зеркало из https://github.com/github/codeql.git
Kotlin: Add explorer
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This shows what is encoded in the kotlin.Metadata section shown in the
output of `javap -v SomeKotlinClass`.
It is not currently able to extract the information from .class files
itself; the values are hard coded in src/main/kotlin/Explorer.kt
Run `gradle run` in this directory to run it.
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version "${kotlinVersion}"
id 'org.jetbrains.dokka' version '1.4.32'
id "com.vanniktech.maven.publish" version '0.15.1'
id 'application'
group 'com.github.codeql'
version '0.0.1'
dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-metadata-jvm:0.3.0"
repositories {
tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).configureEach {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
application {
mainClass = 'com.github.codeql.ExplorerKt'
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
POM_DESCRIPTION=CodeQL Kotlin explorer
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
pluginManagement {
repositories {
rootProject.name = 'codeql-kotlin-explorer'
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
package com.github.codeql
import kotlinx.metadata.internal.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmMetadataVersion
import kotlinx.metadata.jvm.*
import kotlinx.metadata.*
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
Values from `javap -v` on TestKt.class from:
class MyClass {}
class MyParamClass<T> {}
fun f(x: MyClass, y: MyClass?,
l1: MyParamClass<MyClass>,
l2: MyParamClass<MyClass?>,
l3: MyParamClass<MyClass>?,
l4: MyParamClass<MyClass?>?) {
val kind = 2
val metadataVersion = intArrayOf(1, 5, 1)
val data1 = arrayOf("\u0000\u0018\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0003\u001aX\u0010\u0000\u001a\u00020\u00012\u0006\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u00032\b\u0010\u0004\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00032\u000c\u0010\u0005\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00030\u00062\u000e\u0010\u0007\u001a\n\u0012\u0006\u0012\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00030\u00062\u000e\u0010\b\u001a\n\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u0003\u0018\u00010\u00062\u0010\u0010\t\u001a\u000c\u0012\u0006\u0012\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0003\u0018\u00010\u0006")
val data2 = arrayOf("f","","x","LMyClass;","y","l1","LMyParamClass;","l2","l3","l4")
val extraString = null
val packageName = null
val extraInt = 48
val kch = KotlinClassHeader(kind, metadataVersion, data1, data2, extraString, packageName, extraInt)
val md = KotlinClassMetadata.read(kch)
when (md) {
is KotlinClassMetadata.Class -> println("Metadata for Class not yet supported")
is KotlinClassMetadata.FileFacade -> {
println("Metadata for FileFacade:")
val kmp = md.toKmPackage()
is KotlinClassMetadata.SyntheticClass -> println("Metadata for SyntheticClass not yet supported")
is KotlinClassMetadata.MultiFileClassFacade -> println("Metadata for MultiFileClassFacade not yet supported")
is KotlinClassMetadata.MultiFileClassPart -> println("Metadata for MultiFileClassPart not yet supported")
is KotlinClassMetadata.Unknown -> println("Unknown kind")
else -> println("Unexpected kind")
fun pr(indent: Int, s: String) {
println(" ".repeat(indent) + s)
class MyPackageVisitor(val indent: Int): KmPackageVisitor() {
override fun visitFunction(flags: Flags, name: String): KmFunctionVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Function; flags:$flags, name:$name")
return MyFunctionVisitor(indent + 1)
override fun visitProperty(flags: Flags, name: String, getterFlags: Flags, setterFlags: Flags): KmPropertyVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Properties not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitTypeAlias(flags: Flags, name: String): KmTypeAliasVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Type aliases not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitExtensions(type: KmExtensionType): KmPackageExtensionVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Package extensions; type:$type")
when (type) {
JvmPackageExtensionVisitor.TYPE -> return MyJvmPackageExtensionVisitor(indent + 1)
else -> {
pr(indent, "- Not yet handled")
return null
class MyFunctionVisitor(val indent: Int): KmFunctionVisitor() {
override fun visitTypeParameter(flags: Flags, name: String, id: Int, variance: KmVariance): KmTypeParameterVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Type parameter; flags:$flags, name:$name, id:$id, variance:$variance")
pr(indent, " -> Not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitReceiverParameterType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Receiver parameter type; flags:$flags")
pr(indent, " -> Not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitValueParameter(flags: Flags, name: String): KmValueParameterVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Value parameter; flags:$flags, name:$name")
return MyValueParameterVisitor(indent + 1)
override fun visitReturnType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Return type; flags:$flags")
return MyTypeVisitor(indent + 1)
override fun visitVersionRequirement(): KmVersionRequirementVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> VersionRequirement not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitContract(): KmContractVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Contract not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitExtensions(type: KmExtensionType): KmFunctionExtensionVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Function extensions; type:$type")
when (type) {
JvmFunctionExtensionVisitor.TYPE -> return MyJvmFunctionExtensionVisitor(indent + 1)
else -> {
pr(indent, "- Not yet handled")
return null
class MyValueParameterVisitor(val indent: Int): KmValueParameterVisitor() {
override fun visitType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Type; flags:$flags")
return MyTypeVisitor(indent + 1)
override fun visitVarargElementType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> VarargElementType not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitExtensions(type: KmExtensionType): KmValueParameterExtensionVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Value parameter extensions; type:$type; not yet handled")
return null
class MyTypeVisitor(val indent: Int): KmTypeVisitor() {
override fun visitClass(name: ClassName) {
pr(indent, "=> Class; name:$name")
override fun visitTypeAlias(name: ClassName) {
pr(indent, "=> Type alias; name:$name")
override fun visitTypeParameter(id: Int) {
pr(indent, "=> Type parameter; id:$id")
override fun visitArgument(flags: Flags, variance: KmVariance): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Argument; flags:$flags, variance:$variance")
return MyTypeVisitor(indent + 1)
override fun visitStarProjection() {
pr(indent, "=> Star projection")
override fun visitAbbreviatedType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> AbbreviatedType not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitOuterType(flags: Flags): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> OuterType not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitFlexibleTypeUpperBound(flags: Flags, typeFlexibilityId: String?): KmTypeVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> FlexibleTypeUpperBound not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitExtensions(type: KmExtensionType): KmTypeExtensionVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Type extensions; type:$type")
when (type) {
JvmTypeExtensionVisitor.TYPE -> return MyJvmTypeExtensionVisitor(indent + 1)
else -> {
pr(indent, "- Not yet handled")
return null
class MyJvmTypeExtensionVisitor(val indent: Int): JvmTypeExtensionVisitor() {
override fun visit(isRaw: Boolean) {
pr(indent, "=> isRaw:$isRaw")
override fun visitAnnotation(annotation: KmAnnotation) {
pr(indent, "=> Annotation; annotation:$annotation")
class MyJvmPackageExtensionVisitor(val indent: Int): JvmPackageExtensionVisitor() {
override fun visitLocalDelegatedProperty(flags: Flags, name: String, getterFlags: Flags, setterFlags: Flags): KmPropertyVisitor? {
pr(indent, "=> Local delegate not yet handled")
return null
override fun visitModuleName(name: String) {
pr(indent, "=> Module name; name:$name")
class MyJvmFunctionExtensionVisitor(val indent: Int): JvmFunctionExtensionVisitor() {
override fun visit(signature: JvmMethodSignature?) {
pr(indent, "=> signature:$signature")
override fun visitLambdaClassOriginName(internalName: String) {
pr(indent, "=> LambdaClassOriginName; internalName:$internalName")
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