"use strict"; var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getUploadValue = exports.printDebugLogs = exports.isAnalyzingDefaultBranch = exports.getRelativeScriptPath = exports.isRunningLocalAction = exports.workflowEventName = exports.sendStatusReport = exports.createStatusReportBase = exports.getActionVersion = exports.getActionsStatus = exports.getRef = exports.computeAutomationID = exports.getAutomationID = exports.getAnalysisKey = exports.determineMergeBaseCommitOid = exports.getCommitOid = exports.getTemporaryDirectory = exports.getOptionalInput = exports.getRequiredInput = void 0; const fs = __importStar(require("fs")); const os = __importStar(require("os")); const path = __importStar(require("path")); const core = __importStar(require("@actions/core")); const toolrunner = __importStar(require("@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner")); const safeWhich = __importStar(require("@chrisgavin/safe-which")); const api = __importStar(require("./api-client")); const sharedEnv = __importStar(require("./shared-environment")); const util_1 = require("./util"); const workflow_1 = require("./workflow"); // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-commonjs const pkg = require("../package.json"); /** * Wrapper around core.getInput for inputs that always have a value. * Also see getOptionalInput. * * This allows us to get stronger type checking of required/optional inputs. */ function getRequiredInput(name) { return core.getInput(name, { required: true }); } exports.getRequiredInput = getRequiredInput; /** * Wrapper around core.getInput that converts empty inputs to undefined. * Also see getRequiredInput. * * This allows us to get stronger type checking of required/optional inputs. */ const getOptionalInput = function (name) { const value = core.getInput(name); return value.length > 0 ? value : undefined; }; exports.getOptionalInput = getOptionalInput; function getTemporaryDirectory() { const value = process.env["CODEQL_ACTION_TEMP"]; return value !== undefined && value !== "" ? value : (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_TEMP"); } exports.getTemporaryDirectory = getTemporaryDirectory; /** * Gets the SHA of the commit that is currently checked out. */ const getCommitOid = async function (checkoutPath, ref = "HEAD") { // Try to use git to get the current commit SHA. If that fails then // log but otherwise silently fall back to using the SHA from the environment. // The only time these two values will differ is during analysis of a PR when // the workflow has changed the current commit to the head commit instead of // the merge commit, which must mean that git is available. // Even if this does go wrong, it's not a huge problem for the alerts to // reported on the merge commit. try { let commitOid = ""; await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(await safeWhich.safeWhich("git"), ["rev-parse", ref], { silent: true, listeners: { stdout: (data) => { commitOid += data.toString(); }, stderr: (data) => { process.stderr.write(data); }, }, cwd: checkoutPath, }).exec(); return commitOid.trim(); } catch (e) { core.info("Could not determine current commit SHA using git. Continuing with data from user input or environment."); core.debug(`Reason: ${e.message}`); core.debug(e.stack || "NO STACK"); return (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha") || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA"); } }; exports.getCommitOid = getCommitOid; /** * If the action was triggered by a pull request, determine the commit sha of the merge base. * Returns undefined if run by other triggers or the merge base cannot be determined. */ const determineMergeBaseCommitOid = async function () { if (workflowEventName() !== "pull_request") { return undefined; } const mergeSha = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA"); const checkoutPath = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("checkout_path"); try { let commitOid = ""; let baseOid = ""; let headOid = ""; await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(await safeWhich.safeWhich("git"), ["show", "-s", "--format=raw", mergeSha], { silent: true, listeners: { stdline: (data) => { if (data.startsWith("commit ") && commitOid === "") { commitOid = data.substring(7); } else if (data.startsWith("parent ")) { if (baseOid === "") { baseOid = data.substring(7); } else if (headOid === "") { headOid = data.substring(7); } } }, stderr: (data) => { process.stderr.write(data); }, }, cwd: checkoutPath, }).exec(); // Let's confirm our assumptions: We had a merge commit and the parsed parent data looks correct if (commitOid === mergeSha && headOid.length === 40 && baseOid.length === 40) { return baseOid; } return undefined; } catch (e) { core.info(`Failed to call git to determine merge base. Continuing with data from environment: ${e}`); core.info(e.stack || "NO STACK"); return undefined; } }; exports.determineMergeBaseCommitOid = determineMergeBaseCommitOid; /** * Get the analysis key parameter for the current job. * * This will combine the workflow path and current job name. * Computing this the first time requires making requests to * the github API, but after that the result will be cached. */ async function getAnalysisKey() { const analysisKeyEnvVar = "CODEQL_ACTION_ANALYSIS_KEY"; let analysisKey = process.env[analysisKeyEnvVar]; if (analysisKey !