
377 строки
20 KiB

"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.validateQueryFilters = exports.runCleanup = exports.runFinalize = exports.createQuerySuiteContents = exports.convertPackToQuerySuiteEntry = exports.runQueries = exports.dbIsFinalized = exports.createdDBForScannedLanguages = exports.CodeQLAnalysisError = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const perf_hooks_1 = require("perf_hooks");
const toolrunner = __importStar(require("@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner"));
const del_1 = __importDefault(require("del"));
const yaml = __importStar(require("js-yaml"));
const analysisPaths = __importStar(require("./analysis-paths"));
const codeql_1 = require("./codeql");
const configUtils = __importStar(require("./config-utils"));
const feature_flags_1 = require("./feature-flags");
const languages_1 = require("./languages");
const tracer_config_1 = require("./tracer-config");
const upload_lib_1 = require("./upload-lib");
const util = __importStar(require("./util"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
class CodeQLAnalysisError extends Error {
constructor(queriesStatusReport, message) {
super(message); = "CodeQLAnalysisError";
this.queriesStatusReport = queriesStatusReport;
exports.CodeQLAnalysisError = CodeQLAnalysisError;
async function setupPythonExtractor(logger, features, codeql) {
const codeqlPython = process.env["CODEQL_PYTHON"];
if (codeqlPython === undefined || codeqlPython.length === 0) {
// If CODEQL_PYTHON is not set, no dependencies were installed, so we don't need to do anything
if (await features.getValue(feature_flags_1.Feature.DisablePythonDependencyInstallationEnabled, codeql)) {
logger.warning("We recommend that you remove the CODEQL_PYTHON environment variable from your workflow. This environment variable was originally used to specify a Python executable that included the dependencies of your Python code, however Python analysis no longer uses these dependencies." +
"\nIf you used CODEQL_PYTHON to force the version of Python to analyze as, please use CODEQL_EXTRACTOR_PYTHON_ANALYSIS_VERSION instead, such as 'CODEQL_EXTRACTOR_PYTHON_ANALYSIS_VERSION=2.7' or 'CODEQL_EXTRACTOR_PYTHON_ANALYSIS_VERSION=3.11'.");
const scriptsFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, "../python-setup");
let output = "";
const options = {
listeners: {
stdout: (data) => {
output += data.toString();
await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(codeqlPython, [path.join(scriptsFolder, "")], options).exec();`Setting LGTM_INDEX_IMPORT_PATH=${output}`);
process.env["LGTM_INDEX_IMPORT_PATH"] = output;
output = "";
await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(codeqlPython, ["-c", "import sys; print(sys.version_info[0])"], options).exec();`Setting LGTM_PYTHON_SETUP_VERSION=${output}`);
process.env["LGTM_PYTHON_SETUP_VERSION"] = output;
async function createdDBForScannedLanguages(codeql, config, logger, features) {
// Insert the LGTM_INDEX_X env vars at this point so they are set when
// we extract any scanned languages.
for (const language of config.languages) {
if ((0, languages_1.isScannedLanguage)(language) &&
!dbIsFinalized(config, language, logger)) {
logger.startGroup(`Extracting ${language}`);
if (language === languages_1.Language.python) {
await setupPythonExtractor(logger, features, codeql);
await codeql.extractScannedLanguage(config, language);
exports.createdDBForScannedLanguages = createdDBForScannedLanguages;
function dbIsFinalized(config, language, logger) {
const dbPath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
try {
const dbInfo = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(dbPath, "codeql-database.yml"), "utf8"));
return !("inProgress" in dbInfo);
catch (e) {
logger.warning(`Could not check whether database for ${language} was finalized. Assuming it is not.`);
return false;
exports.dbIsFinalized = dbIsFinalized;
async function finalizeDatabaseCreation(config, threadsFlag, memoryFlag, logger, features) {
const codeql = await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(config.codeQLCmd);
const extractionStart =;
await createdDBForScannedLanguages(codeql, config, logger, features);
const extractionTime = - extractionStart;
const trapImportStart =;
for (const language of config.languages) {
if (dbIsFinalized(config, language, logger)) {`There is already a finalized database for ${language} at the location where the CodeQL Action places databases, so we did not create one.`);
else {
logger.startGroup(`Finalizing ${language}`);
await codeql.finalizeDatabase(util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language), threadsFlag, memoryFlag);
const trapImportTime = - trapImportStart;
return {
scanned_language_extraction_duration_ms: Math.round(extractionTime),
trap_import_duration_ms: Math.round(trapImportTime),
// Runs queries and creates sarif files in the given folder
async function runQueries(sarifFolder, memoryFlag, addSnippetsFlag, threadsFlag, automationDetailsId, config, logger, features) {
const statusReport = {};
const codeql = await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(config.codeQLCmd);
const queryFlags = [memoryFlag, threadsFlag];
await (0, feature_flags_1.logCodeScanningConfigInCli)(codeql, features, logger);
for (const language of config.languages) {
const queries = config.queries[language];
const queryFilters = validateQueryFilters(config.originalUserInput["query-filters"]);
const packsWithVersion = config.packs[language] || [];
try {
const sarifFile = path.join(sarifFolder, `${language}.sarif`);
let startTimeInterpretResults;
let endTimeInterpretResults;
if (await (0, feature_flags_1.useCodeScanningConfigInCli)(codeql, features)) {
// If we are using the code scanning config in the CLI,
// much of the work needed to generate the query suites
// is done in the CLI. We just need to make a single
// call to run all the queries for each language and
// another to interpret the results.
