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Shared: Add a model generator parameterised module.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
* INTERNAL: Do not use.
* Provides classes and predicates related to capturing summary, source,
* and sink models of the Standard or a 3rd party library.
private import codeql.dataflow.DataFlow
private import codeql.dataflow.TaintTracking as Tt
private import codeql.dataflow.internal.ContentDataFlowImpl
private import codeql.dataflow.internal.DataFlowImplCommon as DataFlowImplCommon
private import codeql.util.Location
private import ModelPrinting
* Provides language-specific model generator parameters.
signature module ModelGeneratorInputSig<LocationSig Location, InputSig<Location> Lang> {
* A Type.
class Type;
* A Parameter.
class Parameter;
* A Callable.
class Callable {
* Gets the number of parameters of this callable.
int getNumberOfParameters();
* Gets a string representation of this callable.
string toString();
* A node.
class NodeExtended extends Lang::Node {
* Gets the type of this node.
Type getType();
* Gets the enclosing callable of this node.
Callable getEnclosingCallable();
* Gets the enclosing callable of this node, when considered as an expression.
Callable getAsExprEnclosingCallable();
* Gets the parameter corresponding to this node, if any.
Parameter asParameter();
* A class of callables that are potentially relevant for generating summary or
* neutral models.
* In the Standard library and 3rd party libraries it is the callables (or callables that have a
* super implementation) that can be called from outside the library itself.
class SummaryTargetApi extends Callable {
* Gets the callable that a model will be lifted to.
* The lifted callable is relevant in terms of model
* generation (this is ensured by `liftedImpl`).
Callable lift();
* Holds if `this` is relevant in terms of model generation.
predicate isRelevant();
* A class of callables that are potentially relevant for generating source or
* sink models.
class SourceOrSinkTargetApi extends Callable;
* A class of callables that are potentially relevant for generating source models.
class SourceTargetApi extends SourceOrSinkTargetApi;
* A class of callables that are potentially relevant for generating sink models.
class SinkTargetApi extends SourceOrSinkTargetApi;
* An instance parameter node.
class InstanceParameterNode extends Lang::Node;
* Holds for type `t` for fields that are relevant as an intermediate
* read or write step in the data flow analysis.
* That is, flow through any data-flow node that does not have a relevant type
* will be excluded.
predicate isRelevantType(Type t);
* Gets the underlying type of the content `c`.
Type getUnderlyingContentType(Lang::ContentSet c);
* Gets the MaD string representation of the qualifier.
string qualifierString();
* Gets the MaD string representation of the parameter `p`.
string parameterAccess(Parameter p);
* Gets the MaD string representation of the parameter `p`
* when used in content flow.
string parameterContentAccess(Parameter p);
* Gets the MaD string representation of return through parameter at position
* `pos` of callable `c`.
string paramReturnNodeAsOutput(Callable c, Lang::ParameterPosition p);
* Gets the MaD string representation of return through parameter at position
* `pos` of callable `c` when used in content flow.
string paramReturnNodeAsContentOutput(Callable c, Lang::ParameterPosition pos);
* Gets the enclosing callable of `ret`.
Callable returnNodeEnclosingCallable(Lang::Node node);
* Holds if `node` is an own instance access.
predicate isOwnInstanceAccessNode(Lang::ReturnNode node);
* Holds if `node` is a sanitizer for sink model construction.
predicate sinkModelSanitizer(Lang::Node node);
* Holds if `source` is an api entrypoint relevant for creating sink models.
predicate apiSource(Lang::Node source);
* Gets the MaD input string representation of `source`.
string getInputArgument(Lang::Node source);
* Holds if it is not relevant to generate a source model for `api`, even
* if flow is detected from a node within `source` to a sink within `api`.
bindingset[sourceEnclosing, api]
predicate irrelevantSourceSinkApi(Callable sourceEnclosing, SourceTargetApi api);
* Holds if `kind` is a relevant sink kind for creating sink models.
predicate isRelevantSinkKind(string kind);
* Holds if `kind` is a relevant source kind for creating source models.
predicate isRelevantSourceKind(string kind);
* Holds if the the content `c` is a container.
