> Check the `.node-version` file in the root of this repo so see what version of Node.js is required for local development - note, this can be different from the version of Node.js which runs the Action on GitHub runners. It is suggested to download [nodenv](https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv) which uses this file and manages your Node.js versions for you
5. Notify the maintainers of this repository for peer review and approval
6. Merge!
The maintainers of this repository will create a new release with your changes so that everyone can use the new release and enjoy the awesome features of branch deployments
> The branch-deploy Action is used by enterprises, governments, and open source organizations - it is critical that we have 100% test coverage to ensure that we are not introducing any regressions. All changes will be throughly tested by maintainers of this repository before a new release is created.
A: The `on: issue_comment` workflow only uses workflow files from the `main` branch by design - [learn more](https://github.com/github/branch-deploy#security-)
A: You should create a repo like [this one](https://github.com/GrantBirki/actions-sandbox) that uses `github/branch-deploy@main` as the Action version and test your changes there