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C++: Add a new 'InvalidPointerDeref' query to experimental.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
void *malloc(unsigned);
unsigned get_size();
void write_data(const unsigned char*, const unsigned char*);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
unsigned size = get_size();
unsigned char *begin = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
if(!begin) return -1;
unsigned char* end = begin + size;
write_data(begin, end);
*end = '\0'; // BAD: Out-of-bounds write
unsigned char *begin = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
if(!begin) return -1;
unsigned char* end = begin + size;
write_data(begin, end);
*(end - 1) = '\0'; // GOOD: writing to the last byte
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<p>The program performs an out-of-bounds read or write operation. In addition to causing program instability, techniques exist which may allow an attacker to use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code.</p>
<p>Ensure that pointer dereferences are properly guarded to ensure that they cannot be used to read or write past the end of the allocation.</p>
<p>The first example allocates a buffer of size <code>size</code> and creates a local variable that stores the location that is one byte past the end of the allocation.
This local variable is then dereferenced which results in an out-of-bounds write.
The second example subtracts one from the <code>end</code> variable before dereferencing it. This subtraction ensures that the write correctly updates the final byte of the allocation.</p>
<sample src="InvalidPointerDeref.cpp" />
<li>CERT C Coding Standard:
<a href="https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/ARR30-C.+Do+not+form+or+use+out-of-bounds+pointers+or+array+subscripts">ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts</a>.</li>
<a href="https://owasp.org/www-community/vulnerabilities/Buffer_Overflow">Buffer Overflow</a>.
@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
* @name Invalid pointer dereference
* @description Dereferencing a pointer that points past it allocation is undefined behavior
* and may lead to security vulnerabilities.
* @kind path-problem
* @problem.severity error
* @precision high
* @id cpp/invalid-pointer-deref
* @tags reliability
* security
* external/cwe/cwe-119
* external/cwe/cwe-125
* external/cwe/cwe-193
* external/cwe/cwe-787
import cpp
import experimental.semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.ProductFlow
import experimental.semmle.code.cpp.ir.dataflow.DataFlow3
import experimental.semmle.code.cpp.semantic.analysis.RangeAnalysis
import experimental.semmle.code.cpp.semantic.SemanticBound
import experimental.semmle.code.cpp.semantic.SemanticExprSpecific
import semmle.code.cpp.ir.IR
Instruction getABoundIn(SemBound b, IRFunction func) {
result = b.getExpr(0) and
result.getEnclosingIRFunction() = func
* Holds if `i <= b + delta`.
predicate bounded(Instruction i, Instruction b, int delta) {
exists(SemBound bound, IRFunction func |
semBounded(getSemanticExpr(i), bound, delta, true, _) and
b = getABoundIn(bound, func) and
i.getEnclosingIRFunction() = func
* Holds if the combination of `n` and `state` represents an appropriate
* source for the expression `e` suitable for use-use flow.
private predicate hasSizeImpl(Expr e, DataFlow::Node n, string state) {
// The simple case: If the size is a variable access with no qualifier we can just use the
// dataflow node for that expression and no state.
exists(VariableAccess va |
va = e and
not va instanceof FieldAccess and
n.asConvertedExpr() = va.getFullyConverted() and
state = "0"
// If the size is a choice between two expressions we allow both to be nodes representing the size.
exists(ConditionalExpr cond | cond = e | hasSizeImpl([cond.getThen(), cond.getElse()], n, state))
// If the size is an expression plus a constant, we pick the dataflow node of the expression and
// remember the constant in the state.
exists(Expr const, Expr nonconst |
e.(AddExpr).hasOperands(const, nonconst) and
state = const.getValue() and
hasSizeImpl(nonconst, n, _)
exists(Expr const, Expr nonconst |
e.(SubExpr).hasOperands(const, nonconst) and
state = "-" + const.getValue() and
hasSizeImpl(nonconst, n, _)
* Holds if `(n, state)` pair represents the source of flow for the size
* expression associated with `alloc`.
predicate hasSize(AllocationExpr alloc, DataFlow::Node n, string state) {
hasSizeImpl(alloc.getSizeExpr(), n, state)
* A product-flow configuration for flow from an (allocation, size) pair to a
* pointer-arithmetic operation that is non-strictly upper-bounded by `allocation + size`.