predicate containerContent(Lang::ContentSet c);
* Holds if there is a taint step from `node1` to `node2` in content flow.
predicate isAdditionalContentFlowStep(Lang::Node nodeFrom, Lang::Node nodeTo);
* Holds if the content set `c` is field like.
predicate isField(Lang::ContentSet c);
* Gets the MaD synthetic name string representation for the content set `c`, if any.
string getSyntheticName(Lang::ContentSet c);
* Gets the MaD string representation of the content set `c`.
string printContent(Lang::ContentSet c);
* Holds if it is irrelevant to generate models for `api` based on data flow analysis.
* This serves as an extra filter for the `relevant` predicate.
predicate isUninterestingForDataFlowModels(Callable api);
* Holds if `namespace`, `type`, `extensible`, `name` and `parameters` are string representations
* for the corresponding MaD columns for `api`.
predicate partialModel(
Callable api, string namespace, string type, string extensible, string name, string parameters
* Holds if `node` is specified as a source with the given kind in a MaD flow
* model.
predicate sourceNode(Lang::Node node, string kind);
* Holds if `node` is specified as a sink with the given kind in a MaD flow
* model.
predicate sinkNode(Lang::Node node, string kind);
module MakeModelGenerator<
LocationSig Location, InputSig<Location> Lang, Tt::InputSig<Location, Lang> TaintLang,
ModelGeneratorInputSig<Location, Lang> ModelGeneratorInput>
private module DataFlow {
import Lang
import DataFlowMake<Location, Lang>
import DataFlowImplCommon::MakeImplCommon<Location, Lang>
private import ModelGeneratorInput
private import MakeImplContentDataFlow<Location, Lang> as ContentDataFlow
private import Tt::TaintFlowMake<Location, Lang, TaintLang> as TaintTracking
private module ModelPrintingLang implements ModelPrintingLangSig {
class Callable = ModelGeneratorInput::Callable;
predicate partialModel = ModelGeneratorInput::partialModel/6;
private import ModelPrintingImpl<ModelPrintingLang> as Printing
final private class NodeExtendedFinal = NodeExtended;
* A node from which flow can return to the caller. This is either a regular
* `ReturnNode` or a `PostUpdateNode` corresponding to the value of a parameter.
private class ReturnNodeExt extends NodeExtendedFinal {
private DataFlow::ReturnKindExt kind;
ReturnNodeExt() {
kind = DataFlow::getValueReturnPosition(this).getKind() or
kind = DataFlow::getParamReturnPosition(this, _).getKind()
* Gets the kind of the return node.
DataFlow::ReturnKindExt getKind() { result = kind }
private signature string printCallableParamSig(Callable c, DataFlow::ParameterPosition p);
private module PrintReturnNodeExt<printCallableParamSig/2 printCallableParam> {
string getOutput(ReturnNodeExt node) {
node.getKind() instanceof DataFlow::ValueReturnKind and
result = "ReturnValue"
exists(DataFlow::ParameterPosition pos |
pos = node.getKind().(DataFlow::ParamUpdateReturnKind).getPosition() and
result = printCallableParam(returnNodeEnclosingCallable(node), pos)
string getOutput(ReturnNodeExt node) {
result = PrintReturnNodeExt<paramReturnNodeAsOutput/2>::getOutput(node)
string getContentOutput(ReturnNodeExt node) {
result = PrintReturnNodeExt<paramReturnNodeAsContentOutput/2>::getOutput(node)
final private class SummaryTargetApiFinal = SummaryTargetApi;
class DataFlowSummaryTargetApi extends SummaryTargetApiFinal {
DataFlowSummaryTargetApi() { not isUninterestingForDataFlowModels(this) }
class DataFlowSourceTargetApi = SourceTargetApi;
class DataFlowSinkTargetApi = SinkTargetApi;
private module ModelPrintingInput implements Printing::ModelPrintingSig {
class SummaryApi = DataFlowSummaryTargetApi;
class SourceOrSinkApi = SourceOrSinkTargetApi;
string getProvenance() { result = "df-generated" }
module ModelPrinting = Printing::ModelPrinting<ModelPrintingInput>;
* Holds if `c` is a relevant content kind, where the underlying type is relevant.
private predicate isRelevantTypeInContent(DataFlow::ContentSet c) {
* Holds if data can flow from `node1` to `node2` either via a read or a write of an intermediate field `f`.
private predicate isRelevantTaintStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet f |
DataFlow::readStep(node1, f, node2) and
// Partially restrict the content types used for intermediate steps.
