFS section with Clone | Create | Login links
- [ ] Disconnect from TFS (right click on project and "Remove"
- [ ] Team Explorer Connect page: GitHub invitation section appears in Hosted Service Providers with Connect.. and Sign up links
# In GitHub pane (logged into GitHub)
- [ ] **Go to Team Explorer > Home > Pull Requests**
- [ ] List of pull requests is displayed.
- [ ] Pane title displays "GitHub | (current repository)"
- [ ] Selected pane tab title (on the bottom) displays "GitHub"
- [ ] Changing the open/close/all filter dropdown filters the pull request list, by selected option (confirm on .com)
- [ ] Changing the Assignee filter dropdown filters the pull request list to display only selected user assigned (confirm on .com)
- [ ] Changing the Author filter dropdown filters the pull request list to display pull requests the user created (confirm on .com)
- [ ] Filter author selection displays recent pull request authors
- [ ] "Create New" Link button is displayed
- [ ] Clicking on a pull request number opens browser window to pull request on .com
- [ ] **Click on a pull request title**
- [ ] A detailed description of the pull request is displayed.
- [ ] Pull request number matches the number in the list.
- [ ] Pull request title matches the title in the list.
- [ ] Source branch is displayed on the left
- [ ] Mousing over the source branch shows the entire branch name in a tool tip
- [ ] Target branch is displayed on the right
- [ ] Mousing over the target branch shows the entire branch name in a tool tip
- [ ] "View conversation on GitHub" link navigates to pull request on .com
- [ ] List of changed files displayed under pull request description
- [ ] Right clicking on a specific file displays options to open or compare file
- [ ] Double clicking on a file opens a diff view of the file or a single file (depends on current file option)
- [ ] Files in file diff view match diff on .com (pick any file)
- [ ] **Make a change any file and save it**
- [ ] **Go to any pull request details and mouseover**
- [ ] "Checkout to [branch name]" is plain text (not hyperlink) and mouseover displays tool tip
- [ ] **Undo pending changes (Many option to do this. One way: Go to Team Explorer > Home > Changes > Right click on files > Undo Changes)**
- [ ] **Click on "checkout to [branch name]"**
- [ ] Git context (lower right) displays source branch name of pull request
- [ ] "Checkout to [branch name]" text has changed to "Local branch up to date"
- [ ] **Create a new branch (can alternatively make commits on an existing branch)**
- [ ] **Switch Git context to new branch**
- [ ] **Navigate to the Pull Request List (Pull request icon in navigation toolbar) and click on Create New button**
- [ ] Pane title displays "GitHub | (current repository)"
- [ ] Selected pane tab title (on the bottom) displays "GitHub"
- [ ] Create Pull Request button is disabled.
- [ ] Default/target branch name is displayed to the left of the arrow (<)
- [ ] Source branch is displayed to the right of the arrow
- [ ] Default/target branch is a dropdown of all branches
- [ ] Clicking on Cancel button navigates back to the pull request list
- [ ] Setting the target and source branch as the same branches disables the "Create Pull Request" button and displays an error message at the top of pane
- [ ] **Fill out pull request Title**
- [ ] "Create Pull Request" button is enabled.
- [ ] **Click on Create Pull Request**
- [ ] Pull request list is displayed with new pull request (that was just created) at the top of the list
- [ ] "The Pull Request has been created at [target branch]" message is displayed at the top of the GitHub pane
- [ ] Verify all non pushed commits prior to pull request creation have been pushed and exist on .com
- [ ] **Click on back/right/pull request/refresh navigation items (any order)**
- [ ] Verify that navigation buttons show views are consistent with clicked navigation buttons
# In VS text/code Editor (logged in to GitHub, open a file that is hosted on Github)
- [ ] **Highlight code or text within solution, then right click.**
- [ ] GitHub context menu is visible
- [ ] Open on Github is visible if code is hosted on GitHub repository
- [ ] Copy link to clipboard is visible if code is hosted on GitHub repository
- [ ] "Create a GitHub Gist" is visible (repo independent)
- [ ] **Click "Open on GitHub"**
- [ ] Default browser navigates to last pushed commit on GitHub repo and highlights lines that were highlighted in editor.
