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Shared: Add a copy of the existing C# Content Dataflow implementation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
* Provides classes for performing global (inter-procedural)
* content-sensitive data flow analyses.
* Unlike `DataFlow::Global`, we allow for data to be stored (possibly nested) inside
* contents of sources and sinks.
* We track flow paths of the form
* ```
* source --value-->* node
* (--read--> node --value-->* node)*
* --(non-value|value)-->* node
* (--store--> node --value-->* node)*
* --value-->* sink
* ```
* where `--value-->` is a value-preserving flow step, `--read-->` is a read
* step, `--store-->` is a store step, and `--(non-value)-->` is a
* non-value-preserving flow step.
* That is, first a sequence of 0 or more reads, followed by 0 or more additional
* steps, followed by 0 or more stores, with value-preserving steps allowed in
* between all other steps.
private import csharp
private import codeql.util.Boolean
private import DataFlowImplCommon
private import DataFlowImplSpecific::Private
private import DataFlowImplSpecific::Private as DataFlowPrivate
* An input configuration for content data flow.
signature module ConfigSig {
* Holds if `source` is a relevant data flow source.
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source);
* Holds if `sink` is a relevant data flow sink.
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink);
* Holds if data may flow from `node1` to `node2` in addition to the normal data-flow steps.
default predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) { none() }
/** Holds if data flow into `node` is prohibited. */
default predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node node) { none() }
* Gets a data flow configuration feature to add restrictions to the set of
* valid flow paths.
* - `FeatureHasSourceCallContext`:
* Assume that sources have some existing call context to disallow
* conflicting return-flow directly following the source.
* - `FeatureHasSinkCallContext`:
* Assume that sinks have some existing call context to disallow
* conflicting argument-to-parameter flow directly preceding the sink.
* - `FeatureEqualSourceSinkCallContext`:
* Implies both of the above and additionally ensures that the entire flow
* path preserves the call context.
default DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() { none() }
/** Gets a limit on the number of reads out of sources and number of stores into sinks. */
default int accessPathLimit() { result = DataFlowPrivate::accessPathLimit() }
/** Holds if `c` is relevant for reads out of sources or stores into sinks. */
default predicate isRelevantContent(DataFlow::ContentSet c) { any() }
* Constructs a global content data flow computation.
module Global<ConfigSig ContentConfig> {
private module FlowConfig implements DataFlow::StateConfigSig {
class FlowState = State;
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source, FlowState state) {
ContentConfig::isSource(source) and
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink, FlowState state) {
ContentConfig::isSink(sink) and
state instanceof InitState or
state instanceof StoreState or
state instanceof ReadState
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(
DataFlow::Node node1, FlowState state1, DataFlow::Node node2, FlowState state2
) {
storeStep(node1, state1, _, node2, state2) or
readStep(node1, state1, _, node2, state2) or
additionalStep(node1, state1, node2, state2)
predicate isAdditionalFlowStep = ContentConfig::isAdditionalFlowStep/2;
predicate isBarrier = ContentConfig::isBarrier/1;
DataFlow::FlowFeature getAFeature() { result = ContentConfig::getAFeature() }
predicate accessPathLimit = ContentConfig::accessPathLimit/0;
// needed to record reads/stores inside summarized callables
predicate includeHiddenNodes() { any() }
private module Flow = DataFlow::GlobalWithState<FlowConfig>;
* Holds if data stored inside `sourceAp` on `source` flows to `sinkAp` inside `sink`
* for this configuration. `preservesValue` indicates whether any of the additional
* flow steps defined by `isAdditionalFlowStep` are needed.
* For the source access path, `sourceAp`, the top of the stack represents the content
* that was last read from. That is, if `sourceAp` is `Field1.Field2` (with `Field1`
* being the top of the stack), then there is flow from `source.Field2.Field1`.
* For the sink access path, `sinkAp`, the top of the stack represents the content
* that was last stored into. That is, if `sinkAp` is `Field1.Field2` (with `Field1`
* being the top of the stack), then there is flow into `sink.Field1.Field2`.
