203 строки
9.6 KiB
203 строки
9.6 KiB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const github = __importStar(require("@actions/github"));
const ava_1 = __importDefault(require("ava"));
const sinon = __importStar(require("sinon"));
const actionsUtil = __importStar(require("./actions-util"));
const apiClient = __importStar(require("./api-client"));
const codeql_1 = require("./codeql");
const config_utils_1 = require("./config-utils");
const database_upload_1 = require("./database-upload");
const languages_1 = require("./languages");
const testing_utils_1 = require("./testing-utils");
const util_1 = require("./util");
(0, testing_utils_1.setupTests)(ava_1.default);
ava_1.default.beforeEach(() => {
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)("1.2.3");
const testRepoName = { owner: "github", repo: "example" };
const testApiDetails = {
auth: "1234",
url: "https://github.com",
apiURL: undefined,
function getTestConfig(tmpDir) {
return {
languages: [languages_1.Language.javascript],
originalUserInput: {},
tempDir: tmpDir,
codeQLCmd: "foo",
gitHubVersion: { type: util_1.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM },
dbLocation: tmpDir,
debugMode: false,
debugArtifactName: util_1.DEFAULT_DEBUG_ARTIFACT_NAME,
debugDatabaseName: util_1.DEFAULT_DEBUG_DATABASE_NAME,
augmentationProperties: config_utils_1.defaultAugmentationProperties,
trapCaches: {},
trapCacheDownloadTime: 0,
async function mockHttpRequests(databaseUploadStatusCode) {
// Passing an auth token is required, so we just use a dummy value
const client = github.getOctokit("123");
const requestSpy = sinon.stub(client, "request");
const url = "POST https://uploads.github.com/repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/codeql/databases/:language?name=:name&commit_oid=:commit_oid";
const databaseUploadSpy = requestSpy.withArgs(url);
if (databaseUploadStatusCode < 300) {
else {
databaseUploadSpy.throws(new util_1.HTTPError("some error message", databaseUploadStatusCode));
sinon.stub(apiClient, "getApiClient").value(() => client);
(0, ava_1.default)("Abort database upload if 'upload-database' input set to false", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, getTestConfig(tmpDir), testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message ===
"Database upload disabled in workflow. Skipping upload.") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Abort database upload if running against GHES", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
const config = getTestConfig(tmpDir);
config.gitHubVersion = { type: util_1.GitHubVariant.GHES, version: "3.0" };
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, config, testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message === "Not running against github.com. Skipping upload.") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Abort database upload if running against GHAE", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
const config = getTestConfig(tmpDir);
config.gitHubVersion = { type: util_1.GitHubVariant.GHAE };
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, config, testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message === "Not running against github.com. Skipping upload.") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Abort database upload if not analyzing default branch", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(false);
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, getTestConfig(tmpDir), testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message === "Not analyzing default branch. Skipping upload.") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Don't crash if uploading a database fails", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
await mockHttpRequests(500);
(0, codeql_1.setCodeQL)({
async databaseBundle(_, outputFilePath) {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, "");
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, getTestConfig(tmpDir), testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "warning" &&
v.message ===
"Failed to upload database for javascript: Error: some error message") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Successfully uploading a database to api.github.com", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
await mockHttpRequests(201);
(0, codeql_1.setCodeQL)({
async databaseBundle(_, outputFilePath) {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, "");
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, getTestConfig(tmpDir), testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message === "Successfully uploaded database for javascript") !== undefined);
(0, ava_1.default)("Successfully uploading a database to uploads.github.com", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
.stub(actionsUtil, "getRequiredInput")
sinon.stub(actionsUtil, "isAnalyzingDefaultBranch").resolves(true);
await mockHttpRequests(201);
(0, codeql_1.setCodeQL)({
async databaseBundle(_, outputFilePath) {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, "");
const loggedMessages = [];
await (0, database_upload_1.uploadDatabases)(testRepoName, getTestConfig(tmpDir), testApiDetails, (0, testing_utils_1.getRecordingLogger)(loggedMessages));
t.assert(loggedMessages.find((v) => v.type === "debug" &&
v.message === "Successfully uploaded database for javascript") !== undefined);
//# sourceMappingURL=database-upload.test.js.map