"use strict"; var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; result["default"] = mod; return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const core = __importStar(require("@actions/core")); const exec = __importStar(require("@actions/exec")); const fs = __importStar(require("fs")); const os = __importStar(require("os")); const path = __importStar(require("path")); const api = __importStar(require("./api-client")); const sharedEnv = __importStar(require("./shared-environment")); /** * The API URL for github.com. */ exports.GITHUB_DOTCOM_API_URL = "https://api.github.com"; /** * Get the API URL for the GitHub instance we are connected to. * May be for github.com or for an enterprise instance. */ function getInstanceAPIURL() { return process.env["GITHUB_API_URL"] || exports.GITHUB_DOTCOM_API_URL; } exports.getInstanceAPIURL = getInstanceAPIURL; /** * Are we running against a GitHub Enterpise instance, as opposed to github.com. */ function isEnterprise() { return getInstanceAPIURL() !== exports.GITHUB_DOTCOM_API_URL; } exports.isEnterprise = isEnterprise; /** * Get an environment parameter, but throw an error if it is not set. */ function getRequiredEnvParam(paramName) { const value = process.env[paramName]; if (value === undefined || value.length === 0) { throw new Error(paramName + ' environment variable must be set'); } core.debug(paramName + '=' + value); return value; } exports.getRequiredEnvParam = getRequiredEnvParam; /** * Get the extra options for the codeql commands. */ function getExtraOptionsEnvParam() { const varName = 'CODEQL_ACTION_EXTRA_OPTIONS'; const raw = process.env[varName]; if (raw === undefined || raw.length === 0) { return {}; } try { return JSON.parse(raw); } catch (e) { throw new Error(varName + ' environment variable is set, but does not contain valid JSON: ' + e.message); } } exports.getExtraOptionsEnvParam = getExtraOptionsEnvParam; function isLocalRun() { return !!process.env.CODEQL_LOCAL_RUN && process.env.CODEQL_LOCAL_RUN !== 'false' && process.env.CODEQL_LOCAL_RUN !== '0'; } exports.isLocalRun = isLocalRun; /** * Ensures all required environment variables are set in the context of a local run. */ function prepareLocalRunEnvironment() { if (!isLocalRun()) { return; } core.debug('Action is running locally.'); if (!process.env.GITHUB_JOB) { core.exportVariable('GITHUB_JOB', 'UNKNOWN-JOB'); } } exports.prepareLocalRunEnvironment = prepareLocalRunEnvironment; /** * Gets the SHA of the commit that is currently checked out. */ async function getCommitOid() { // Try to use git to get the current commit SHA. If that fails then // log but otherwise silently fall back to using the SHA from the environment. // The only time these two values will differ is during analysis of a PR when // the workflow has changed the current commit to the head commit instead of // the merge commit, which must mean that git is available. // Even if this does go wrong, it's not a huge problem for the alerts to // reported on the merge commit. try { let commitOid = ''; await exec.exec('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], { silent: true, listeners: { stdout: (data) => { commitOid += data.toString(); }, stderr: (data) => { process.stderr.write(data); } } }); return commitOid.trim(); } catch (e) { core.info("Failed to call git to get current commit. Continuing with data from environment: " + e); return getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_SHA'); } } exports.getCommitOid = getCommitOid; /** * Get the path of the currently executing workflow. */ async function getWorkflowPath() { const repo_nwo = getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_REPOSITORY').split("/"); const owner = repo_nwo[0]; const repo = repo_nwo[1]; const run_id = Number(getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_RUN_ID')); const apiClient = api.getActionsApiClient(); const runsResponse = await apiClient.request('GET /repos/:owner/:repo/actions/runs/:run_id', { owner, repo, run_id }); const workflowUrl = runsResponse.data.workflow_url; const workflowResponse = await apiClient.request('GET ' + workflowUrl); return workflowResponse.data.path; } /** * Get the workflow run ID. */ function getWorkflowRunID() { const workflowRunID = parseInt(getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_RUN_ID'), 10); if (Number.isNaN(workflowRunID)) { throw new Error('GITHUB_RUN_ID must define a non NaN workflow run ID'); } return workflowRunID; } exports.getWorkflowRunID = getWorkflowRunID; /** * Get the analysis key paramter for the current job. * * This will combine the workflow path and current job name. * Computing this the first time requires making requests to * the github API, but after that the result will be cached. */ async function getAnalysisKey() { const analysisKeyEnvVar = 'CODEQL_ACTION_ANALYSIS_KEY'; let analysisKey = process.env[analysisKeyEnvVar]; if (analysisKey !== undefined) { return analysisKey; } const workflowPath = await getWorkflowPath(); const jobName = getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_JOB'); analysisKey = workflowPath + ':' + jobName; core.exportVariable(analysisKeyEnvVar, analysisKey); return analysisKey; } exports.getAnalysisKey = getAnalysisKey; /** * Get the ref currently being analyzed. */ function getRef() { // Will be in the form "refs/heads/master" on a push event // or in the form "refs/pull/N/merge" on a pull_request event const ref = getRequiredEnvParam('GITHUB_REF'); // For pull request refs we want to convert from the 'merge' ref // to the 'head' ref, as that is what we want to analyse. // There should have been some code earlier in the workflow to do // the checkout, but we have no way of verifying that here. const pull_ref_regex = /refs\/pull\/(\d+)\/merge/; if (pull_ref_regex.test(ref)) { return ref.replace(pull_ref_regex, 'refs/pull/$1/head'); } else { return ref; } } exports.getRef = getRef; /** * Compose a StatusReport. * * @param actionName The name of the action, e.g. 'init', 'finish', 'upload-sarif' * @param status The status. Must be 'success', 'failure', or 'starting' * @param startedAt The time this action started executing. * @param cause Cause of failure (only supply if status is 'failure') * @param exception Exception (only supply if status is 'failure') */ async function createStatusReportBase(actionName, status, actionStartedAt, cause, exception) { const commitOid = process.env['GITHUB_SHA'] || ''; const ref = getRef(); const workflowRunIDStr = process.env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']; let workflowRunID = -1; if (workflowRunIDStr) { workflowRunID = parseInt(workflowRunIDStr, 10); } const workflowName = process.env['GITHUB_WORKFLOW'] || ''; const jobName = process.env['GITHUB_JOB'] || ''; const analysis_key = await getAnalysisKey(); let workflowStartedAt = process.env[sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT]; if (workflowStartedAt === undefined) { workflowStartedAt = actionStartedAt.toISOString(); core.exportVariable(sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT, workflowStartedAt); } let statusReport = { workflow_run_id: workflowRunID, workflow_name: workflowName, job_name: jobName, analysis_key: analysis_key, commit_oid: commitOid, ref: ref, action_name: actionName, action_oid: "unknown", started_at: workflowStartedAt, action_started_at: actionStartedAt.toISOString(), status: status }; // Add optional parameters if (cause) { statusReport.cause = cause; } if (exception) { statusReport.exception = exception; } if (status === 'success' || status === 'failure' || status === 'aborted') { statusReport.completed_at = new Date().toISOString(); } let matrix = core.getInput('matrix'); if (matrix) { statusReport.matrix_vars = matrix; } return statusReport; } exports.createStatusReportBase = createStatusReportBase; /** * Send a status report to the code_scanning/analysis/status endpoint. * * Optionally checks the response from the API endpoint and sets the action * as failed if the status report failed. This is only expected to be used * when sending a 'starting' report. * * Returns whether sending the status report was successful of not. */ async function sendStatusReport(statusReport, ignoreFailures) { if (isEnterprise()) { core.debug("Not sending status report to GitHub Enterprise"); return true; } if (isLocalRun()) { core.debug("Not sending status report because this is a local run"); return true; } const statusReportJSON = JSON.stringify(statusReport); core.debug('Sending status report: ' + statusReportJSON); const nwo = getRequiredEnvParam("GITHUB_REPOSITORY"); const [owner, repo] = nwo.split("/"); const client = api.getActionsApiClient(); const statusResponse = await client.request('PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/analysis/status', { owner: owner, repo: repo, data: statusReportJSON, }); if (!ignoreFailures) { // If the status report request fails with a 403 or a 404, then this is a deliberate // message from the endpoint that the SARIF upload can be expected to fail too, // so the action should fail to avoid wasting actions minutes. // // Other failure responses (or lack thereof) could be transitory and should not // cause the action to fail. if (statusResponse.status === 403) { core.setFailed('The repo on which this action is running is not opted-in to CodeQL code scanning.'); return false; } if (statusResponse.status === 404) { core.setFailed('Not authorized to used the CodeQL code scanning feature on this repo.'); return false; } } return true; } exports.sendStatusReport = sendStatusReport; /** * Get the array of all the tool names contained in the given sarif contents. * * Returns an array of unique string tool names. */ function getToolNames(sarifContents) { const sarif = JSON.parse(sarifContents); const toolNames = {}; for (const run of sarif.runs || []) { const tool = run.tool || {}; const driver = tool.driver || {}; if (typeof driver.name === "string" && driver.name.length > 0) { toolNames[driver.name] = true; } } return Object.keys(toolNames); } exports.getToolNames = getToolNames; // Creates a random temporary directory, runs the given body, and then deletes the directory. // Mostly intended for use within tests. async function withTmpDir(body) { const tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'codeql-action-')); const realSubdir = path.join(tmpDir, 'real'); fs.mkdirSync(realSubdir); const symlinkSubdir = path.join(tmpDir, 'symlink'); fs.symlinkSync(realSubdir, symlinkSubdir, 'dir'); const result = await body(symlinkSubdir); fs.rmdirSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true }); return result; } exports.withTmpDir = withTmpDir; /** * Get the codeql `--ram` flag as configured by the `ram` input. If no value was * specified, the total available memory will be used minus 256 MB. * * @returns string */ function getMemoryFlag() { let memoryToUseMegaBytes; const memoryToUseString = core.getInput("ram"); if (memoryToUseString) { memoryToUseMegaBytes = Number(memoryToUseString); if (Number.isNaN(memoryToUseMegaBytes) || memoryToUseMegaBytes <= 0) { throw new Error("Invalid RAM setting \"" + memoryToUseString + "\", specified."); } } else { const totalMemoryBytes = os.totalmem(); const totalMemoryMegaBytes = totalMemoryBytes / (1024 * 1024); const systemReservedMemoryMegaBytes = 256; memoryToUseMegaBytes = totalMemoryMegaBytes - systemReservedMemoryMegaBytes; } return "--ram=" + Math.floor(memoryToUseMegaBytes); } exports.getMemoryFlag = getMemoryFlag; /** * Get the codeql `--threads` value specified for the `threads` input. * If not value was specified, all available threads will be used. * * The value will be capped to the number of available CPUs. * * @returns string */ function getThreadsFlag() { let numThreads; const numThreadsString = core.getInput("threads"); const maxThreads = os.cpus().length; if (numThreadsString) { numThreads = Number(numThreadsString); if (Number.isNaN(numThreads)) { throw new Error(`Invalid threads setting "${numThreadsString}", specified.`); } if (numThreads > maxThreads) { core.info(`Clamping desired number of threads (${numThreads}) to max available (${maxThreads}).`); numThreads = maxThreads; } const minThreads = -maxThreads; if (numThreads < minThreads) { core.info(`Clamping desired number of free threads (${numThreads}) to max available (${minThreads}).`); numThreads = minThreads; } } else { // Default to using all threads numThreads = maxThreads; } return `--threads=${numThreads}`; } exports.getThreadsFlag = getThreadsFlag; /** * Get the directory where CodeQL databases should be placed. */ function getCodeQLDatabasesDir() { return path.resolve(getRequiredEnvParam('RUNNER_TEMP'), 'codeql_databases'); } exports.getCodeQLDatabasesDir = getCodeQLDatabasesDir; //# sourceMappingURL=util.js.map