predicate flow(
DataFlow::Node source, AccessPath sourceAp, DataFlow::Node sink, AccessPath sinkAp,
boolean preservesValue
) {
exists(Flow::PathNode pathSource, Flow::PathNode pathSink |
Flow::flowPath(pathSource, pathSink) and
nodeReaches(pathSource, TAccessPathNil(), TAccessPathNil(), pathSink, sourceAp, sinkAp) and
source = pathSource.getNode() and
sink = pathSink.getNode()
pathSink.getState().(ReadState).decode(_, preservesValue)
pathSink.getState().(StoreState).decode(_, preservesValue)
private newtype TState =
TInitState(Boolean preservesValue) or
TStoreState(int size, Boolean preservesValue) {
size in [1 .. ContentConfig::accessPathLimit()]
} or
TReadState(int size, Boolean preservesValue) { size in [1 .. ContentConfig::accessPathLimit()] }
abstract private class State extends TState {
abstract string toString();
/** A flow state representing no reads or stores. */
private class InitState extends State, TInitState {
private boolean preservesValue_;
InitState() { this = TInitState(preservesValue_) }
override string toString() { result = "Init(" + preservesValue_ + ")" }
predicate decode(boolean preservesValue) { preservesValue = preservesValue_ }
/** A flow state representing that content has been stored into. */
private class StoreState extends State, TStoreState {
private boolean preservesValue_;
private int size_;
StoreState() { this = TStoreState(size_, preservesValue_) }
override string toString() { result = "StoreState(" + size_ + "," + preservesValue_ + ")" }
predicate decode(int size, boolean preservesValue) {
size = size_ and preservesValue = preservesValue_
/** A flow state representing that content has been read from. */
private class ReadState extends State, TReadState {
private boolean preservesValue_;
private int size_;
ReadState() { this = TReadState(size_, preservesValue_) }
override string toString() { result = "ReadState(" + size_ + "," + preservesValue_ + ")" }
predicate decode(int size, boolean preservesValue) {
size = size_ and preservesValue = preservesValue_
private predicate storeStep(
DataFlow::Node node1, State state1, DataFlow::ContentSet c, DataFlow::Node node2,
StoreState state2
) {
exists(boolean preservesValue, int size |
storeSet(node1, c, node2, _, _) and
ContentConfig::isRelevantContent(c) and
state2.decode(size + 1, preservesValue)
state1.(InitState).decode(preservesValue) and size = 0
state1.(ReadState).decode(_, preservesValue) and size = 0
state1.(StoreState).decode(size, preservesValue)
private predicate readStep(
DataFlow::Node node1, State state1, DataFlow::ContentSet c, DataFlow::Node node2,
ReadState state2
) {
exists(int size |
readSet(node1, c, node2) and
ContentConfig::isRelevantContent(c) and
state2.decode(size + 1, true)
state1.(InitState).decode(true) and
size = 0
state1.(ReadState).decode(size, true)
private predicate additionalStep(
DataFlow::Node node1, State state1, DataFlow::Node node2, State state2
) {
ContentConfig::isAdditionalFlowStep(node1, node2) and
state1 instanceof InitState and
exists(int size |
state1.(ReadState).decode(size, _) and
state2.(ReadState).decode(size, false)
private newtype TAccessPath =
TAccessPathNil() or
TAccessPathCons(DataFlow::ContentSet head, AccessPath tail) {
nodeReachesStore(_, _, _, _, head, _, tail)
nodeReachesRead(_, _, _, _, head, tail, _)
/** An access path. */
class AccessPath extends TAccessPath {
/** Gets the head of this access path, if any. */
DataFlow::ContentSet getHead() { this = TAccessPathCons(result, _) }
/** Gets the tail of this access path, if any. */
AccessPath getTail() { this = TAccessPathCons(_, result) }
* Gets a textual representation of this access path.
* Elements are dot-separated, and the head of the stack is
* rendered first.
string toString() {
this = TAccessPathNil() and
result = ""
exists(DataFlow::ContentSet head, AccessPath tail |
this = TAccessPathCons(head, tail) and
result = head + "." + tail
* Provides a big-step flow relation, where flow stops at read/store steps that
* must be recorded, and flow via `subpaths` such that reads/stores inside
* summarized callables can be recorded as well.
private module BigStepFlow {
private predicate reachesSink(Flow::PathNode node) {
FlowConfig::isSink(node.getNode(), node.getState())
* Holds if the flow step `pred -> succ` should not be allowed to be included
* in the big-step relation.
private predicate excludeStep(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
pred.getASuccessor() = succ and
// we need to record reads/stores inside summarized callables
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(pred, _, _, succ)
// only allow flow into a summarized callable, as part of the big-step
// relation, when flow can reach a sink without going back out
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(pred, succ, _, _) and
not reachesSink(succ)
// needed to record store steps
storeStep(pred.getNode(), pred.getState(), _, succ.getNode(), succ.getState())
// needed to record read steps
readStep(pred.getNode(), pred.getState(), _, succ.getNode(), succ.getState())
private DataFlowCallable getEnclosingCallableImpl(Flow::PathNode node) {
result = getNodeEnclosingCallable(node.getNode())
private DataFlowCallable getEnclosingCallable(Flow::PathNode node) {
pragma[only_bind_into](result) = getEnclosingCallableImpl(pragma[only_bind_out](node))
private predicate bigStepEntry(Flow::PathNode node) {
FlowConfig::isSource(node.getNode(), node.getState())
excludeStep(_, node)
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(_, node, _, _)
private predicate bigStepExit(Flow::PathNode node) {
FlowConfig::isSink(node.getNode(), node.getState())
excludeStep(node, _)
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(_, _, node, _)
private predicate step(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
pred.getASuccessor() = succ and
not excludeStep(pred, succ)
private predicate stepRec(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
step(pred, succ) and
not bigStepEntry(pred)
private predicate stepRecPlus(Flow::PathNode n1, Flow::PathNode n2) = fastTC(stepRec/2)(n1, n2)
* Holds if there is flow `pathSucc+(pred) = succ`, and such a flow path does
* not go through any reads/stores that need to be recorded, or summarized
* steps.