logger.startGroup(`Running queries for ${language}`);
const startTimeBuiltIn = new Date().getTime();
await runQueryGroup(language, "all", undefined, undefined, true);
// TODO should not be using `builtin` here. We should be using `all` instead.
// The status report does not support `all` yet.
statusReport[`analyze_builtin_queries_${language}_duration_ms`] =
new Date().getTime() - startTimeBuiltIn;
logger.startGroup(`Interpreting results for ${language}`);
startTimeInterpretResults = new Date();
const analysisSummary = await runInterpretResults(language, undefined, sarifFile, config.debugMode);
endTimeInterpretResults = new Date();
statusReport[`interpret_results_${language}_duration_ms`] =
endTimeInterpretResults.getTime() -
else {
// config was generated by the action, so must be interpreted by the action.
const hasBuiltinQueries = queries?.builtin.length > 0;
const hasCustomQueries = queries?.custom.length > 0;
const hasPackWithCustomQueries = packsWithVersion.length > 0;
if (!hasBuiltinQueries &&
!hasCustomQueries &&
!hasPackWithCustomQueries) {
throw new util_1.UserError(`Unable to analyze ${language} as no queries were selected for this language`);
const customQueryIndices = [];
for (let i = 0; i < queries.custom.length; ++i) {
if (queries.custom[i].queries.length > 0) {
logger.startGroup(`Running queries for ${language}`);
const querySuitePaths = [];
if (queries.builtin.length > 0) {
const startTimeBuiltIn = new Date().getTime();
querySuitePaths.push((await runQueryGroup(language, "builtin", createQuerySuiteContents(queries.builtin, queryFilters), undefined, customQueryIndices.length === 0 && packsWithVersion.length === 0)));
statusReport[`analyze_builtin_queries_${language}_duration_ms`] =
new Date().getTime() - startTimeBuiltIn;
const startTimeCustom = new Date().getTime();
let ranCustom = false;
for (const i of customQueryIndices) {
querySuitePaths.push((await runQueryGroup(language, `custom-${i}`, createQuerySuiteContents(queries.custom[i].queries, queryFilters), queries.custom[i].searchPath, i === customQueryIndices[customQueryIndices.length - 1] &&
packsWithVersion.length === 0)));
ranCustom = true;
if (packsWithVersion.length > 0) {
querySuitePaths.push(await runQueryPacks(language, "packs", packsWithVersion, queryFilters, true));
ranCustom = true;
if (ranCustom) {
statusReport[`analyze_custom_queries_${language}_duration_ms`] =
new Date().getTime() - startTimeCustom;
logger.startGroup(`Interpreting results for ${language}`);
startTimeInterpretResults = new Date();
const analysisSummary = await runInterpretResults(language, querySuitePaths, sarifFile, config.debugMode);
endTimeInterpretResults = new Date();
statusReport[`interpret_results_${language}_duration_ms`] =
endTimeInterpretResults.getTime() -
if (await features.getValue(feature_flags_1.Feature.QaTelemetryEnabled)) {
const perQueryAlertCounts = getPerQueryAlertCounts(sarifFile, logger);
const perQueryAlertCountEventReport = {
event: "codeql database interpret-results",
started_at: startTimeInterpretResults.toISOString(),
completed_at: endTimeInterpretResults.toISOString(),
exit_status: "success",
properties: {
alertCounts: perQueryAlertCounts,
if (statusReport["event_reports"] === undefined) {
statusReport["event_reports"] = [];
if (!(await util.codeQlVersionAbove(codeql, codeql_1.CODEQL_VERSION_ANALYSIS_SUMMARY_V2))) {
await runPrintLinesOfCode(language);
catch (e) {
statusReport.analyze_failure_language = language;
throw new CodeQLAnalysisError(statusReport, `Error running analysis for ${language}: ${util.wrapError(e).message}`);
return statusReport;
async function runInterpretResults(language, queries, sarifFile, enableDebugLogging) {
const databasePath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
return await codeql.databaseInterpretResults(databasePath, queries, sarifFile, addSnippetsFlag, threadsFlag, enableDebugLogging ? "-vv" : "-v", automationDetailsId, config, features, logger);
/** Get an object with all queries and their counts parsed from a SARIF file path. */
function getPerQueryAlertCounts(sarifPath, log) {
(0, upload_lib_1.validateSarifFileSchema)(sarifPath, log);
const sarifObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sarifPath, "utf8"));
// We do not need to compute fingerprints because we are not sending data based off of locations.
