
224 строки
10 KiB

"use strict";
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const zlib_1 = __importDefault(require("zlib"));
const core = __importStar(require("@actions/core"));
const file_url_1 = __importDefault(require("file-url"));
const jsonschema = __importStar(require("jsonschema"));
const semver = __importStar(require("semver"));
const actionsUtil = __importStar(require("./actions-util"));
const api = __importStar(require("./api-client"));
const fingerprints = __importStar(require("./fingerprints"));
const repository_1 = require("./repository");
const sharedEnv = __importStar(require("./shared-environment"));
const util = __importStar(require("./util"));
// Takes a list of paths to sarif files and combines them together,
// returning the contents of the combined sarif file.
function combineSarifFiles(sarifFiles) {
const combinedSarif = {
version: null,
runs: [],
for (const sarifFile of sarifFiles) {
const sarifObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sarifFile, "utf8"));
// Check SARIF version
if (combinedSarif.version === null) {
combinedSarif.version = sarifObject.version;
else if (combinedSarif.version !== sarifObject.version) {
throw new Error(`Different SARIF versions encountered: ${combinedSarif.version} and ${sarifObject.version}`);
return JSON.stringify(combinedSarif);
exports.combineSarifFiles = combineSarifFiles;
// Upload the given payload.
// If the request fails then this will retry a small number of times.
async function uploadPayload(payload, repositoryNwo, apiDetails, mode, logger) {"Uploading results");
// If in test mode we don't want to upload the results
const testMode = process.env["TEST_MODE"] === "true" || false;
if (testMode) {
const client = api.getApiClient(apiDetails);
const reqURL = mode === "actions"
? "PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/analysis"
: "POST /repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/sarifs";
const response = await client.request(reqURL, {
owner: repositoryNwo.owner,
repo: repositoryNwo.repo,
data: payload,
logger.debug(`response status: ${response.status}`);"Successfully uploaded results");
// Recursively walks a directory and returns all SARIF files it finds.
// Does not follow symlinks.
function findSarifFilesInDir(sarifPath) {
const sarifFiles = [];
const walkSarifFiles = (dir) => {
const entries = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.isFile() &&".sarif")) {
else if (entry.isDirectory()) {
return sarifFiles;
exports.findSarifFilesInDir = findSarifFilesInDir;
// Uploads a single sarif file or a directory of sarif files
// depending on what the path happens to refer to.
// Returns true iff the upload occurred and succeeded
async function uploadFromActions(sarifPath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, logger) {
return await uploadFiles(getSarifFilePaths(sarifPath), repository_1.parseRepositoryNwo(actionsUtil.getRequiredEnvParam("GITHUB_REPOSITORY")), await actionsUtil.getCommitOid(), await actionsUtil.getRef(), await actionsUtil.getAnalysisKey(), actionsUtil.getRequiredEnvParam("GITHUB_WORKFLOW"), actionsUtil.getWorkflowRunID(), actionsUtil.getRequiredInput("checkout_path"), actionsUtil.getRequiredInput("matrix"), gitHubVersion, apiDetails, "actions", logger);
exports.uploadFromActions = uploadFromActions;
// Uploads a single sarif file or a directory of sarif files
// depending on what the path happens to refer to.
// Returns true iff the upload occurred and succeeded
async function uploadFromRunner(sarifPath, repositoryNwo, commitOid, ref, checkoutPath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, logger) {
return await uploadFiles(getSarifFilePaths(sarifPath), repositoryNwo, commitOid, ref, undefined, undefined, undefined, checkoutPath, undefined, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, "runner", logger);
exports.uploadFromRunner = uploadFromRunner;
function getSarifFilePaths(sarifPath) {
if (!fs.existsSync(sarifPath)) {
throw new Error(`Path does not exist: ${sarifPath}`);
let sarifFiles;
if (fs.lstatSync(sarifPath).isDirectory()) {
sarifFiles = findSarifFilesInDir(sarifPath);
if (sarifFiles.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No SARIF files found to upload in "${sarifPath}".`);
else {
sarifFiles = [sarifPath];
return sarifFiles;
// Counts the number of results in the given SARIF file
function countResultsInSarif(sarif) {
let numResults = 0;
for (const run of JSON.parse(sarif).runs) {
numResults += run.results.length;
return numResults;
exports.countResultsInSarif = countResultsInSarif;
// Validates that the given file path refers to a valid SARIF file.
