Python: Autoformat flask library

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Rasmus Wriedt Larsen 2019-10-16 13:12:04 +02:00
Родитель a9d43a2c49
Коммит 002190f8db
4 изменённых файлов: 50 добавлений и 116 удалений

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@ -2,20 +2,15 @@ import python
import semmle.python.web.Http
/** The flask app class */
ClassValue theFlaskClass() {
result = Value::named("flask.Flask")
ClassValue theFlaskClass() { result = Value::named("flask.Flask") }
/** The flask MethodView class */
ClassValue theFlaskMethodViewClass() {
result = Value::named("flask.views.MethodView")
ClassValue theFlaskMethodViewClass() { result = Value::named("flask.views.MethodView") }
ClassValue theFlaskReponseClass() {
result = Value::named("flask.Response")
ClassValue theFlaskReponseClass() { result = Value::named("flask.Response") }
/** Holds if `route` is routed to `func`
* Holds if `route` is routed to `func`
* by decorating `func` with `app.route(route)`
predicate app_route(ControlFlowNode route, Function func) {
@ -31,7 +26,8 @@ predicate app_route(ControlFlowNode route, Function func) {
private predicate add_url_rule_call(ControlFlowNode regex, ControlFlowNode callable) {
exists(CallNode call |
call.getFunction().(AttrNode).getObject("add_url_rule").pointsTo().getClass() = theFlaskClass() and
regex = call.getArg(0) |
regex = call.getArg(0)
callable = call.getArg(2) or
callable = call.getArgByName("view_func")
@ -39,21 +35,19 @@ private predicate add_url_rule_call(ControlFlowNode regex, ControlFlowNode calla
/** Holds if urls matching `regex` are routed to `func` */
predicate add_url_rule(ControlFlowNode regex, Function func) {
exists(ControlFlowNode callable |
add_url_rule_call(regex, callable)
exists(ControlFlowNode callable | add_url_rule_call(regex, callable) |
exists(PythonFunctionValue f | f.getScope() = func and callable.pointsTo(f))
/* MethodView.as_view() */
exists(MethodViewClass view_cls |
view_cls.asTaint().taints(callable) |
exists(MethodViewClass view_cls | view_cls.asTaint().taints(callable) |
func = view_cls.lookup(httpVerbLower()).(FunctionValue).getScope()
/* TODO: -- Handle Views that aren't MethodViews */
/** Holds if urls matching `regex` are routed to `func` using
* Holds if urls matching `regex` are routed to `func` using
* any of flask's routing mechanisms.
predicate flask_routing(ControlFlowNode regex, Function func) {
@ -64,32 +58,21 @@ predicate flask_routing(ControlFlowNode regex, Function func) {
/** A class that extends flask.views.MethodView */
private class MethodViewClass extends ClassValue {
MethodViewClass() {
this.getASuperType() = theFlaskMethodViewClass()
MethodViewClass() { this.getASuperType() = theFlaskMethodViewClass() }
/* As we are restricted to strings for taint kinds, we need to map these classes to strings. */
string taintString() {
result = "flask/" + this.getQualifiedName() + ".as.view"
string taintString() { result = "flask/" + this.getQualifiedName() + ".as.view" }
/* As we are restricted to strings for taint kinds, we need to map these classes to strings. */
TaintKind asTaint() {
result = this.taintString()
TaintKind asTaint() { result = this.taintString() }
private class MethodViewTaint extends TaintKind {
MethodViewTaint() {
any(MethodViewClass cls).taintString() = this
MethodViewTaint() { any(MethodViewClass cls).taintString() = this }
/** A source of method view "taint"s. */
private class AsView extends TaintSource {
AsView() {
exists(ClassValue view_class |
view_class.getASuperType() = theFlaskMethodViewClass() and
@ -97,9 +80,7 @@ private class AsView extends TaintSource {
override string toString() {
result = "flask.MethodView.as_view()"
override string toString() { result = "flask.MethodView.as_view()" }
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) {
exists(MethodViewClass view_class |
@ -107,12 +88,9 @@ private class AsView extends TaintSource {
class FlaskCookieSet extends CookieSet, CallNode {
FlaskCookieSet() {
this.getFunction().(AttrNode).getObject("set_cookie").pointsTo().getClass() = theFlaskReponseClass()
@ -122,6 +100,4 @@ class FlaskCookieSet extends CookieSet, CallNode {
override ControlFlowNode getKey() { result = this.getArg(0) }
override ControlFlowNode getValue() { result = this.getArg(1) }

