#!/bin/bash ######################################################### # Script Name: jenkSlaveInstall.sh # Author: Dennis Angeline - Full Scale 180 Inc # Version: 0.1 # Last Modified By: Dennis Angeline # Description: # This script install Jenkins slave on an Ubuntu VM image # Parameters : # MASTERNODE: The ip address of the master node # SLAVENODE: The name of this slave node # Note : # This script has only been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and must be root ####################################################### MASTERNODE=$1 SLAVENODE=$2 # Install Java echo "Installing openjdk-7" apt-get -y update apt-get -y install openjdk-7-jdk # Download slave.jar from master echo "Downloading slave.jar from $MASTERNODE" wget http://$MASTERNODE:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar -O ~/slave.jar chmod 777 ~/slave.jar # Launch slave agent echo "Executing slave.jar with http://$MASTERNODE:8080/computer/$SLAVENODE/slave-agent.jnlp" nohup java -jar ~/slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://$MASTERNODE:8080/computer/$SLAVENODE/slave-agent.jnlp &