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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
This targets file allows you to regenerate T4-generated files using MsBuild.
Files can be regenerated either as part of a normal build, or by calling a specific
build target directly.
Using this targets file
- - - - - - - - - - - -
To use this targets file:
1) Import this targets file into your project by adding the appropriate <Import ...>
e.g. <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TextTemplating\Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets" />
This import statement must be included *after* the standard VB/C# targets
import, as it appends itself to the $(BuildDependsOn) property.
2) Set the properties to control how the build is carried out e.g.
: files should be transformation automatically as part of the build.
: only out-of-date files should be tranformed.
: whether read-only output files should be over-written or not.
: set the additional properties required to transform DSL text templates
(i.e. add PublicAssemblies to the reference search path,
specify the include folder location for the DSL .tt files, and
specify the settings for the DSL directive processor).
User-callable targets:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
This file also contains the following targets that you can call directly
(e.g. using msbuild /t:TransformAll) :
* Transform: transforms a single T4 template.
* TransformAll: transforms all T4 templates.
Specifying the output file
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By default, the generated file will have the same file name and location as if
it were created by the TextTransformationFileGenerator tool i.e. the generated
file will be in the same location and will have the same name but with a different
file extension.
However, you can specify in metadata the location and file name to use instead e.g.
<None Include="GeneratedCode\SerializationHelper.tt">
The output path can be absolute or relative. Either the output path or file name or
both can be supplied.
Transforming custom model files
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This target file contains the settings and properties to transform DSL definition model files.
To transform model files for your custom DSLs, you will need to add a <DirectiveProcessor>
item specifying the details of the generated directive processor. See the example for the
DslDirectiveProcessor below.
Source control integration
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There is no source control integration as such. If the task enounters a read-only output file,
it's behaviour is determined by the $(OverwriteReadOnlyOutputFiles) property. If the property is
true, the file is overwritten and the metadata is added to the GeneratedFiles task entry to
indicate this.
If the property is false, the file is not over-written, and an entry is added to
othe NonGeneratedFiles list.
By default, warnings will be logged for non-writable / over-written files, and the task
will fail if there are non-writable files.
You can customise this behaviour e.g. to check files out before or after transformation.
See the section "Customising the transformation process" below for more information.
What is an "out of date" file?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An out-of-date file is one where any of the input files used to generated the file were
modified more recently than the file itself. The input files are any "include" files that
were used (i.e. those imported into the template using the <#@ include ... #> directive
processor), and any files reference by custom directive processors. This includes any
directive processors generated for target DSLs by the DSL Tools.
In addition, a file that contains only invalid T4 output (i.e. the message "ErrorGeneratingOutput"
that is written to the file when transformation fails) is treated as being out of date.
The targets use the file tracking feature in MsBuild. This works by logging all of the file
read / writes that occur when generating an output file. If the tracking logs do not exist for
a project, the task will not be able to determine whether a file is out of date or not. In this case,
the file will be tranformed.
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Defaults -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Set default properties -->
<!-- Location of the assembly containing the tasks. -->
<!-- Currently, the assembly is in the same folder as this targets file, so the $(T4BuildTasksPath) does not need to be set. -->
<!-- Indicates whether T4 templates should be transformed automatically as part of the build. -->
<TransformOnBuild Condition=" $(TransformOnBuild)=='' ">false</TransformOnBuild>
<!-- Indicates whether only out of date templates should be transformed, or whether all
templates should be transformed. -->
<TransformOutOfDateOnly Condition=" $(TransformOutOfDateOnly)=='' ">true</TransformOutOfDateOnly>
<!-- Specifies how read-only output files will be handled. -->
<OverwriteReadOnlyOutputFiles Condition=" $(OverwriteReadOnlyOutputFiles)=='' ">false</OverwriteReadOnlyOutputFiles>
<!-- Whether to include the additional settings required to transform standard DSL projects -->
<IncludeDslT4Settings Condition=" $(IncludeDslT4Settings)=='' ">false</IncludeDslT4Settings>
<!-- Directory into which .tlog files will be written. -->
<TrackerLogDirectory Condition=" $(TrackerLogDirectory)=='' ">$(IntermediateOutputPath)</TrackerLogDirectory>
<TrackFileAccess Condition=" $(TrackFileAccess)=='' ">true</TrackFileAccess>
<!-- Set default metadata item for GeneratedFiles.