== undefined) { return analysisKey; } const workflowPath = await (0, workflow_1.getWorkflowRelativePath)(); const jobName = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_JOB"); analysisKey = `${workflowPath}:${jobName}`; core.exportVariable(analysisKeyEnvVar, analysisKey); return analysisKey; } exports.getAnalysisKey = getAnalysisKey; async function getAutomationID() { const analysis_key = await getAnalysisKey(); const environment = getRequiredInput("matrix"); return computeAutomationID(analysis_key, environment); } exports.getAutomationID = getAutomationID; function computeAutomationID(analysis_key, environment) { let automationID = `${analysis_key}/`; const matrix = (0, util_1.parseMatrixInput)(environment); if (matrix !== undefined) { // the id has to be deterministic so we sort the fields for (const entry of Object.entries(matrix).sort()) { if (typeof entry[1] === "string") { automationID += `${entry[0]}:${entry[1]}/`; } else { // In code scanning we just handle the string values, // the rest get converted to the empty string automationID += `${entry[0]}:/`; } } } return automationID; } exports.computeAutomationID = computeAutomationID; /** * Get the ref currently being analyzed. */ async function getRef() { // Will be in the form "refs/heads/master" on a push event // or in the form "refs/pull/N/merge" on a pull_request event const refInput = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("ref"); const shaInput = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha"); const checkoutPath = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("checkout_path") || (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("source-root") || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_WORKSPACE"); const hasRefInput = !!refInput; const hasShaInput = !!shaInput; // If one of 'ref' or 'sha' are provided, both are required if ((hasRefInput || hasShaInput) && !(hasRefInput && hasShaInput)) { throw new Error("Both 'ref' and 'sha' are required if one of them is provided."); } const ref = refInput || getRefFromEnv(); const sha = shaInput || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA"); // If the ref is a user-provided input, we have to skip logic // and assume that it is really where they want to upload the results. if (refInput) { return refInput; } // For pull request refs we want to detect whether the workflow // has run `git checkout HEAD^2` to analyze the 'head' ref rather // than the 'merge' ref. If so, we want to convert the ref that // we report back. const pull_ref_regex = /refs\/pull\/(\d+)\/merge/; if (!pull_ref_regex.test(ref)) { return ref; } const head = await (0, exports.getCommitOid)(checkoutPath, "HEAD"); // in actions/checkout@v2+ we can check if git rev-parse HEAD == GITHUB_SHA // in actions/checkout@v1 this may not be true as it checks out the repository // using GITHUB_REF. There is a subtle race condition where // git rev-parse GITHUB_REF != GITHUB_SHA, so we must check // git rev-parse GITHUB_REF == git rev-parse HEAD instead. const hasChangedRef = sha !== head && (await (0, exports.getCommitOid)(checkoutPath, ref.replace(/^refs\/pull\//, "refs/remotes/pull/"))) !== head; if (hasChangedRef) { const newRef = ref.replace(pull_ref_regex, "refs/pull/$1/head"); core.debug(`No longer on merge commit, rewriting ref from ${ref} to ${newRef}.`); return newRef; } else { return ref; } } exports.getRef = getRef; function getRefFromEnv() { // To workaround a limitation of Actions dynamic workflows not setting // the GITHUB_REF in some cases, we accept also the ref within the // CODE_SCANNING_REF variable. When possible, however, we prefer to use // the GITHUB_REF as that is a protected variable and cannot be overwritten. let refEnv; try { refEnv = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REF"); } catch (e) { // If the GITHUB_REF is not set, we try to rescue by getting the // CODE_SCANNING_REF. const maybeRef = process.env["CODE_SCANNING_REF"]; if (maybeRef === undefined || maybeRef.length === 0) { throw e; } refEnv = maybeRef; } return refEnv; } function getActionsStatus(error, otherFailureCause) { if (error || otherFailureCause) { return error instanceof util_1.UserError ? "user-error" : "failure"; } else { return "success"; } } exports.getActionsStatus = getActionsStatus; function getActionVersion() { return pkg.version; } exports.getActionVersion = getActionVersion; /** * Compose a StatusReport. * * @param actionName The name of the action, e.g. 