// Throws an error if the file is invalid.
function validateSarifFileSchema(sarifFilePath, logger) {
const sarif = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sarifFilePath, "utf8"));
const schema = require("../src/sarif_v2.1.0_schema.json");
const result = new jsonschema.Validator().validate(sarif, schema);
if (!result.valid) {
// Output the more verbose error messages in groups as these may be very large.
for (const error of result.errors) {
logger.startGroup(`Error details: ${error.stack}`);, null, 2));
// Set the main error message to the stacks of all the errors.
// This should be of a manageable size and may even give enough to fix the error.
const sarifErrors = => `- ${e.stack}`);
throw new Error(`Unable to upload "${sarifFilePath}" as it is not valid SARIF:\n${sarifErrors.join("\n")}`);
exports.validateSarifFileSchema = validateSarifFileSchema;
// buildPayload constructs a map ready to be uploaded to the API from the given
// parameters, respecting the current mode and target GitHub instance version.
function buildPayload(commitOid, ref, analysisKey, analysisName, zippedSarif, workflowRunID, checkoutURI, environment, toolNames, gitHubVersion, mode) {
if (mode === "actions") {
const payloadObj = {
commit_oid: commitOid,
analysis_key: analysisKey,
analysis_name: analysisName,
sarif: zippedSarif,
workflow_run_id: workflowRunID,
checkout_uri: checkoutURI,
started_at: process.env[sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT],
tool_names: toolNames,
base_ref: undefined,
base_sha: undefined,
// This behaviour can be made the default when support for GHES 3.0 is discontinued.
if (gitHubVersion.type !== util.GitHubVariant.GHES ||
semver.satisfies(gitHubVersion.version, `>=3.1`)) {
if (process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME === "pull_request" &&
process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) {
const githubEvent = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_PATH, "utf8"));
payloadObj.base_ref = `refs/heads/${githubEvent.pull_request.base.ref}`;
payloadObj.base_sha = githubEvent.pull_request.base.sha;
return payloadObj;
else {
return {
commit_sha: commitOid,
sarif: zippedSarif,
checkout_uri: checkoutURI,
tool_name: toolNames[0],
exports.buildPayload = buildPayload;
// Uploads the given set of sarif files.
// Returns true iff the upload occurred and succeeded
async function uploadFiles(sarifFiles, repositoryNwo, commitOid, ref, analysisKey, analysisName, workflowRunID, checkoutPath, environment, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, mode, logger) {`Uploading sarif files: ${JSON.stringify(sarifFiles)}`);
if (mode === "actions") {
// This check only works on actions as env vars don't persist between calls to the runner
const sentinelEnvVar = "CODEQL_UPLOAD_SARIF";
if (process.env[sentinelEnvVar]) {
throw new Error("Aborting upload: only one run of the codeql/analyze or codeql/upload-sarif actions is allowed per job");
core.exportVariable(sentinelEnvVar, sentinelEnvVar);
// Validate that the files we were asked to upload are all valid SARIF files
for (const file of sarifFiles) {
validateSarifFileSchema(file, logger);
let sarifPayload = combineSarifFiles(sarifFiles);
sarifPayload = fingerprints.addFingerprints(sarifPayload, checkoutPath, logger);
const zippedSarif = zlib_1.default.gzipSync(sarifPayload).toString("base64");
const checkoutURI = file_url_1.default(checkoutPath);
const toolNames = util.getToolNames(sarifPayload);
const payload = buildPayload(commitOid, ref, analysisKey, analysisName, zippedSarif, workflowRunID, checkoutURI, environment, toolNames, gitHubVersion, mode);
// Log some useful debug info about the info
const rawUploadSizeBytes = sarifPayload.length;
logger.debug(`Raw upload size: ${rawUploadSizeBytes} bytes`);
const zippedUploadSizeBytes = zippedSarif.length;
logger.debug(`Base64 zipped upload size: ${zippedUploadSizeBytes} bytes`);
const numResultInSarif = countResultsInSarif(sarifPayload);
logger.debug(`Number of results in upload: ${numResultInSarif}`);
// Make the upload
await uploadPayload(payload, repositoryNwo, apiDetails, mode, logger);
return {
raw_upload_size_bytes: rawUploadSizeBytes,
zipped_upload_size_bytes: zippedUploadSizeBytes,
num_results_in_sarif: numResultInSarif,