- [ ] **Click "Copy link to clipboard"**
- [ ] Pasting into browser pastes a link to the last pushed commit on GitHub repo and highlights lines that were highlighted in editor.
- [ ] **Click "Create a GitHub Gist"**
- [ ] Create gist dialog appears
- [ ] File name textbox populated with name of file that highlighted source code came from
- [ ] Private Gist checkbox unchecked
- [ ] Create button enabled
- [ ] Clearing file name textbox disables the Create button
- [ ] **Click create button**
- [ ] Dialog disappears
- [ ] Default browser navigates to newly created Gist
- [ ] Create private gist and verify it's private on .com
# In VS text/code Editor (NOT logged in to GitHub, open a file that is hosted on Github)
- [ ] **Highlight code or text within solution, then right click.**
- [ ] GitHub context menu is visible
- [ ] Open on Github is visible
- [ ] Copy link to clipboard is visible
- [ ] "Create a GitHub Gist" is visible (repo independent)
- [ ] **Click "Open on GitHub"**
- [ ] Default browser navigates to last pushed commit on GitHub repo and highlights lines that were highlighted in editor.
- [ ] **Click "Copy link to clipboard"**
- [ ] Pasting into browser pastes a link to the last pushed commit on GitHub repo and highlights lines that were highlighted in editor.
- [ ] **Click "Create a GitHub Gist"**
- [ ] "Connect to GitHub" dialog appears
- [ ] Create gist dialog appears (after logging in)
- [ ] File name textbox populated with name of file that highlighted source code came from
- [ ] Private Gist checkbox unchecked
- [ ] Create button enabled
- [ ] Clearing file name textbox disables the Create button
- [ ] **Click create button**
- [ ] Dialog disappears
- [ ] Default browser navigates to newly created Gist
- [ ] Create private gist and verify it's private on .com
# In VS text/code Editor (logged in to GitHub, open a file that is NOT hosted on Github)
- [ ] **Highlight code or text within solution, then right click.**
- [ ] GitHub context menu is visible
- [ ] Open on Github is NOT visible
- [ ] Copy link to clipboard is NOT visible
- [ ] "Create a GitHub Gist" is visible (repo independent)
- [ ] **Click "Create a GitHub Gist"**
- [ ] Create gist dialog appears
- [ ] File name textbox populated with name of file that highlighted source code came from
- [ ] Private Gist checkbox unchecked
- [ ] Create button enabled
- [ ] Clearing file name textbox disables the Create button
- [ ] **Click create button**
- [ ] Dialog disappears
- [ ] Default browser navigates to newly created Gist
- [ ] Create private gist and verify it's private on .com browser navigates to newly created Gist
# In VS text/code Editor (NOT logged in to GitHub, open a file that is NOT hosted on Github)
- [ ] **Highlight code or text within solution, then right click.**
- [ ] GitHub context menu is visible
- [ ] Open on Github is NOT visible
- [ ] Copy link to clipboard is NOT visible
- [ ] "Create a GitHub Gist" is visible (repo independent)
- [ ] **Click "Create a GitHub Gist"**
- [ ] "Connect to GitHub" dialog appears
- [ ] Create gist dialog appears (after logging in)
- [ ] File name textbox populated with name of file that highlighted source code came from
- [ ] Private Gist checkbox unchecked
- [ ] Create button enabled
- [ ] Clearing file name textbox disables the Create button
- [ ] **Click create button**
- [ ] Dialog disappears
- [ ] Default browser navigates to newly created Gist
- [ ] Create private gist and verify it's private on .com browser navigates to newly created Gist
# Connections
- [ ] **Login to, then click on the "Manage Connections" header and "Connect to GitHub"**
- [ ] Login dialog appears
- [ ] GitHub Enterprise is underlined
- [ ] Form has 3 fields - username, password and address
- [ ] Login button is disabled
- [ ] **Login to an enterprise instance**
- [ ] Team Explorer Connect page shows two github connections - one titled GitHub, another with the enterprise url
- [ ] **Login with 2FA on**
- [ ] Login GitHub with 2FA turned on
- [ ] Resend works
# Settings
- [ ] **Property page loads outside of team explorer view**
- [ ] Select solution explorer as focused pane
- [ ] Restart Visual Studio
- [ ] Go to GitHub for VS property pane in Options
- [ ] Property page loads without errors