651 строка
32 KiB
651 строка
32 KiB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.stubToolRunnerConstructor = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const toolrunner = __importStar(require("@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner"));
const toolcache = __importStar(require("@actions/tool-cache"));
const safeWhich = __importStar(require("@chrisgavin/safe-which"));
const ava_1 = __importDefault(require("ava"));
const del_1 = __importDefault(require("del"));
const yaml = __importStar(require("js-yaml"));
const nock_1 = __importDefault(require("nock"));
const sinon = __importStar(require("sinon"));
const actionsUtil = __importStar(require("./actions-util"));
const cli_errors_1 = require("./cli-errors");
const codeql = __importStar(require("./codeql"));
const defaults = __importStar(require("./defaults.json"));
const languages_1 = require("./languages");
const logging_1 = require("./logging");
const setup_codeql_1 = require("./setup-codeql");
const testing_utils_1 = require("./testing-utils");
const tools_features_1 = require("./tools-features");
const util = __importStar(require("./util"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
(0, testing_utils_1.setupTests)(ava_1.default);
let stubConfig;
ava_1.default.beforeEach(() => {
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)("1.2.3");
stubConfig = (0, testing_utils_1.createTestConfig)({
languages: [languages_1.Language.cpp],
async function installIntoToolcache({ apiDetails = testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, cliVersion, isPinned, tagName, tmpDir, }) {
const url = (0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({ apiDetails, isPinned, tagName });
await codeql.setupCodeQL(cliVersion !== undefined ? undefined : url, apiDetails, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.GHES, cliVersion !== undefined
? { cliVersion, tagName }
: testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
function mockReleaseApi({ apiDetails = testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, assetNames, tagName, }) {
return (0, nock_1.default)(apiDetails.apiURL)
.reply(200, {
assets: assetNames.map((name) => ({
tag_name: tagName,
function mockApiDetails(apiDetails) {
// This is a workaround to mock `api.getApiDetails()` since it doesn't seem to be possible to
// mock this directly. The difficulty is that `getApiDetails()` is called locally in
// `api-client.ts`, but `sinon.stub(api, "getApiDetails")` only affects calls to
// `getApiDetails()` via an imported `api` module.
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
const requiredEnvParamStub = sinon.stub(util, "getRequiredEnvParam");
.returns(apiDetails.apiURL || "");
(0, ava_1.default)("downloads and caches explicitly requested bundles that aren't in the toolcache", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
const versions = ["20200601", "20200610"];
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
const version = versions[i];
const url = (0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: `codeql-bundle-${version}`,
isPinned: false,
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(url, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", `0.0.0-${version}`));
t.is(result.toolsVersion, `0.0.0-${version}`);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
t.is(toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL").length, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)("caches semantically versioned bundles using their semantic version number", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
const url = (0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: `codeql-bundle-v2.14.0`,
isPinned: false,
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(url, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.is(toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL").length, 1);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", `2.14.0`));
t.is(result.toolsVersion, `2.14.0`);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
(0, ava_1.default)("downloads an explicitly requested bundle even if a different version is cached", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
await installIntoToolcache({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200601",
isPinned: true,
const url = (0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200610",
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(url, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200610"));
t.deepEqual(result.toolsVersion, "0.0.0-20200610");
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
cliVersion: "2.10.0",
expectedToolcacheVersion: "2.10.0-20200610",
cliVersion: "2.10.0-pre",
expectedToolcacheVersion: "0.0.0-20200610",
cliVersion: "2.10.0+202006100101",
expectedToolcacheVersion: "0.0.0-20200610",
for (const { cliVersion, expectedToolcacheVersion, } of EXPLICITLY_REQUESTED_BUNDLE_TEST_CASES) {
(0, ava_1.default)(`caches an explicitly requested bundle containing CLI ${cliVersion} as ${expectedToolcacheVersion}`, async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isRunningLocalAction").returns(true);
const releaseApiMock = mockReleaseApi({
assetNames: [`cli-version-${cliVersion}.txt`],
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200610",
const url = (0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200610",
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(url, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(releaseApiMock.isDone(), "Releases API should have been called");
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", expectedToolcacheVersion));
t.deepEqual(result.toolsVersion, cliVersion);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
for (const toolcacheVersion of [
// Test that we use the tools from the toolcache when `SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION` is requested
// and `SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION-` is in the toolcache.