class AllocToInvalidPointerConf extends ProductFlow::Configuration {
AllocToInvalidPointerConf() { this = "AllocToInvalidPointerConf" }
override predicate isSourcePair(
DataFlow::Node source1, string state1, DataFlow::Node source2, string state2
) {
state1 = "" and
hasSize(source1.asConvertedExpr(), source2, state2)
override predicate isSinkPair(
DataFlow::Node sink1, DataFlow::FlowState state1, DataFlow::Node sink2,
DataFlow::FlowState state2
) {
state1 = "" and
exists(int delta |
isSinkImpl(_, sink1, sink2, delta) and
state2 = delta.toString()
predicate pointerAddInstructionHasOperands(
PointerAddInstruction pai, Instruction left, Instruction right
) {
pai.getLeft() = left and
pai.getRight() = right
* Holds if `pai` is non-strictly upper bounded by `b + delta` and `sink1` is the
* non-constant operand of the pointer-arithmetic operation.
predicate pointerAddInstructionHasBounds(
PointerAddInstruction pai, DataFlow::Node sink1, Instruction sink2, int delta
) {
exists(Instruction right |
pointerAddInstructionHasOperands(pai, sink1.asInstruction(), right) and
bounded(right, sink2, delta)
* Holds if `pai` is non-strictly upper bounded by `sink2 + delta` and `sink1` is the
* non-constant operand of the pointer-arithmetic operation.
predicate isSinkImpl(
PointerAddInstruction pai, DataFlow::Node sink1, DataFlow::Node sink2, int delta
) {
pointerAddInstructionHasBounds(pai, sink1, sink2.asInstruction(), delta)
* Holds if `sink` is a sink for `InvalidPointerToDerefConf` and `i` is a `StoreInstruction` that
* writes to an address that non-strictly upper-bounds `sink`, or `i` is a `LoadInstruction` that
* reads from an address that non-strictly upper-bounds `sink`.
predicate isInvalidPointerDerefSink(DataFlow::Node sink, Instruction i, string operation) {
exists(AddressOperand addr, int delta |
bounded(addr.getDef(), sink.asInstruction(), delta) and
delta >= 0 and
i.getAnOperand() = addr
i instanceof StoreInstruction and
operation = "write"
i instanceof LoadInstruction and
operation = "read"
* A configuration to track flow from a pointer-arithmetic operation found
* by `AllocToInvalidPointerConf` to a dereference of the pointer.
class InvalidPointerToDerefConf extends DataFlow3::Configuration {
InvalidPointerToDerefConf() { this = "InvalidPointerToDerefConf" }
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { invalidPointerToDerefSource(_, source, _) }
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { isInvalidPointerDerefSink(sink, _, _) }
predicate invalidPointerToDerefSource(
PointerArithmeticInstruction pai, DataFlow::Node source, int delta
) {
exists(ProductFlow::Configuration conf, DataFlow::PathNode p, DataFlow::Node sink1 |
p.getNode() = sink1 and
conf.hasFlowPath(_, _, p, _) and
isSinkImpl(pai, sink1, _, _) and
bounded(source.asInstruction(), pai, delta) and
delta >= 0
newtype TMergedPathNode =
// The path nodes computed by the first projection of `AllocToInvalidPointerConf`
TPathNode1(DataFlow::PathNode p) or
// The path nodes computed by `InvalidPointerToDerefConf`
TPathNode3(DataFlow3::PathNode p) or
// The read/write that uses the invalid pointer identified by `InvalidPointerToDerefConf`.
// This one is needed because the sink identified by `InvalidPointerToDerefConf` is the
// pointer, but we want to raise an alert at the dereference.