private predicate bigStep(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
exists(Flow::PathNode mid |
bigStepEntry(pred) and
step(pred, mid)
succ = mid
stepRecPlus(mid, succ)
) and
predicate bigStepNotLocal(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
bigStep(pred, succ) and
not getEnclosingCallable(pred) = getEnclosingCallable(succ)
predicate bigStepMaybeLocal(Flow::PathNode pred, Flow::PathNode succ) {
bigStep(pred, succ) and
getEnclosingCallable(pred) = getEnclosingCallable(succ)
* Holds if `source` can reach `node`, having read `reads` from the source and
* written `stores` into `node`.
* `source` is either a source from a configuration, in which case `scReads` and
* `scStores` are always empty, or it is the parameter of a summarized callable,
* in which case `scReads` and `scStores` record the reads/stores for a summary
* context, that is, the reads/stores for an argument that can reach the parameter.
private predicate nodeReaches(
Flow::PathNode source, AccessPath scReads, AccessPath scStores, Flow::PathNode node,
AccessPath reads, AccessPath stores
) {
node = source and
reads = scReads and
stores = scStores and
Flow::flowPath(source, _) and
scReads = TAccessPathNil() and
scStores = TAccessPathNil()
// the argument in a sub path can be reached, so we start flow from the sub path
// parameter, while recording the read/store summary context
exists(Flow::PathNode arg |
nodeReachesSubpathArg(_, _, _, arg, scReads, scStores) and
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(arg, source, _, _)
exists(Flow::PathNode mid |
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, mid, reads, stores) and
BigStepFlow::bigStepMaybeLocal(mid, node)
exists(Flow::PathNode mid |
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, mid, reads, stores) and
BigStepFlow::bigStepNotLocal(mid, node) and
// when flow is not local, we cannot flow back out, so we may stop
// flow early when computing summary flow
Flow::flowPath(source, _) and
scReads = TAccessPathNil() and
scStores = TAccessPathNil()
// store step
exists(AccessPath storesMid, DataFlow::ContentSet c |
nodeReachesStore(source, scReads, scStores, node, c, reads, storesMid) and
stores = TAccessPathCons(c, storesMid)
// read step
exists(AccessPath readsMid, DataFlow::ContentSet c |
nodeReachesRead(source, scReads, scStores, node, c, readsMid, stores) and
reads = TAccessPathCons(c, readsMid)
// flow-through step; match outer stores/reads with inner store/read summary contexts
exists(Flow::PathNode mid, AccessPath innerScReads, AccessPath innerScStores |
nodeReachesSubpathArg(source, scReads, scStores, mid, innerScReads, innerScStores) and
subpathArgReachesOut(mid, innerScReads, innerScStores, node, reads, stores)
private predicate nodeReachesStore(
Flow::PathNode source, AccessPath scReads, AccessPath scStores, Flow::PathNode node,
DataFlow::ContentSet c, AccessPath reads, AccessPath stores
) {
exists(Flow::PathNode mid |
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, mid, reads, stores) and
storeStep(mid.getNode(), mid.getState(), c, node.getNode(), node.getState()) and
mid.getASuccessor() = node
private predicate nodeReachesRead(
Flow::PathNode source, AccessPath scReads, AccessPath scStores, Flow::PathNode node,
DataFlow::ContentSet c, AccessPath reads, AccessPath stores
) {
exists(Flow::PathNode mid |
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, mid, reads, stores) and
readStep(mid.getNode(), mid.getState(), c, node.getNode(), node.getState()) and
mid.getASuccessor() = node
private predicate nodeReachesSubpathArg(
Flow::PathNode source, AccessPath scReads, AccessPath scStores, Flow::PathNode arg,
AccessPath reads, AccessPath stores
) {
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, arg, reads, stores) and
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(arg, _, _, _)
private predicate subpathArgReachesOut(
Flow::PathNode arg, AccessPath scReads, AccessPath scStores, Flow::PathNode out,
AccessPath reads, AccessPath stores
) {
exists(Flow::PathNode source, Flow::PathNode ret |
nodeReaches(source, scReads, scStores, ret, reads, stores) and
Flow::PathGraph::subpaths(arg, source, ret, out)
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