]) {
(0, ava_1.default)(`uses tools from toolcache when ${testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION.cliVersion} is requested and ` +
`${toolcacheVersion} is installed`, async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(toolcache, "find")
.withArgs("CodeQL", toolcacheVersion)
sinon.stub(toolcache, "findAllVersions").returns([toolcacheVersion]);
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.is(result.toolsVersion, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION.cliVersion);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Toolcache);
t.is(result.toolsDownloadDurationMs, undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)(`uses a cached bundle when no tools input is given on GHES`, async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
await installIntoToolcache({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200601",
isPinned: true,
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.GHES, {
cliVersion: defaults.cliVersion,
tagName: defaults.bundleVersion,
}, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.deepEqual(result.toolsVersion, "0.0.0-20200601");
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Toolcache);
t.is(result.toolsDownloadDurationMs, undefined);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");
t.is(cachedVersions.length, 1);
(0, ava_1.default)(`downloads bundle if only an unpinned version is cached on GHES`, async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
await installIntoToolcache({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200601",
isPinned: false,
(0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: defaults.bundleVersion,
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.GHES, {
cliVersion: defaults.cliVersion,
tagName: defaults.bundleVersion,
}, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.deepEqual(result.toolsVersion, defaults.cliVersion);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");
t.is(cachedVersions.length, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)('downloads bundle if "latest" tools specified but not cached', async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
await installIntoToolcache({
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20200601",
isPinned: true,
(0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
tagName: defaults.bundleVersion,
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL("latest", testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.deepEqual(result.toolsVersion, defaults.cliVersion);
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");
t.is(cachedVersions.length, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)("bundle URL from another repo is cached as 0.0.0-bundleVersion", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isRunningLocalAction").returns(true);
const releasesApiMock = mockReleaseApi({
assetNames: ["cli-version-2.12.6.txt"],
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20230203",
(0, testing_utils_1.mockBundleDownloadApi)({
repo: "codeql-testing/codeql-cli-nightlies",
platformSpecific: false,
tagName: "codeql-bundle-20230203",
const result = await codeql.setupCodeQL("https://github.com/codeql-testing/codeql-cli-nightlies/releases/download/codeql-bundle-20230203/codeql-bundle.tar.gz", testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DOTCOM_API_DETAILS, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, testing_utils_1.SAMPLE_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.is(result.toolsVersion, "0.0.0-20230203");
t.is(result.toolsSource, setup_codeql_1.ToolsSource.Download);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");
t.is(cachedVersions.length, 1);
t.is(cachedVersions[0], "0.0.0-20230203");
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for explicit paths", (t) => {
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({}, ["foo"], []), []);
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: [42] }, ["foo"], []), ["42"]);
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: { bar: [42] } }, ["foo", "bar"], []), ["42"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for wildcards", (t) => {
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": [42] }, ["foo"], []), ["42"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for wildcards and explicit paths", (t) => {
const o1 = { "*": [42], foo: [87] };
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o1, ["foo"], []), ["42", "87"]);
const o2 = { "*": [42], foo: [87] };
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o2, ["foo", "bar"], []), ["42"]);
const o3 = { "*": [42], foo: { "*": [87], bar: [99] } };
const p = ["foo", "bar"];