TPathNodeSink(Instruction i) {
exists(DataFlow::Node n |
any(InvalidPointerToDerefConf conf).hasFlow(_, n) and
isInvalidPointerDerefSink(n, i, _)
class MergedPathNode extends TMergedPathNode {
string toString() { none() }
final DataFlow::PathNode asPathNode1() { this = TPathNode1(result) }
final DataFlow3::PathNode asPathNode3() { this = TPathNode3(result) }
final Instruction asSinkNode() { this = TPathNodeSink(result) }
predicate hasLocationInfo(
string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn
) {
class PathNode1 extends MergedPathNode, TPathNode1 {
override string toString() {
exists(DataFlow::PathNode p |
this = TPathNode1(p) and
result = p.toString()
override predicate hasLocationInfo(
string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn
) {
this.asPathNode1().hasLocationInfo(filepath, startline, startcolumn, endline, endcolumn)
class PathNode3 extends MergedPathNode, TPathNode3 {
override string toString() {
exists(DataFlow3::PathNode p |
this = TPathNode3(p) and
result = p.toString()
override predicate hasLocationInfo(
string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn
) {
this.asPathNode3().hasLocationInfo(filepath, startline, startcolumn, endline, endcolumn)
class PathSinkNode extends MergedPathNode, TPathNodeSink {
override string toString() {
exists(Instruction i |
this = TPathNodeSink(i) and
result = i.toString()
override predicate hasLocationInfo(
string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn
) {
.hasLocationInfo(filepath, startline, startcolumn, endline, endcolumn)
query predicate edges(MergedPathNode node1, MergedPathNode node2) {
node1.asPathNode1().getASuccessor() = node2.asPathNode1()
joinOn1(_, node1.asPathNode1(), node2.asPathNode3())
node1.asPathNode3().getASuccessor() = node2.asPathNode3()
joinOn2(node1.asPathNode3(), node2.asSinkNode(), _)
* Holds if `p1` is a sink of `AllocToInvalidPointerConf` and `p2` is a source
* of `InvalidPointerToDerefConf`, and they are connected through `pai`.
predicate joinOn1(PointerArithmeticInstruction pai, DataFlow::PathNode p1, DataFlow3::PathNode p2) {
isSinkImpl(pai, p1.getNode(), _, _) and
invalidPointerToDerefSource(pai, p2.getNode(), _)
* Holds if `p1` is a sink of `InvalidPointerToDerefConf` and `i` is the instruction
* that dereferences `p1`. The string `operation` describes whether the `i` is
* a `StoreInstruction` or `LoadInstruction`.
predicate joinOn2(DataFlow3::PathNode p1, Instruction i, string operation) {
isInvalidPointerDerefSink(p1.getNode(), i, operation)
predicate hasFlowPath(
MergedPathNode source1, MergedPathNode sink, DataFlow3::PathNode source3,
PointerArithmeticInstruction pai, string operation
) {
AllocToInvalidPointerConf conf1, InvalidPointerToDerefConf conf2, DataFlow3::PathNode sink3,
DataFlow::PathNode sink1
conf1.hasFlowPath(source1.asPathNode1(), _, sink1, _) and
joinOn1(pai, sink1, source3) and
conf2.hasFlowPath(source3, sink3) and
joinOn2(sink3, sink.asSinkNode(), operation)
MergedPathNode source, MergedPathNode sink, int k, string kstr, DataFlow3::PathNode source3,
PointerArithmeticInstruction pai, string operation, Expr offset, DataFlow::Node n
hasFlowPath(source, sink, source3, pai, operation) and
invalidPointerToDerefSource(pai, source3.getNode(), k) and
offset = pai.getRight().getUnconvertedResultExpression() and
n = source.asPathNode1().getNode() and
if k = 0 then kstr = "" else kstr = " + " + k
select sink, source, sink,
"This " + operation + " might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@" + kstr +
".", n, n.toString(), offset, offset.toString()
@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
| test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:15 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:5:15:5:22 | Store | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:6:15:6:15 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:7:16:7:16 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:16 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:8:16:8:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:9:16:9:16 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:10:16:10:16 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:11:16:11:16 | Load | test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:12:16:12:16 | Load | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:16:15:16:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:15 | Load | test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:17:15:17:22 | ... + ... | test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:20:16:20:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:15 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:29:15:29:28 | Store | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:30:15:30:15 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:31:16:31:16 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:16 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:32:16:32:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:33:16:33:16 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:34:16:34:16 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:35:16:35:16 | Load | test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:36:16:36:16 | Load | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:15 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | ... + ... | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:41:15:41:28 | Store | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:42:15:42:15 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:43:16:43:16 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:16 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:44:16:44:20 | ... + ... | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:45:16:45:16 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:46:16:46:16 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:47:16:47:16 | Load | test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:48:16:48:16 | Load | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... |