(not exists(getUnderlyingContentType(f)) or isRelevantTypeInContent(f))
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet f | DataFlow::storeStep(node1, f, node2) | containerContent(f))
* Holds if content `c` is either a field, a synthetic field or language specific
* content of a relevant type or a container like content.
private predicate isRelevantContent0(DataFlow::ContentSet c) {
isRelevantTypeInContent(c) or
* Gets the MaD string representation of the parameter node `p`.
string parameterNodeAsInput(DataFlow::ParameterNode p) {
result = parameterAccess(p.(NodeExtended).asParameter())
result = qualifierString() and p instanceof InstanceParameterNode
* Gets the MaD string representation of the parameter `p`
* when used in content flow.
string parameterNodeAsContentInput(DataFlow::ParameterNode p) {
result = parameterContentAccess(p.(NodeExtended).asParameter())
result = qualifierString() and p instanceof InstanceParameterNode
* Gets the MaD input string representation of `source`.
string asInputArgument(NodeExtended source) { result = getInputArgument(source) }
* Gets the summary model of `api`, if it follows the `fluent` programming pattern (returns `this`).
string captureQualifierFlow(DataFlowSummaryTargetApi api) {
exists(ReturnNodeExt ret |
api = returnNodeEnclosingCallable(ret) and
) and
result = ModelPrinting::asLiftedValueModel(api, qualifierString(), "ReturnValue")
private int accessPathLimit0() { result = 2 }
private newtype TTaintState =
TTaintRead(int n) { n in [0 .. accessPathLimit0()] } or
TTaintStore(int n) { n in [1 .. accessPathLimit0()] }
abstract private class TaintState extends TTaintState {
abstract string toString();
* A FlowState representing a tainted read.
private class TaintRead extends TaintState, TTaintRead {
private int step;
TaintRead() { this = TTaintRead(step) }
* Gets the flow state step number.
int getStep() { result = step }
override string toString() { result = "TaintRead(" + step + ")" }
* A FlowState representing a tainted write.
private class TaintStore extends TaintState, TTaintStore {
private int step;
TaintStore() { this = TTaintStore(step) }
* Gets the flow state step number.
int getStep() { result = step }
override string toString() { result = "TaintStore(" + step + ")" }
* A data-flow configuration for tracking flow through APIs.
* The sources are the parameters of an API and the sinks are the return values (excluding `this`) and parameters.
* This can be used to generate Flow summaries for APIs from parameter to return.
module PropagateFlowConfig implements DataFlow::StateConfigSig {
class FlowState = TaintState;
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source, FlowState state) {
source instanceof DataFlow::ParameterNode and
source.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() instanceof DataFlowSummaryTargetApi and
state.(TaintRead).getStep() = 0
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink, FlowState state) {
sink instanceof ReturnNodeExt and
not isOwnInstanceAccessNode(sink) and
not exists(captureQualifierFlow(sink.(NodeExtended).getAsExprEnclosingCallable())) and
(state instanceof TaintRead or state instanceof TaintStore)
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(
DataFlow::Node node1, FlowState state1, DataFlow::Node node2, FlowState state2
) {
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet c |
DataFlow::store(node1, c.getAStoreContent(), node2, _, _) and
isRelevantContent0(c) and
state1 instanceof TaintRead and state2.(TaintStore).getStep() = 1
state1.(TaintStore).getStep() + 1 = state2.(TaintStore).getStep()
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet c |
DataFlow::readStep(node1, c, node2) and
isRelevantContent0(c) and
state1.(TaintRead).getStep() + 1 = state2.(TaintRead).getStep()
predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node n) {
exists(Type t | t = n.(NodeExtended).getType() and not isRelevantType(t))
DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() {
result instanceof DataFlow::FeatureEqualSourceSinkCallContext
module PropagateFlow = TaintTracking::GlobalWithState<PropagateFlowConfig>;
* Gets the summary model(s) of `api`, if there is flow from parameters to return value or parameter.
