# accessibilityjs Client side accessibility error scanner. ## Install ``` npm install accessibilityjs --save ``` ## Usage ```javascript import {scanForProblems} from 'accessibilityjs' function logError(error) { error.element.classList.add('accessibility-error') error.element.addEventListener('click', function () { alert(`${error.name}\n\n${error.message}`) }, {once: true}) } document.addEventListener('ready', function() { scanForProblems(document, logError) }) ``` List of errors: - `ImageWithoutAltAttributeError` - `ElementWithoutLabelError` - `LinkWithoutLabelOrRoleError` - `LabelMissingControlError` - `InputMissingLabelError` - `ButtonWithoutLabelError` - `ARIAAttributeMissingError` ## Scenario In GitHub we use this script to scan for inaccessible elements in development and production staff mode. We style the elements with red borders in the `logError` function passed in, and add a click handler explaining the reasons. ![Red borders are added to offending elements example](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153134/31491689-bb8d8068-af0d-11e7-862b-01b059e13ba1.png) ![An alert pops up on clicking the elements](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153134/31491972-c8547512-af0e-11e7-9d0d-db116eb7cf58.png) ## Browser support - Chrome - Firefox - Safari 6+ - Internet Explorer 9+ - Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer and Edge require a polyfill for [`closest`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill). ## Development - `npm install` - `npm test` - `npm run example`