This enables conditions to refer to this metadata, even if it hasn't be set by the task. -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Dsl Tools properties -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Add settings so that ".dsl" files can be transformed -->
<PropertyGroup Condition=" $(IncludeDslT4Settings)=='true' ">
<!-- Path to VS\Common7\IDE -->
<!-- Check the 32bit location first ; if that is empty, use the 64bit location. -->
<VsIdePath Condition=" $(VsIdePath) == ''" >$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0@InstallDir)</VsIdePath>
<!-- Set the default location for the Dsl Designer install. -->
<DslDesignerInstallPath Condition=" $(DslDesignerInstallPath)=='' ">$(VsIdePath)Extensions\Microsoft\DSL SDK\Dsl Designer\$(VisualStudioVersion)\</DslDesignerInstallPath>
<!-- Add the standard DSL templates folder -->
<ItemGroup Condition=" $(IncludeDslT4Settings)=='true' ">
<!-- Add a ref to the DSL directive processor. -->
<DirectiveProcessor Include="DslDirectiveProcessor" >
<!-- Specify the default install location of the DslDesigner assembly -->
<CodeBase>$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0@InstallDir)Extensions\Microsoft\DSL SDK\DSL Designer\$(VisualStudioVersion)\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.DslDefinition.$(VisualStudioVersion).dll</CodeBase>
<!-- Add VS\...\PublicAssemblies to the list of places to look for assemblies used by templates. -->
<T4ReferencePath Include="$(VsIdePath)PublicAssemblies\" />
<!-- Set the default namespace to use for T4 Transformations.
The DSL Defintition directive processor asks the host for the project namespace,
so it needs to be specified here as a paramater value.
By default, the root project namespace will be returned. If you want to use
a different value, set the MSBuild property $(T4DslToolsNamespace).
<PropertyGroup Condition=" $(IncludeDslT4Settings)=='true' ">
<T4DslToolsNamespace Condition=" $(T4DslToolsNamespace) == '' ">$(RootNamespace)</T4DslToolsNamespace>
<ItemGroup Condition=" $(IncludeDslT4Settings)=='true' ">
<!-- Set the value to return as the project namespace -->
<T4ParameterValues Include="ProjectDefaultNamespace" >
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Task definitions -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Uses Assembly.LoadFrom -->
<UsingTask TaskName="TransformTemplates" AssemblyFile="$(T4BuildTasksAssemblyFile)" />
<UsingTask TaskName="PreprocessTemplates" AssemblyFile="$(T4BuildTasksAssemblyFile)" />
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- User-callable targets / customisation points -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Customising the transformation process:
The transformation process can be customised by specifying targets to execute before
and after the transformation. This is done by setting the properties $(BeforeTransform)
and $(AfterTransform).
The transformation task sets the output item lists
@(GeneratedFiles) and @(NonGeneratedFiles). These list contain respectively the
list of files that were generated by transformation, and the list of files that could
not be generated because a read-only version of the output file already existed.
The default post-processing target "ProcessTransformResults" shows how these lists can be manipulated.
<!-- List of targets that should be run before the transforming.
By default, no pre-processing is carried out.
The next line is effectively a no-op: it is only here as placeholder to document this
customisation point. -->
<BeforeTransform Condition=" $(BeforeTransform) == '' "></BeforeTransform>
<!-- List of targets that should be run after transforming.
By default, a target is called that will issue warnings for all read-only files that
were overwritten, and for all files that were not overwritten.
You can override this behaviour by providing a custom target to handle post-processing
e.g. in a source code control scenario, you could check out files that have been overwritten.
<AfterTransform Condition=" $(AfterTransform) == '' ">ProcessTransformResults</AfterTransform>
Description: Transforms the specified T4 templates.
The $(TransformFile) property is used to specify the file or files
to transform. It can contain wildcards.