'init', 'finish', 'upload-sarif' * @param status The status. Must be 'success', 'failure', or 'starting' * @param startedAt The time this action started executing. * @param cause Cause of failure (only supply if status is 'failure') * @param exception Exception (only supply if status is 'failure') */ async function createStatusReportBase(actionName, status, actionStartedAt, cause, exception) { const commitOid = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha") || process.env["GITHUB_SHA"] || ""; const ref = await getRef(); const workflowRunID = (0, workflow_1.getWorkflowRunID)(); const workflowRunAttempt = (0, workflow_1.getWorkflowRunAttempt)(); const workflowName = process.env["GITHUB_WORKFLOW"] || ""; const jobName = process.env["GITHUB_JOB"] || ""; const analysis_key = await getAnalysisKey(); let workflowStartedAt = process.env[sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT]; if (workflowStartedAt === undefined) { workflowStartedAt = actionStartedAt.toISOString(); core.exportVariable(sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT, workflowStartedAt); } const runnerOs = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_OS"); const codeQlCliVersion = (0, util_1.getCachedCodeQlVersion)(); const actionRef = process.env["GITHUB_ACTION_REF"]; const testingEnvironment = process.env[sharedEnv.CODEQL_ACTION_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT] || ""; // re-export the testing environment variable so that it is available to subsequent steps, // even if it was only set for this step if (testingEnvironment !== "") { core.exportVariable(sharedEnv.CODEQL_ACTION_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT, testingEnvironment); } const statusReport = { workflow_run_id: workflowRunID, workflow_run_attempt: workflowRunAttempt, workflow_name: workflowName, job_name: jobName, analysis_key, commit_oid: commitOid, ref, action_name: actionName, action_ref: actionRef, action_oid: "unknown", started_at: workflowStartedAt, action_started_at: actionStartedAt.toISOString(), status, testing_environment: testingEnvironment, runner_os: runnerOs, action_version: getActionVersion(), }; // Add optional parameters if (cause) { statusReport.cause = cause; } if (exception) { statusReport.exception = exception; } if (status === "success" || status === "failure" || status === "aborted" || status === "user-error") { statusReport.completed_at = new Date().toISOString(); } const matrix = getRequiredInput("matrix"); if (matrix) { statusReport.matrix_vars = matrix; } if ("RUNNER_ARCH" in process.env) { // RUNNER_ARCH is available only in GHES 3.4 and later // Values other than X86, X64, ARM, or ARM64 are discarded server side statusReport.runner_arch = process.env["RUNNER_ARCH"]; } if (runnerOs === "Windows" || runnerOs === "macOS") { statusReport.runner_os_release = os.release(); } if (codeQlCliVersion !== undefined) { statusReport.codeql_version = codeQlCliVersion; } return statusReport; } exports.createStatusReportBase = createStatusReportBase; const GENERIC_403_MSG = "The repo on which this action is running is not opted-in to CodeQL code scanning."; const GENERIC_404_MSG = "Not authorized to use the CodeQL code scanning feature on this repo."; const OUT_OF_DATE_MSG = "CodeQL Action is out-of-date. Please upgrade to the latest version of codeql-action."; const INCOMPATIBLE_MSG = "CodeQL Action version is incompatible with the code scanning endpoint. Please update to a compatible version of codeql-action."; /** * Send a status report to the code_scanning/analysis/status endpoint. * * Optionally checks the response from the API endpoint and sets the action * as failed if the status report failed. This is only expected to be used * when sending a 'starting' report. * * Returns whether sending the status report was successful of not. */ async function sendStatusReport(statusReport) { const statusReportJSON = JSON.stringify(statusReport); core.debug(`Sending status report: ${statusReportJSON}`); // If in test mode we don't want to upload the results if ((0, util_1.isInTestMode)()) { core.debug("In test mode. Status reports are not uploaded."); return true; } const nwo = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REPOSITORY"); const [owner, repo] = nwo.split("/"); const client = api.getApiClient(); try { await client.request("PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/analysis/status", { owner, repo, data: statusReportJSON, }); return true; } catch (e) { console.log(e); if ((0, util_1.isHTTPError)(e)) { switch (e.status) { case 403: if (workflowIsTriggeredByPushEvent() && isDependabotActor()) { core.setFailed('Workflows triggered by Dependabot on the "push" event run with read-only access. ' + "Uploading Code Scanning results requires write access. " + 'To use Code Scanning with Dependabot, please ensure you are using the "pull_request" event for this workflow and avoid triggering on the "push" event for Dependabot branches. ' + "See https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/configuring-code-scanning#scanning-on-push for more information on how to configure these events."); } else { core.setFailed(e.message || GENERIC_403_MSG); } return false; case 404: core.setFailed(GENERIC_404_MSG); return false; case 422: // schema incompatibility when reporting status // this means that this action version is no longer compatible with the API // we still want to continue as it is likely the analysis endpoint will work if ((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SERVER_URL") !