string captureThroughFlow0(
DataFlowSummaryTargetApi api, DataFlow::ParameterNode p, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt
) {
exists(string input, string output |
p.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() = api and
returnNodeExt.getEnclosingCallable() = api and
input = parameterNodeAsInput(p) and
output = getOutput(returnNodeExt) and
input != output and
result = ModelPrinting::asLiftedTaintModel(api, input, output)
* Gets the summary model(s) of `api`, if there is flow from parameters to return value or parameter.
string captureThroughFlow(DataFlowSummaryTargetApi api) {
exists(DataFlow::ParameterNode p, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt |
PropagateFlow::flow(p, returnNodeExt) and
result = captureThroughFlow0(api, p, returnNodeExt)
private module PropagateContentFlowConfig implements ContentDataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
source instanceof DataFlow::ParameterNode and
source.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() instanceof DataFlowSummaryTargetApi
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
sink.(ReturnNodeExt).getEnclosingCallable() instanceof DataFlowSummaryTargetApi
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep = isAdditionalContentFlowStep/2;
predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node n) {
exists(Type t | t = n.(NodeExtended).getType() and not isRelevantType(t))
int accessPathLimit() { result = 2 }
predicate isRelevantContent(DataFlow::ContentSet s) { isRelevantContent0(s) }
DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() {
result instanceof DataFlow::FeatureEqualSourceSinkCallContext
private module PropagateContentFlow = ContentDataFlow::Global<PropagateContentFlowConfig>;
private string getContent(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath ap, int i) {
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet head, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath tail |
head = ap.getHead() and
tail = ap.getTail()
i = 0 and
result = "." + printContent(head)
i > 0 and result = getContent(tail, i - 1)
* Gets the MaD string representation of a store step access path.
private string printStoreAccessPath(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath ap) {
result = concat(int i | | getContent(ap, i), "" order by i)
* Gets the MaD string representation of a read step access path.
private string printReadAccessPath(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath ap) {
result = concat(int i | | getContent(ap, i), "" order by i desc)
* Holds if the access path `ap` contains a field or synthetic field access.
private predicate mentionsField(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath ap) {
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet head, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath tail |
head = ap.getHead() and
tail = ap.getTail()
mentionsField(tail) or isField(head)
private predicate apiFlow(
DataFlowSummaryTargetApi api, DataFlow::ParameterNode p, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath reads,
ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath stores, boolean preservesValue
) {
PropagateContentFlow::flow(p, reads, returnNodeExt, stores, preservesValue) and
returnNodeExt.getEnclosingCallable() = api and
p.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() = api
* A class of APIs relevant for modeling using content flow.
* The following heuristic is applied:
* Content flow is only relevant for an API, if
* #content flow <= 2 * #parameters + 3
* If an API produces more content flow, it is likely that
* 1. Types are not sufficiently constrained leading to a combinatorial
* explosion in dispatch and thus in the generated summaries.
* 2. It is a reasonable approximation to use the non-content based flow
* detection instead, as reads and stores would use a significant
* part of an objects internal state.
private class ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi extends DataFlowSummaryTargetApi {
ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi() {
count(string input, string output |
DataFlow::ParameterNode p, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath reads,
ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath stores
apiFlow(this, p, reads, returnNodeExt, stores, _) and
input = parameterNodeAsContentInput(p) + printReadAccessPath(reads) and
output = getContentOutput(returnNodeExt) + printStoreAccessPath(stores)
) <= 2 * this.getNumberOfParameters() + 3
private predicate apiContentFlow(
ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi api, DataFlow::ParameterNode p,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath reads, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath stores, boolean preservesValue
) {
PropagateContentFlow::flow(p, reads, returnNodeExt, stores, preservesValue) and
returnNodeExt.getEnclosingCallable() = api and
p.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() = api
* Holds if any of the content sets in `path` translates into a synthetic field.