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o3, p, []), ["42", "87", "99"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions throws for bad content", (t) => {
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": 42 }, ["foo"], []));
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: 87 }, ["foo"], []));
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": [42], foo: { "*": 87, bar: [99] } }, ["foo", "bar"], []));
// Test macro for ensuring different variants of injected augmented configurations
const injectedConfigMacro = ava_1.default.macro({
exec: async (t, augmentationProperties, configOverride, expectedConfig) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tempDir) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("1.0.0"));
const thisStubConfig = {
await codeqlObject.databaseInitCluster(thisStubConfig, "", undefined, undefined, (0, testing_utils_1.createFeatures)([]), (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true));
const args = runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1];
// should have used an config file
const configArg = args.find((arg) => arg.startsWith("--codescanning-config="));
t.truthy(configArg, "Should have injected a codescanning config");
const configFile = configArg.split("=")[1];
const augmentedConfig = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf8"));
t.deepEqual(augmentedConfig, expectedConfig);
await (0, del_1.default)(configFile, { force: true });
title: (providedTitle = "") => `databaseInitCluster() injected config: ${providedTitle}`,
(0, ava_1.default)("basic", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: false,
}, {}, {});
(0, ava_1.default)("injected packs from input", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: false,
packsInput: ["xxx", "yyy"],
}, {}, {
packs: ["xxx", "yyy"],
(0, ava_1.default)("injected packs from input with existing packs combines", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: true,
packsInput: ["xxx", "yyy"],
}, {
originalUserInput: {
packs: {
cpp: ["codeql/something-else"],
}, {
packs: {
cpp: ["codeql/something-else", "xxx", "yyy"],
(0, ava_1.default)("injected packs from input with existing packs overrides", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: false,
packsInput: ["xxx", "yyy"],
}, {
originalUserInput: {
packs: {
cpp: ["codeql/something-else"],
}, {
packs: ["xxx", "yyy"],
// similar, but with queries
(0, ava_1.default)("injected queries from input", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: false,
queriesInput: [{ uses: "xxx" }, { uses: "yyy" }],
}, {}, {
queries: [
uses: "xxx",
uses: "yyy",
(0, ava_1.default)("injected queries from input overrides", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: false,
packsInputCombines: false,
queriesInput: [{ uses: "xxx" }, { uses: "yyy" }],
}, {
originalUserInput: {
queries: [{ uses: "zzz" }],
}, {
queries: [
uses: "xxx",
uses: "yyy",
(0, ava_1.default)("injected queries from input combines", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: true,
packsInputCombines: false,
queriesInput: [{ uses: "xxx" }, { uses: "yyy" }],
}, {
originalUserInput: {
queries: [{ uses: "zzz" }],
}, {
queries: [
uses: "zzz",
uses: "xxx",
uses: "yyy",
(0, ava_1.default)("injected queries from input combines 2", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: true,
packsInputCombines: true,
queriesInput: [{ uses: "xxx" }, { uses: "yyy" }],
}, {}, {
queries: [
uses: "xxx",
uses: "yyy",
(0, ava_1.default)("injected queries and packs, but empty", injectedConfigMacro, {
queriesInputCombines: true,
packsInputCombines: true,
queriesInput: [],
packsInput: [],
}, {
originalUserInput: {
packs: [],
queries: [],
}, {});
(0, ava_1.default)("passes a code scanning config AND qlconfig to the CLI", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tempDir) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
await codeqlObject.databaseInitCluster({ ...stubConfig, tempDir }, "", undefined, "/path/to/qlconfig.yml", (0, testing_utils_1.createFeatures)([]), (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true));
const args = runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1];
// should have used a config file
const hasCodeScanningConfigArg = args.some((arg) => arg.startsWith("--codescanning-config="));
t.true(hasCodeScanningConfigArg, "Should have injected a qlconfig");
// should have passed a qlconfig file
const hasQlconfigArg = args.some((arg) => arg.startsWith("--qlconfig-file="));
t.truthy(hasQlconfigArg, "Should have injected a codescanning config");
(0, ava_1.default)("does not pass a qlconfig to the CLI when it is undefined", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tempDir) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