(1) transform file "foo.tt"
msbuild myproj.proj /t:Transform /p:TransformFile=foo.tt
(2) transform all .tt files start with "domain" under the folder "GeneratedCode", recursively
msbuild dsl.csproj /t:Transform /p:TransformFile="GeneratedCode\**\domain*.tt"
The actual work of the transformations is carried out by ExecuteTransformations. This target
calls @(CreateCandidateT4ItemList) then @(SelectItemsForTransform) to detemine which files should
be transformed/pre-processed.
<Target Name="Transform" DependsOnTargets="CreateCandidateT4ItemList;SelectItemsForTransform;$(BeforeTransform);ExecuteTransformations;$(AfterTransform)">
Description: Selects the items that will be passed as inputs to
the CreateT4ItemLists target.
The TransformFile property is used to select the file or files
to transform. It can contain wildcards.
<Target Name="SelectItemsForTransform" >
<Error Condition="$(TransformFile)==''" Text="Specify the file to be transformed in the property 'TransformFile'" />
<!-- Convert the property into an item. This is done so that any
wildcards in the property are expanded.-->
<ExpandedTransformFile Include="$(TransformFile)" />
<!-- However, the TransformFileItem task items are newly-created, and they may or may not
refer to files that are in the project. Also, the newly-created items will not have any
custom metadata. We want to (1) limit this to files that are in the project and (2) get
the corresponding task items from the project (since they may have custom metadata).
<FilterCandidatesBasedOnItemSpec CandidateItemList="@(CandidateT4ItemList)" ItemSpecList="@(ExpandedTransformFile)" >
<Output ItemName="CreateT4ItemListsInputs" TaskParameter="Result" />
Description: Transforms all T4 templates in the project
The actual work of the transformations is carried out by ExecuteTransformations. This target
calls @(CreateCandidateT4ItemList) then @(SelectItemsForTransformAll) to detemine which files should
be transformed/pre-processed.
<Target Name="TransformAll" DependsOnTargets="CreateCandidateT4ItemList;SelectItemsForTransformAll;$(BeforeTransform);ExecuteTransformations;$(AfterTransform)">
Description: Selects the items that will be passed as inputs to
the CreateT4ItemLists target. This target selects all of the
items in the groups commonly generated with T4.
<Target Name="SelectItemsForTransformAll" >
<!-- Create a list of all files (we need this to work out which file are generated and which
files they depend on. -->
<CreateItem Condition="@(CreateT4ItemListsInputs)==''" Include="@(CandidateT4ItemList)">
<Output ItemName="CreateT4ItemListsInputs" TaskParameter="Include"/>
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Internal target(s) -->
<!-- ################################################################################
These targets would not normally be called directly from outside this file.
Description: creates an item list @(CandidateT4ItemList) that contains
all of the items that should be considered when deciding which ones
should be processed by T4.
<Target Name="CreateCandidateT4ItemList" >
<Message Importance="low" Text="Creating a list of candidate items that might need to be processed by T4 items" />
<!-- Create a list of all files if only hasn't been created already (we need this to
work out which file are generated and which files they depend on. -->
<CreateItem Condition="@(CandidateT4ItemList)==''" Include="@(Compile);@(None);@(Content);@(EmbeddedResource)">
<Output ItemName="CandidateT4ItemList" TaskParameter="Include"/>
Description: filters the items in @(CreateT4ItemListsInputs) to select those that
have a T4 custom tool as the custom tool for the item. The matching items will
be placed in either the $(T4TransformInputs) or $(T4PreprocessInputs) item groups,
depending on the custom tool that is specified.
The @(T4TransformInputs) group will contain the items that are use the T4 transform
custom tool, together with any items that in in the @(T4Transform) group.
Similarly, the @(T4TransformInputs) group will contain the items that are use the T4
preprocess custom tool, together with any items that in in the @(T4Preprocess) group.
The item groups, @(T4TranformInputs) and @(T4PreprocessInputs) will be passed to
the transform and preprocess targets, respectively.