| test.cpp:51:7:51:14 | VariableAddress indirection | test.cpp:62:39:62:39 | Load |
| test.cpp:51:7:51:14 | VariableAddress indirection | test.cpp:66:39:66:39 | Load |
| test.cpp:51:7:51:14 | VariableAddress indirection | test.cpp:70:38:70:38 | Load |
| test.cpp:51:33:51:35 | Load indirection | test.cpp:60:34:60:37 | mk_array output argument |
| test.cpp:52:19:52:24 | call to malloc | test.cpp:51:7:51:14 | VariableAddress indirection |
| test.cpp:52:19:52:24 | call to malloc | test.cpp:53:12:53:16 | Load |
| test.cpp:53:5:53:23 | Store | test.cpp:51:33:51:35 | Load indirection |
| test.cpp:53:12:53:16 | Load | test.cpp:53:5:53:23 | Store |
| test.cpp:53:12:53:16 | Load | test.cpp:53:5:53:23 | Store |
| test.cpp:53:12:53:16 | Load | test.cpp:53:12:53:23 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:53:12:53:16 | Load | test.cpp:53:12:53:23 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:53:12:53:23 | ... + ... | test.cpp:51:33:51:35 | Load indirection |
| test.cpp:60:34:60:37 | mk_array output argument | test.cpp:62:32:62:34 | Load |
| test.cpp:60:34:60:37 | mk_array output argument | test.cpp:66:32:66:34 | Load |
| test.cpp:60:34:60:37 | mk_array output argument | test.cpp:70:31:70:33 | Load |
| test.cpp:62:32:62:34 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:62:32:62:34 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:66:32:66:34 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:66:32:66:34 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:70:31:70:33 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:70:31:70:33 | Load | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:91:20:91:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:95:20:95:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:99:20:99:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:119:18:119:25 | call to mk_array [begin] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:91:36:91:38 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:95:36:95:38 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:99:35:99:37 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:119:18:119:25 | call to mk_array [end] |
| test.cpp:82:5:82:28 | Store | test.cpp:82:9:82:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] |
| test.cpp:82:9:82:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:82:9:82:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:83:15:83:17 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:82:17:82:22 | call to malloc | test.cpp:82:5:82:28 | Store |
| test.cpp:83:5:83:30 | Store | test.cpp:83:9:83:11 | arr indirection [post update] [end] |
| test.cpp:83:9:83:11 | arr indirection [post update] [end] | test.cpp:80:9:80:16 | VariableAddress indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:83:15:83:17 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | begin |
| test.cpp:83:15:83:30 | ... + ... | test.cpp:83:5:83:30 | Store |
| test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | Load | test.cpp:83:5:83:30 | Store |
| test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | Load | test.cpp:83:5:83:30 | Store |
| test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | Load | test.cpp:83:15:83:30 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | Load | test.cpp:83:15:83:30 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | begin | test.cpp:83:19:83:23 | Load |
| test.cpp:91:20:91:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:91:24:91:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:91:20:91:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:91:47:91:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:91:24:91:28 | begin | test.cpp:91:47:91:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:91:36:91:38 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:91:40:91:42 | end |
| test.cpp:91:40:91:42 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:91:40:91:42 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:91:40:91:42 | end | test.cpp:91:40:91:42 | Load |
| test.cpp:95:20:95:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:95:24:95:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:95:20:95:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:95:47:95:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:95:24:95:28 | begin | test.cpp:95:47:95:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:95:36:95:38 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:95:40:95:42 | end |
| test.cpp:95:40:95:42 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:95:40:95:42 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:95:40:95:42 | end | test.cpp:95:40:95:42 | Load |
| test.cpp:99:20:99:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:99:24:99:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:99:20:99:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:99:46:99:46 | Load |
| test.cpp:99:24:99:28 | begin | test.cpp:99:46:99:46 | Load |
| test.cpp:99:35:99:37 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:99:39:99:41 | end |