await codeqlObject.databaseInitCluster({ ...stubConfig, tempDir }, "", undefined, undefined, // undefined qlconfigFile
(0, testing_utils_1.createFeatures)([]), (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true));
const args = runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1];
const hasQlconfigArg = args.some((arg) => arg.startsWith("--qlconfig-file="));
t.false(hasQlconfigArg, "should NOT have injected a qlconfig");
codeqlVersion: (0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.15.0", {
[tools_features_1.ToolsFeature.AnalysisSummaryV2IsDefault]: true,
githubVersion: {
type: util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM,
flagPassed: false,
negativeFlagPassed: false,
codeqlVersion: (0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.15.0"),
githubVersion: {
type: util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM,
flagPassed: true,
negativeFlagPassed: false,
codeqlVersion: (0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.15.0"),
githubVersion: {
type: util.GitHubVariant.GHES,
version: "3.9.0",
flagPassed: true,
negativeFlagPassed: false,
codeqlVersion: (0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.14.6"),
githubVersion: {
type: util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM,
flagPassed: false,
negativeFlagPassed: false,
for (const { codeqlVersion, flagPassed, githubVersion, negativeFlagPassed, } of NEW_ANALYSIS_SUMMARY_TEST_CASES) {
(0, ava_1.default)(`database interpret-results passes ${flagPassed
? "--new-analysis-summary"
: negativeFlagPassed
? "--no-new-analysis-summary"
: "nothing"} for CodeQL version ${JSON.stringify(codeqlVersion)} and ${util.GitHubVariant[githubVersion.type]} ${githubVersion.version ? ` ${githubVersion.version}` : ""}`, async (t) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves(codeqlVersion);
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await codeqlObject.databaseInterpretResults("", [], "", "", "", "-v", "", Object.assign({}, stubConfig, { gitHubVersion: githubVersion }), (0, testing_utils_1.createFeatures)([]), (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true));
t.is(runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1].includes("--new-analysis-summary"), flagPassed, `--new-analysis-summary should${flagPassed ? "" : "n't"} be passed`);
t.is(runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1].includes("--no-new-analysis-summary"), negativeFlagPassed, `--no-new-analysis-summary should${negativeFlagPassed ? "" : "n't"} be passed`);
(0, ava_1.default)("database finalize does not override no code found error on CodeQL 2.12.6", async (t) => {
const cliMessage = "CodeQL did not detect any code written in languages supported by CodeQL. Review our troubleshooting guide at " +
stubToolRunnerConstructor(32, cliMessage);
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await t.throwsAsync(async () => await codeqlObject.finalizeDatabase("db", "--threads=2", "--ram=2048", false), {
message: 'Encountered a fatal error while running "codeql-for-testing database finalize --finalize-dataset --threads=2 --ram=2048 db". ' +
`Exit code was 32 and last log line was: ${cliMessage} See the logs for more details.`,
(0, ava_1.default)("runTool summarizes several fatal errors", async (t) => {
const heapError = "A fatal error occurred: Evaluator heap must be at least 384.00 MiB";
const datasetImportError = "A fatal error occurred: Dataset import for /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/javascript/db-javascript failed with code 2";
const cliStderr = `Running TRAP import for CodeQL database at /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/javascript...\n` +
stubToolRunnerConstructor(32, cliStderr);
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await t.throwsAsync(async () => await codeqlObject.finalizeDatabase("db", "--threads=2", "--ram=2048", false), {
instanceOf: util.ConfigurationError,
message: new RegExp('Encountered a fatal error while running \\"codeql-for-testing database finalize --finalize-dataset --threads=2 --ram=2048 db\\"\\. ' +
`Exit code was 32 and error was: ${datasetImportError.replaceAll(".", "\\.")}\\. Context: ${heapError.replaceAll(".", "\\.")}\\. See the logs for more details\\.`),
(0, ava_1.default)("runTool summarizes autobuilder errors", async (t) => {
const stderr = `
[2019-09-18 12:00:00] [autobuild] A non-error message
[2019-09-18 12:00:00] Untagged message
[2019-09-18 12:00:00] [autobuild] [ERROR] Start of the error message
[2019-09-18 12:00:00] [autobuild] An interspersed non-error message
[2019-09-18 12:00:01] [autobuild] [ERROR] Some more context about the error message
[2019-09-18 12:00:01] [autobuild] [ERROR] continued
[2019-09-18 12:00:01] [autobuild] [ERROR] and finished here.