private predicate hasSyntheticContent(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath path) {
exists(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath tail, DataFlow::ContentSet head |
head = path.getHead() and
tail = path.getTail()
exists(getSyntheticName(head)) or
* A module containing predicates for validating access paths containing content sets
* that translates into synthetic fields, when used for generated summary models.
private module AccessPathSyntheticValidation {
* Holds if there exists an API that has content flow from `read` (on type `t1`)
* to `store` (on type `t2`).
private predicate step(
Type t1, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read, Type t2,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store
) {
exists(DataFlow::ParameterNode p, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt |
p.(NodeExtended).getType() = t1 and
returnNodeExt.getType() = t2 and
apiContentFlow(_, p, read, returnNodeExt, store, _)
* Holds if there exists an API that has content flow from `read` (on type `t1`)
* to `store` (on type `t2`), where `read` does not have synthetic content and `store` does.
* Step A -> Synth.
private predicate synthPathEntry(
Type t1, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read, Type t2,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store
) {
not hasSyntheticContent(read) and
hasSyntheticContent(store) and
step(t1, read, t2, store)
* Holds if there exists an API that has content flow from `read` (on type `t1`)
* to `store` (on type `t2`), where `read` has synthetic content
* and `store` does not.
* Step Synth -> A.
private predicate synthPathExit(
Type t1, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read, Type t2,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store
) {
hasSyntheticContent(read) and
not hasSyntheticContent(store) and
step(t1, read, t2, store)
* Holds if there exists a path of steps from `read` to an exit.
* read ->* Synth -> A
private predicate reachesSynthExit(Type t, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read) {
synthPathExit(t, read, _, _)
hasSyntheticContent(read) and
exists(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath mid, Type midType |
hasSyntheticContent(mid) and
step(t, read, midType, mid) and
reachesSynthExit(midType, mid.reverse())
* Holds if there exists a path of steps from an entry to `store`.
* A -> Synth ->* store
private predicate synthEntryReaches(Type t, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store) {
synthPathEntry(_, _, t, store)
hasSyntheticContent(store) and
exists(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath mid, Type midType |
hasSyntheticContent(mid) and
step(midType, mid, t, store) and
synthEntryReaches(midType, mid.reverse())
* Holds if at least one of the access paths `read` (on type `t1`) and `store` (on type `t2`)
* contain content that will be translated into a synthetic field, when being used in
* a MaD summary model, and if there is a range of APIs, such that
* when chaining their flow access paths, there exists access paths `A` and `B` where
* A ->* read -> store ->* B and where `A` and `B` do not contain content that will
* be translated into a synthetic field.
* This is needed because we don't want to include summaries that reads from or
* stores into a "dead" synthetic field.
* Example:
* Assume we have a type `t` (in this case `t1` = `t2`) with methods `getX` and
* `setX`, which gets and sets a private field `X` on `t`.
* This would lead to the following content flows
* getX : Argument[this].SyntheticField[t.X] -> ReturnValue.
* setX : Argument[0] -> Argument[this].SyntheticField[t.X]
* As the reads and stores are on synthetic fields we should only make summaries
* if both of these methods exist.
predicate acceptReadStore(
Type t1, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read, Type t2,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store
) {
synthPathEntry(t1, read, t2, store) and reachesSynthExit(t2, store.reverse())
exists(PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store0 | store0.reverse() = read |
synthEntryReaches(t1, store0) and synthPathExit(t1, read, t2, store)
synthEntryReaches(t1, store0) and
step(t1, read, t2, store) and
reachesSynthExit(t2, store.reverse())
* Holds, if the API `api` has relevant flow from `read` on `p` to `store` on `returnNodeExt`.
* Flow is considered relevant,
* 1. If `read` or `store` do not contain a content set that translates into a synthetic field.