| test.cpp:99:39:99:41 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:99:39:99:41 | Load | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:99:39:99:41 | end | test.cpp:99:39:99:41 | Load |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [begin] | test.cpp:105:20:105:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [begin] | test.cpp:109:20:109:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [begin] | test.cpp:113:20:113:22 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [end] | test.cpp:105:36:105:38 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [end] | test.cpp:109:36:109:38 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [end] | test.cpp:113:35:113:37 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:105:20:105:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:105:24:105:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:105:20:105:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:105:47:105:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:105:24:105:28 | begin | test.cpp:105:47:105:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:105:36:105:38 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:105:40:105:42 | end |
| test.cpp:105:40:105:42 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:105:40:105:42 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:105:40:105:42 | end | test.cpp:105:40:105:42 | Load |
| test.cpp:109:20:109:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:109:24:109:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:109:20:109:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:109:47:109:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:109:24:109:28 | begin | test.cpp:109:47:109:47 | Load |
| test.cpp:109:36:109:38 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:109:40:109:42 | end |
| test.cpp:109:40:109:42 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:109:40:109:42 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:109:40:109:42 | end | test.cpp:109:40:109:42 | Load |
| test.cpp:113:20:113:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:113:24:113:28 | begin |
| test.cpp:113:20:113:22 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:113:46:113:46 | Load |
| test.cpp:113:24:113:28 | begin | test.cpp:113:46:113:46 | Load |
| test.cpp:113:35:113:37 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:113:39:113:41 | end |
| test.cpp:113:39:113:41 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:113:39:113:41 | Load | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:113:39:113:41 | end | test.cpp:113:39:113:41 | Load |
| test.cpp:119:18:119:25 | call to mk_array [begin] | test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [begin] |
| test.cpp:119:18:119:25 | call to mk_array [end] | test.cpp:104:27:104:29 | arr [end] |
| test.cpp:124:15:124:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:125:5:125:17 | Store |
| test.cpp:124:15:124:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:126:15:126:15 | Load |
| test.cpp:125:5:125:17 | Store | test.cpp:125:9:125:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] |
| test.cpp:125:9:125:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:129:11:129:13 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:125:9:125:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:133:11:133:13 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:125:9:125:13 | arr indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:137:11:137:13 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:129:11:129:13 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:129:15:129:19 | begin |
| test.cpp:129:15:129:19 | begin | test.cpp:129:15:129:19 | Load |
| test.cpp:133:11:133:13 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:133:15:133:19 | begin |
| test.cpp:133:15:133:19 | begin | test.cpp:133:15:133:19 | Load |
| test.cpp:137:11:137:13 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:137:15:137:19 | begin |
| test.cpp:137:15:137:19 | begin | test.cpp:137:15:137:19 | Load |
| test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] | test.cpp:180:18:180:27 | call to mk_array_p indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [end] | test.cpp:180:18:180:27 | call to mk_array_p indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:143:5:143:29 | Store | test.cpp:143:10:143:14 | Load indirection [post update] [begin] |
| test.cpp:143:10:143:14 | Load indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:143:10:143:14 | Load indirection [post update] [begin] | test.cpp:144:16:144:18 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:143:18:143:23 | call to malloc | test.cpp:143:5:143:29 | Store |
| test.cpp:144:5:144:32 | Store | test.cpp:144:10:144:12 | Load indirection [post update] [end] |
| test.cpp:144:10:144:12 | Load indirection [post update] [end] | test.cpp:141:10:141:19 | VariableAddress indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:144:16:144:18 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | begin |
| test.cpp:144:16:144:32 | ... + ... | test.cpp:144:5:144:32 | Store |
| test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | Load | test.cpp:144:5:144:32 | Store |
| test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | Load | test.cpp:144:5:144:32 | Store |
| test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | Load | test.cpp:144:16:144:32 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | Load | test.cpp:144:16:144:32 | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | begin | test.cpp:144:21:144:25 | Load |