[2019-09-18 12:00:01] [autobuild] A non-error message
stubToolRunnerConstructor(1, stderr);
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "resolveExtractor").resolves("/path/to/extractor");
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await t.throwsAsync(async () => await codeqlObject.runAutobuild(stubConfig, languages_1.Language.java), {
instanceOf: cli_errors_1.CommandInvocationError,
message: "We were unable to automatically build your code. Please provide manual build steps. " +
"For more information, see " +
"https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/troubleshooting-code-scanning/automatic-build-failed. " +
"Encountered the following error: Start of the error message\n" +
" Some more context about the error message\n" +
" continued\n" +
" and finished here.",
(0, ava_1.default)("runTool truncates long autobuilder errors", async (t) => {
const stderr = Array.from({ length: 20 }, (_, i) => `[2019-09-18 12:00:00] [autobuild] [ERROR] line${i + 1}`).join("\n");
stubToolRunnerConstructor(1, stderr);
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "resolveExtractor").resolves("/path/to/extractor");
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await t.throwsAsync(async () => await codeqlObject.runAutobuild(stubConfig, languages_1.Language.java), {
instanceOf: cli_errors_1.CommandInvocationError,
message: "We were unable to automatically build your code. Please provide manual build steps. " +
"For more information, see " +
"https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/troubleshooting-code-scanning/automatic-build-failed. " +
"Encountered the following error: " +
`${Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, i) => `line${i + 1}`).join("\n")}\n(truncated)`,
(0, ava_1.default)("runTool outputs last line of stderr if fatal error could not be found", async (t) => {
const cliStderr = "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5";
stubToolRunnerConstructor(32, cliStderr);
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
await t.throwsAsync(async () => await codeqlObject.finalizeDatabase("db", "--threads=2", "--ram=2048", false), {
instanceOf: util.ConfigurationError,
message: new RegExp('Encountered a fatal error while running \\"codeql-for-testing database finalize --finalize-dataset --threads=2 --ram=2048 db\\"\\. ' +
"Exit code was 32 and last log line was: line5\\. See the logs for more details\\."),
(0, ava_1.default)("Avoids duplicating --overwrite flag if specified in CODEQL_ACTION_EXTRA_OPTIONS", async (t) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves((0, testing_utils_1.makeVersionInfo)("2.12.6"));
// safeWhich throws because of the test CodeQL object.
sinon.stub(safeWhich, "safeWhich").resolves("");
'{ "database": { "init": ["--overwrite"] } }';
await codeqlObject.databaseInitCluster(stubConfig, "sourceRoot", undefined, undefined, (0, testing_utils_1.createFeatures)([]), (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(false));
const args = runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1];
t.is(args.filter((option) => option === "--overwrite").length, 1, "--overwrite should only be passed once");
// Clean up
const configArg = args.find((arg) => arg.startsWith("--codescanning-config="));
t.truthy(configArg, "Should have injected a codescanning config");
const configFile = configArg.split("=")[1];
await (0, del_1.default)(configFile, { force: true });
function stubToolRunnerConstructor(exitCode = 0, stderr) {
const runnerObjectStub = sinon.createStubInstance(toolrunner.ToolRunner);
const runnerConstructorStub = sinon.stub(toolrunner, "ToolRunner");
let stderrListener = undefined;
runnerConstructorStub.callsFake((_cmd, _args, options) => {
stderrListener = options.listeners?.stderr;
return runnerObjectStub;
runnerObjectStub.exec.callsFake(async () => {
if (stderrListener !== undefined && stderr !== undefined) {
return exitCode;
return runnerConstructorStub;
exports.stubToolRunnerConstructor = stubToolRunnerConstructor;
//# sourceMappingURL=codeql.test.js.map