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@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
/** Provides class representing the `flask.redirect` function.
* Provides class representing the `flask.redirect` function.
* This module is intended to be imported into a taint-tracking query
* to extend `TaintSink`.
import python
import python
import semmle.python.web.flask.General
FunctionValue flask_redirect() {
result = Value::named("flask.redirect")
FunctionValue flask_redirect() { result = Value::named("flask.redirect") }
* Represents an argument to the `flask.redirect` function.
class FlaskRedirect extends HttpRedirectTaintSink {
override string toString() {
result = "flask.redirect"
override string toString() { result = "flask.redirect" }
FlaskRedirect() {
exists(CallNode call |
@ -27,5 +23,4 @@ class FlaskRedirect extends HttpRedirectTaintSink {
this = call.getAnArg()

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@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
import python
import semmle.python.web.Http
import semmle.python.web.flask.General
private Value theFlaskRequestObject() {
result = Value::named("flask.request")
private Value theFlaskRequestObject() { result = Value::named("flask.request") }
/** Holds if `attr` is an access of attribute `name` of the flask request object */
private predicate flask_request_attr(AttrNode attr, string name) {
@ -17,63 +13,44 @@ private predicate flask_request_attr(AttrNode attr, string name) {
/** Source of external data from a flask request */
class FlaskRequestData extends HttpRequestTaintSource {
FlaskRequestData() {
not this instanceof FlaskRequestArgs and
exists(string name |
flask_request_attr(this, name) |
name = "path" or name = "full_path" or
name = "base_url" or name = "url"
exists(string name | flask_request_attr(this, name) |
name = "path" or
name = "full_path" or
name = "base_url" or
name = "url"
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) {
kind instanceof ExternalStringKind
override string toString() {
result = "flask.request"
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) { kind instanceof ExternalStringKind }
override string toString() { result = "flask.request" }
/** Source of dictionary whose values are externally controlled */
class FlaskRequestArgs extends HttpRequestTaintSource {
FlaskRequestArgs() {
exists(string attr |
flask_request_attr(this, attr) |
attr = "args" or attr = "form" or
attr = "values" or attr = "files" or
attr = "headers" or attr = "json"
exists(string attr | flask_request_attr(this, attr) |
attr = "args" or
attr = "form" or
attr = "values" or
attr = "files" or
attr = "headers" or
attr = "json"
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) {
kind instanceof ExternalStringDictKind
override string toString() {
result = "flask.request.args"
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) { kind instanceof ExternalStringDictKind }
override string toString() { result = "flask.request.args" }
/** Source of dictionary whose values are externally controlled */
class FlaskRequestJson extends TaintSource {
FlaskRequestJson() { flask_request_attr(this, "json") }
FlaskRequestJson() {
flask_request_attr(this, "json")
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) {
kind instanceof ExternalJsonKind
override string toString() {
result = "flask.request.json"
override predicate isSourceOf(TaintKind kind) { kind instanceof ExternalJsonKind }
override string toString() { result = "flask.request.json" }

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@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
import python
import semmle.python.web.flask.General
/** A flask response, which is vulnerable to any sort of
* http response malice. */
* A flask response, which is vulnerable to any sort of
* http response malice.
class FlaskRoutedResponse extends HttpResponseTaintSink {
FlaskRoutedResponse() {
exists(PyFunctionObject response |
flask_routing(_, response.getFunction()) and
@ -17,19 +15,12 @@ class FlaskRoutedResponse extends HttpResponseTaintSink {
override predicate sinks(TaintKind kind) {
kind instanceof StringKind
override string toString() {
result = "flask.routed.response"
override predicate sinks(TaintKind kind) { kind instanceof StringKind }
override string toString() { result = "flask.routed.response" }
class FlaskResponseArgument extends HttpResponseTaintSink {
FlaskResponseArgument() {
exists(CallNode call |
call.getFunction().pointsTo(theFlaskReponseClass()) and
@ -37,12 +28,7 @@ class FlaskResponseArgument extends HttpResponseTaintSink {
override predicate sinks(TaintKind kind) {
kind instanceof StringKind
override predicate sinks(TaintKind kind) { kind instanceof StringKind }
override string toString() {
result = "flask.response.argument"
override string toString() { result = "flask.response.argument" }