== util_1.GITHUB_DOTCOM_URL) { core.debug(INCOMPATIBLE_MSG); } else { core.debug(OUT_OF_DATE_MSG); } return true; } } // something else has gone wrong and the request/response will be logged by octokit // it's possible this is a transient error and we should continue scanning core.error("An unexpected error occurred when sending code scanning status report."); return true; } } exports.sendStatusReport = sendStatusReport; function workflowEventName() { // If the original event is dynamic CODESCANNING_EVENT_NAME will contain the right info (push/pull_request) if (process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"] === "dynamic") { const value = process.env["CODESCANNING_EVENT_NAME"]; if (value === undefined || value.length === 0) { return process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"]; } return value; } return process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"]; } exports.workflowEventName = workflowEventName; // Was the workflow run triggered by a `push` event, for example as opposed to a `pull_request` event. function workflowIsTriggeredByPushEvent() { return workflowEventName() === "push"; } // Is dependabot the actor that triggered the current workflow run. function isDependabotActor() { return process.env["GITHUB_ACTOR"] === "dependabot[bot]"; } // Is the current action executing a local copy (i.e. we're running a workflow on the codeql-action repo itself) // as opposed to running a remote action (i.e. when another repo references us) function isRunningLocalAction() { const relativeScriptPath = getRelativeScriptPath(); return (relativeScriptPath.startsWith("..") || path.isAbsolute(relativeScriptPath)); } exports.isRunningLocalAction = isRunningLocalAction; // Get the location where the action is running from. // This can be used to get the actions name or tell if we're running a local action. function getRelativeScriptPath() { const runnerTemp = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_TEMP"); const actionsDirectory = path.join(path.dirname(runnerTemp), "_actions"); return path.relative(actionsDirectory, __filename); } exports.getRelativeScriptPath = getRelativeScriptPath; // Reads the contents of GITHUB_EVENT_PATH as a JSON object function getWorkflowEvent() { const eventJsonFile = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"); try { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(eventJsonFile, "utf-8")); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unable to read workflow event JSON from ${eventJsonFile}: ${e}`); } } function removeRefsHeadsPrefix(ref) { return ref.startsWith("refs/heads/") ? ref.slice("refs/heads/".length) : ref; } // Returns whether we are analyzing the default branch for the repository. // For cases where the repository information might not be available (e.g., // dynamic workflows), this can be forced by the environment variable // CODE_SCANNING_IS_ANALYZING_DEFAULT_BRANCH. async function isAnalyzingDefaultBranch() { if (process.env.CODE_SCANNING_IS_ANALYZING_DEFAULT_BRANCH === "true") { return true; } // Get the current ref and trim and refs/heads/ prefix let currentRef = await getRef(); currentRef = removeRefsHeadsPrefix(currentRef); const event = getWorkflowEvent(); let defaultBranch = event?.repository?.default_branch; if (process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME === "schedule") { defaultBranch = removeRefsHeadsPrefix((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REF")); } return currentRef === defaultBranch; } exports.isAnalyzingDefaultBranch = isAnalyzingDefaultBranch; async function printDebugLogs(config) { for (const language of config.languages) { const databaseDirectory = (0, util_1.getCodeQLDatabasePath)(config, language); const logsDirectory = path.join(databaseDirectory, "log"); if (!(0, util_1.doesDirectoryExist)(logsDirectory)) { core.info(`Directory ${logsDirectory} does not exist.`); continue; // Skip this language database. } const walkLogFiles = (dir) => { const entries = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); if (entries.length === 0) { core.info(`No debug logs found at directory ${logsDirectory}.`); } for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isFile()) { const absolutePath = path.resolve(dir, entry.name); core.startGroup(`CodeQL Debug Logs - ${language} - ${entry.name} from file at path ${absolutePath}`); process.stdout.write(fs.readFileSync(absolutePath)); core.endGroup(); } else if (entry.isDirectory()) { walkLogFiles(path.resolve(dir, entry.name)); } } }; walkLogFiles(logsDirectory); } } exports.printDebugLogs = printDebugLogs; // Parses the `upload` input into an `UploadKind`, converting unspecified and deprecated upload inputs appropriately. function getUploadValue(input) { switch (input) { case undefined: case "true": case "always": return "always"; case "false": case "failure-only": return "failure-only"; case "never": return "never"; default: core.warning(`Unrecognized 'upload' input to 'analyze' Action: ${input}. Defaulting to 'always'.`); return "always"; } } exports.getUploadValue = getUploadValue; //# sourceMappingURL=actions-util.js.map