// Generate the query: alert count object
const perQueryAlertCounts = {};
// All rules (queries), from all results, from all runs
for (const sarifRun of sarifObject.runs) {
if (sarifRun.results) {
for (const result of sarifRun.results) {
const query = result.rule?.id || result.ruleId;
if (query) {
perQueryAlertCounts[query] = (perQueryAlertCounts[query] || 0) + 1;
return perQueryAlertCounts;
async function runPrintLinesOfCode(language) {
const databasePath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
return await codeql.databasePrintBaseline(databasePath);
async function runQueryGroup(language, type, querySuiteContents, searchPath, optimizeForLastQueryRun) {
const databasePath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
// Pass the queries to codeql using a file instead of using the command
// line to avoid command line length restrictions, particularly on windows.
const querySuitePath = querySuiteContents
? `${databasePath}-queries-${type}.qls`
: undefined;
if (querySuiteContents && querySuitePath) {
fs.writeFileSync(querySuitePath, querySuiteContents);
logger.debug(`Query suite file for ${language}-${type}...\n${querySuiteContents}`);
await codeql.databaseRunQueries(databasePath, searchPath, querySuitePath, queryFlags, optimizeForLastQueryRun, features);
logger.debug(`BQRS results produced for ${language} (queries: ${type})"`);
return querySuitePath;
async function runQueryPacks(language, type, packs, queryFilters, optimizeForLastQueryRun) {
const databasePath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
for (const pack of packs) {
logger.debug(`Running query pack for ${language}-${type}: ${pack}`);
// combine the list of packs into a query suite in order to run them all simultaneously.
const querySuite =;
const querySuitePath = `${databasePath}-queries-${type}.qls`;
fs.writeFileSync(querySuitePath, yaml.dump(querySuite));
logger.debug(`BQRS results produced for ${language} (queries: ${type})"`);
await codeql.databaseRunQueries(databasePath, undefined, querySuitePath, queryFlags, optimizeForLastQueryRun, features);
return querySuitePath;
exports.runQueries = runQueries;
function convertPackToQuerySuiteEntry(packStr) {
const pack = configUtils.parsePacksSpecification(packStr);
return {
qlpack: !pack.path ? : undefined,
from: pack.path ? : undefined,
version: pack.version,
query: pack.path?.endsWith(".ql") ? pack.path : undefined,
queries: !pack.path?.endsWith(".ql") && !pack.path?.endsWith(".qls")
? pack.path
: undefined,
apply: pack.path?.endsWith(".qls") ? pack.path : undefined,
exports.convertPackToQuerySuiteEntry = convertPackToQuerySuiteEntry;
function createQuerySuiteContents(queries, queryFilters) {
return yaml.dump( => ({ query: q })).concat(queryFilters));
exports.createQuerySuiteContents = createQuerySuiteContents;
async function runFinalize(outputDir, threadsFlag, memoryFlag, config, logger, features) {
try {
await (0, del_1.default)(outputDir, { force: true });
catch (error) {
if (error?.code !== "ENOENT") {
throw error;
await fs.promises.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true });
const timings = await finalizeDatabaseCreation(config, threadsFlag, memoryFlag, logger, features);
// WARNING: This does not _really_ end tracing, as the tracer will restore its
// critical environment variables and it'll still be active for all processes
// launched from this build step.
// However, it will stop tracing for all steps past the codeql-action/analyze
// step.
// Delete variables as specified by the end-tracing script
await (0, tracer_config_1.endTracingForCluster)(config);
return timings;
exports.runFinalize = runFinalize;
async function runCleanup(config, cleanupLevel, logger) {
logger.startGroup("Cleaning up databases");
for (const language of config.languages) {
const codeql = await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(config.codeQLCmd);
const databasePath = util.getCodeQLDatabasePath(config, language);
await codeql.databaseCleanup(databasePath, cleanupLevel);
exports.runCleanup = runCleanup;
// exported for testing
function validateQueryFilters(queryFilters) {
if (!queryFilters) {
return [];
if (!Array.isArray(queryFilters)) {
throw new util_1.UserError(`Query filters must be an array of "include" or "exclude" entries. Found ${typeof queryFilters}`);
const errors = [];
for (const qf of queryFilters) {
const keys = Object.keys(qf);
if (keys.length !== 1) {
errors.push(`Query filter must have exactly one key: ${JSON.stringify(qf)}`);
if (!["exclude", "include"].includes(keys[0])) {
errors.push(`Only "include" or "exclude" filters are allowed:\n${JSON.stringify(qf)}`);
if (errors.length) {
throw new util_1.UserError(`Invalid query filter.\n${errors.join("\n")}`);
return queryFilters;
exports.validateQueryFilters = validateQueryFilters;