<Target Name="CreateT4ItemLists" >
<Message Importance="low" Text="Creating T4 items lists for project $(ProjectName) ($(ProjectPath))..." />
<!-- Specify the names of the T4 custom tools if they haven't already been set elsewhere. -->
<T4TransformCustomToolName Condition=" $(T4TransformCustomToolName)=='' ">TextTemplatingFileGenerator</T4TransformCustomToolName>
<T4PreprocessCustomToolName Condition=" $(T4PreprocessCustomToolName)=='' ">TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor</T4PreprocessCustomToolName>
<!-- Work out which of the files in the @(CreateT4ItemListsInputs) group are T4 files. -->
<!-- Add any files that have the T4 transformation custom tool-->
<T4TransformInputs Include="@(CreateT4ItemListsInputs)" Condition=" %(CreateT4ItemListsInputs.Generator) == $(T4TransformCustomToolName) " />
<!-- Add any files that are in the gruop T4Transform -->
<T4TransformInputs Include="@(T4Transform)" />
<!-- Now repeat for the pre-processed files -->
<T4PreprocessInputs Include="@(CreateT4ItemListsInputs)" Condition=" %(CreateT4ItemListsInputs.Generator) == $(T4PreprocessCustomToolName) " />
<T4PreprocessInputs Include="@(T4Preprocess)" />
Description: Transforms the T4 templates in the item groups T4TransformInputs and
T4PreProcessInputs. The item groups are created by the target "CreateT4ItemLists".
Includes both transformation and preprocess templates.
<Target Name="ExecuteTransformations" DependsOnTargets="CreateT4ItemLists">
<!-- List of output files that were generated by the task.
If a read-only version of the file was overwritten by the task, the
task item for that file will have the following metadata entry:
<Output ItemName="GeneratedFiles" TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles"/>
<!-- List of output files that could not be generated because the file file
already exists and is read-only. -->
<Output ItemName="NonGeneratedFiles" TaskParameter="NonGeneratedFiles"/>
<!-- Unless another namespace has been specified, use the project namespace as the
default namespace from pre-processed files. -->
<PreprocessTemplateDefaultNamespace Condition=" $(PreprocessTemplateDefaultNamespace)=='' ">$(RootNamespace)</PreprocessTemplateDefaultNamespace>
<!-- List of output files that were generated by the task.
If a read-only version of the file was overwritten by the task, the
task item for that file will have the following metadata entry:
<Output ItemName="GeneratedFiles" TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles"/>
<!-- List of output files that could not be generated because the file file
already exists and is read-only. -->
<Output ItemName="NonGeneratedFiles" TaskParameter="NonGeneratedFiles"/>
<!-- List of assemblies that are required to run the processed code. -->
<Output ItemName="T4RequiredAssemblies" TaskParameter="RequiredAssemblies"/>
Returns the items from the CandidateItemList for which there is
an item with the same itemspec in the ItemSpecList.
<UsingTask TaskName="FilterCandidatesBasedOnItemSpec" TaskFactory="CodeTaskFactory" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll" >
<CandidateItemList ParameterType="Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]" Required="true" />
<ItemSpecList ParameterType="Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]" Required="true" />
<Result ParameterType="Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]" Output="true" />
<Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs">
var matches = from candidate in CandidateItemList
join spec in ItemSpecList
on candidate.ItemSpec.ToUpperInvariant() equals spec.ItemSpec.ToUpperInvariant()
select candidate;
Result = matches.ToArray();]]>
Description: processes the results of a transformation to log
warnings for any read-only output files that were *not* overwritten, and
for any read-only files that *were* overwritten. In addition, if there
were any read-only files that were not overwritten, the target will log
an error, causing the build to fail.
<Target Name="ProcessTransformResults">
<Warning Condition=" %(GeneratedFiles.ReadOnlyFileOverwritten) == true "
Text="Over-writing read-only output file: %(GeneratedFiles.Identity)" />
<Warning Condition=" %(NonGeneratedFiles.Identity) != '' "
Text="Output file is read-only: %(NonGeneratedFiles.Identity)"/>
<Error Condition=" @(NonGeneratedFiles) != '' "
Text="One or more output files were read-only" />
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Integration into the normal build process -->
<!-- ################################################################################ -->
<!-- Insert the transform task into the normal project build sequence -->
Description: if TransformOnBuild is true, this target will be executed as part of the normal
build process, and will transform all of the templates in the project.
<Target Name="TransformDuringBuild" Condition=" $(TransformOnBuild)==true">
<CallTarget Targets="TransformAll"/>