* 2. If `read` or `store` contain a content set that translates into a synthetic field, and if
* the synthetic content is "live" on the relevant declaring type.
private predicate apiRelevantContentFlow(
ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi api, DataFlow::ParameterNode p,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath read, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath store, boolean preservesValue
) {
apiContentFlow(api, p, read, returnNodeExt, store, preservesValue) and
not hasSyntheticContent(read) and not hasSyntheticContent(store)
AccessPathSyntheticValidation::acceptReadStore(p.(NodeExtended).getType(), read,
returnNodeExt.getType(), store)
private predicate captureContentFlow0(
ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi api, string input, string output, boolean preservesValue,
boolean lift
) {
DataFlow::ParameterNode p, ReturnNodeExt returnNodeExt,
PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath reads, PropagateContentFlow::AccessPath stores
apiRelevantContentFlow(api, p, reads, returnNodeExt, stores, preservesValue) and
input = parameterNodeAsContentInput(p) + printReadAccessPath(reads) and
output = getContentOutput(returnNodeExt) + printStoreAccessPath(stores) and
input != output and
(if mentionsField(reads) or mentionsField(stores) then lift = false else lift = true)
* Gets the content based summary model(s) of the API `api` (if there is flow from a parameter to
* the return value or a parameter).
* Models are lifted to the best type in case the read and store access paths do not
* contain a field or synthetic field access.
string captureContentFlow(ContentDataFlowSummaryTargetApi api) {
exists(string input, string output, boolean lift, boolean preservesValue |
captureContentFlow0(api, input, output, _, lift) and
preservesValue = max(boolean p | captureContentFlow0(api, input, output, p, lift)) and
result = ModelPrinting::asModel(api, input, output, preservesValue, lift)
* A dataflow configuration used for finding new sources.
* The sources are the already known existing sources and the sinks are the API return nodes.
* This can be used to generate Source summaries for an API, if the API expose an already known source
* via its return (then the API itself becomes a source).
module PropagateFromSourceConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
exists(string kind |
isRelevantSourceKind(kind) and
sourceNode(source, kind)
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
sink.(ReturnNodeExt).getEnclosingCallable() instanceof DataFlowSourceTargetApi
DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() { result instanceof DataFlow::FeatureHasSinkCallContext }
predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node n) {
exists(Type t | t = n.(NodeExtended).getType() and not isRelevantType(t))
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
isRelevantTaintStep(node1, node2)
private module PropagateFromSource = TaintTracking::Global<PropagateFromSourceConfig>;
* Gets the source model(s) of `api`, if there is flow from an existing known source to the return of `api`.
string captureSource(DataFlowSourceTargetApi api) {
exists(NodeExtended source, ReturnNodeExt sink, string kind |
PropagateFromSource::flow(source, sink) and
sourceNode(source, kind) and
api = sink.getEnclosingCallable() and
not irrelevantSourceSinkApi(source.getEnclosingCallable(), api) and
result = ModelPrinting::asSourceModel(api, getOutput(sink), kind)
* A dataflow configuration used for finding new sinks.
* The sources are the parameters of the API and the fields of the enclosing type.
* This can be used to generate Sink summaries for APIs, if the API propagates a parameter (or enclosing type field)
* into an existing known sink (then the API itself becomes a sink).
module PropagateToSinkConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
apiSource(source) and
source.(NodeExtended).getEnclosingCallable() instanceof DataFlowSinkTargetApi
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(string kind | isRelevantSinkKind(kind) and sinkNode(sink, kind))
predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node node) {
exists(Type t | t = node.(NodeExtended).getType() and not isRelevantType(t))
DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() { result instanceof DataFlow::FeatureHasSourceCallContext }
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
isRelevantTaintStep(node1, node2)
private module PropagateToSink = TaintTracking::Global<PropagateToSinkConfig>;
* Gets the sink model(s) of `api`, if there is flow from a parameter to an existing known sink.
string captureSink(DataFlowSinkTargetApi api) {
exists(NodeExtended src, NodeExtended sink, string kind |
PropagateToSink::flow(src, sink) and
sinkNode(sink, kind) and
api = src.getEnclosingCallable() and
result = ModelPrinting::asSinkModel(api, asInputArgument(src), kind)
@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ groups: shared
library: true
codeql/util: ${workspace}
codeql/dataflow: ${workspace}
warnOnImplicitThis: true
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