| test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [begin] | test.cpp:152:20:152:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [begin] | test.cpp:156:20:156:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [begin] | test.cpp:160:20:160:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:150:20:150:29 | Call indirection [end] | test.cpp:156:37:156:39 | Load indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:152:20:152:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:152:25:152:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:152:20:152:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:152:49:152:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:152:25:152:29 | begin | test.cpp:152:49:152:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:156:20:156:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:156:25:156:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:156:20:156:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:156:49:156:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:156:25:156:29 | begin | test.cpp:156:49:156:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:156:37:156:39 | Load indirection [end] | test.cpp:156:42:156:44 | end |
| test.cpp:156:42:156:44 | Load | test.cpp:157:9:157:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:156:42:156:44 | Load | test.cpp:157:9:157:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:156:42:156:44 | end | test.cpp:156:42:156:44 | Load |
| test.cpp:160:20:160:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:160:25:160:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:160:20:160:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:160:48:160:48 | Load |
| test.cpp:160:25:160:29 | begin | test.cpp:160:48:160:48 | Load |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:166:20:166:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:170:20:170:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [begin] | test.cpp:174:20:174:22 | Load indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:166:37:166:39 | Load indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:170:37:170:39 | Load indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [end] | test.cpp:174:36:174:38 | Load indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:166:20:166:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:166:25:166:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:166:20:166:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:166:49:166:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:166:25:166:29 | begin | test.cpp:166:49:166:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:166:37:166:39 | Load indirection [end] | test.cpp:166:42:166:44 | end |
| test.cpp:166:42:166:44 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:166:42:166:44 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:166:42:166:44 | end | test.cpp:166:42:166:44 | Load |
| test.cpp:170:20:170:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:170:25:170:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:170:20:170:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:170:49:170:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:170:25:170:29 | begin | test.cpp:170:49:170:49 | Load |
| test.cpp:170:37:170:39 | Load indirection [end] | test.cpp:170:42:170:44 | end |
| test.cpp:170:42:170:44 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:170:42:170:44 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:170:42:170:44 | end | test.cpp:170:42:170:44 | Load |
| test.cpp:174:20:174:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:174:25:174:29 | begin |
| test.cpp:174:20:174:22 | Load indirection [begin] | test.cpp:174:48:174:48 | Load |
| test.cpp:174:25:174:29 | begin | test.cpp:174:48:174:48 | Load |
| test.cpp:174:36:174:38 | Load indirection [end] | test.cpp:174:41:174:43 | end |
| test.cpp:174:41:174:43 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:174:41:174:43 | Load | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... |
| test.cpp:174:41:174:43 | end | test.cpp:174:41:174:43 | Load |
| test.cpp:180:18:180:27 | call to mk_array_p indirection [begin] | test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [begin] |
| test.cpp:180:18:180:27 | call to mk_array_p indirection [end] | test.cpp:165:28:165:30 | arr indirection [end] |
| test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:6:14:6:15 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:5:19:5:22 | size | size |
| test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@ + 1. | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:5:19:5:22 | size | size |
| test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:8:14:8:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:4:15:4:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:5:19:5:22 | size | size |
| test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:16:15:16:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:20:14:20:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:16:15:16:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:17:19:17:22 | size | size |
| test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:30:14:30:15 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:29:20:29:27 | ... + ... | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@ + 1. | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:29:20:29:27 | ... + ... | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:32:14:32:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:28:15:28:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:29:20:29:27 | ... + ... | ... + ... |
| test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:42:14:42:15 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:41:20:41:27 | ... - ... | ... - ... |
| test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@ + 1. | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:41:20:41:27 | ... - ... | ... - ... |
| test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | test.cpp:44:14:44:21 | Load: * ... | This read might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:40:15:40:20 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:41:20:41:27 | ... - ... | ... - ... |
| test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... | test.cpp:52:19:52:24 | call to malloc | test.cpp:67:9:67:14 | Store: ... = ... | This write might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:52:19:52:24 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:53:20:53:23 | size | size |
| test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... | test.cpp:82:17:82:22 | call to malloc | test.cpp:96:9:96:14 | Store: ... = ... | This write might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:82:17:82:22 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:83:27:83:30 | size | size |
| test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... | test.cpp:82:17:82:22 | call to malloc | test.cpp:110:9:110:14 | Store: ... = ... | This write might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:82:17:82:22 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:83:27:83:30 | size | size |
| test.cpp:157:9:157:14 | Store: ... = ... | test.cpp:143:18:143:23 | call to malloc | test.cpp:157:9:157:14 | Store: ... = ... | This write might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:143:18:143:23 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:144:29:144:32 | size | size |
| test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... | test.cpp:143:18:143:23 | call to malloc | test.cpp:171:9:171:14 | Store: ... = ... | This write might be out of bounds, as the pointer might be equal to $@ + $@. | test.cpp:143:18:143:23 | call to malloc | call to malloc | test.cpp:144:29:144:32 | size | size |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
char *malloc(int size);
void test1(int size) {
char* p = malloc(size);
char* q = p + size;
char a = *q; // BAD
char b = *(q - 1); // GOOD
char c = *(q + 1); // BAD
char d = *(q + size); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char e = *(q - size); // GOOD
char f = *(q + size + 1); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char g = *(q - size - 1); // GOOD
void test12(int size) {
char* p = malloc(size);
char* q = p + size - 1;
char a = *q; // GOOD
char b = *(q - 1); // GOOD
char c = *(q + 1); // BAD
char d = *(q + size); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char e = *(q - size); // GOOD
char f = *(q + size + 1); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char g = *(q - size - 1); // GOOD
void test9(int size) {
char* p = malloc(size + 1);
char* q = p + (size + 1);
char a = *q; // BAD
char b = *(q - 1); // GOOD
char c = *(q + 1); // BAD
char d = *(q + size); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char e = *(q - size); // GOOD
char f = *(q + size + 1); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char g = *(q - size - 1); // GOOD
void test10(int size) {
char* p = malloc(size - 1);
char* q = p + (size - 1);
char a = *q; // BAD
char b = *(q - 1); // GOOD
char c = *(q + 1); // BAD
char d = *(q + size); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char e = *(q - size); // GOOD
char f = *(q + size + 1); // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
char g = *(q - size - 1); // GOOD
char* mk_array(int size, char** end) {
char* begin = malloc(size);
*end = begin + size;
return begin;
void test11(int size) {
char* end;
char* begin = mk_array(size, &end);
for (char* p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
for (char* p = begin; p <= end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // BAD
for (char* p = begin; p < end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
struct array_t {
char* begin;
char* end;
array_t mk_array(int size) {
array_t arr;
arr.begin = malloc(size);
arr.end = arr.begin + size;
return arr;
void test2(int size) {
array_t arr = mk_array(size);
for (char* p = arr.begin; p != arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
for (char* p = arr.begin; p <= arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // BAD
for (char* p = arr.begin; p < arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
void test3_callee(array_t arr) {
for (char* p = arr.begin; p != arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
for (char* p = arr.begin; p <= arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // BAD
for (char* p = arr.begin; p < arr.end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
void test3(int size) {
void test4(int size) {
array_t arr;
char* p = malloc(size);
arr.begin = p;
arr.end = p + size;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.end - arr.begin; i++) {
*(arr.begin + i) = 0; // GOOD
for (int i = 0; i != arr.end - arr.begin; i++) {
*(arr.begin + i) = 0; // GOOD
for (int i = 0; i <= arr.end - arr.begin; i++) {
*(arr.begin + i) = 0; // BAD [NOT DETECTED]
array_t *mk_array_p(int size) {
array_t *arr = (array_t*) malloc(sizeof(array_t));
arr->begin = malloc(size);
arr->end = arr->begin + size;
return arr;
void test5(int size) {
array_t *arr = mk_array_p(size);
for (char* p = arr->begin; p != arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
for (char* p = arr->begin; p <= arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // BAD
for (char* p = arr->begin; p < arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
void test6_callee(array_t *arr) {
for (char* p = arr->begin; p != arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
for (char* p = arr->begin; p <= arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // BAD
for (char* p = arr->begin; p < arr->end; ++p) {
*p = 0; // GOOD
void test6(int size) {
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