This commit is contained in:
Calum Grant 2019-11-12 18:12:19 +00:00
Родитель 32e3c294e0
Коммит 4f9b747a13
8 изменённых файлов: 73 добавлений и 72 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ alwaysNonNull
| System.Object Dataflow.NonNullMethods.get_VirtualNonNull() |
| System.Object Dataflow.NonNullMethods.get_VirtualNonNullProperty() |
| System.String Dataflow.NonNullMethods.get_NonNullProperty2() |
| System.String System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentName(System.ExceptionArgument) |
| System.Text.Encoder System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoder() |
| System.Text.Encoder System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoder() |
| System.Text.Encoder System.Text.EncodingNLS.GetEncoder() |
@ -36,30 +37,37 @@ alwaysThrows
| System.Object System.ValueTuple.get_Item(System.Int32) | System.IndexOutOfRangeException | 0: newobj System.IndexOutOfRangeException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowAddingDuplicateWithKeyArgumentException`1(!0) | System.ArgumentException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: box, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetAddingDuplicateWithKeyArgumentException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowAggregateException(System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Exception>) | System.AggregateException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: newobj System.AggregateException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_Argument_InvalidArrayType() | System.ArgumentException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_DestinationTooShort() | System.ArgumentException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_DestinationTooShort, 1: newobj System.ArgumentException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_Argument_InvalidArrayType() | System.ArgumentException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_InvalidArrayType, 1: newobj System.ArgumentException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_CannotExtractScalar(System.ExceptionArgument) | System.ArgumentException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldarg.0, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_DestinationTooShort() | System.ArgumentException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_DestinationTooShort, 1: ldstr "destination", 2: newobj System.ArgumentException..ctor, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_OverlapAlignmentMismatch() | System.ArgumentException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_OverlapAlignmentMismatch, 1: newobj System.ArgumentException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(System.ExceptionArgument) | System.ArgumentNullException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentNullException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: newobj System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(System.ExceptionArgument) | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentName, 2: newobj System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException..ctor, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException_PrecisionTooLarge() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldstr "precision", 1: call System.SR.get_Argument_PrecisionTooLarge, 2: ldc.i4.s 31, 3: box, 4: call System.SR.Format, 5: newobj System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException..ctor, 6: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException_SymbolDoesNotFit() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldstr "symbol", 1: call System.SR.get_Argument_BadFormatSpecifier, 2: newobj System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException..ctor, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.0, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArraySegmentCtorValidationFailedExceptions(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32) | System.Exception | 0: ldarg.0, 1: ldarg.1, 2: ldarg.2, 3: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArraySegmentCtorValidationFailedException, 4: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArrayTypeMismatchException() | System.ArrayTypeMismatchException | 0: newobj System.ArrayTypeMismatchException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowCountArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_Count() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowIndexArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNumException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.4, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowCountArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_Count() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.3, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowFormatException_BadFormatSpecifier() | System.FormatException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_BadFormatSpecifier, 1: newobj System.FormatException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowIndexArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNumException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException() | System.IndexOutOfRangeException | 0: newobj System.IndexOutOfRangeException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_ConcurrentOperationsNotSupported() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_ConcurrentOperationsNotSupported() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_ConcurrentOperationsNotSupported, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_EnumCurrent(System.Int32) | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException_EnumCurrent, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumEnded() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumFailedVersion() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumNotStarted() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumOpCantHappen() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_NoValue() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: call System.ThrowHelper.GetInvalidOperationException, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_HandleIsNotInitialized() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_HandleIsNotInitialized, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_HandleIsNotPinned() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_HandleIsNotPinned, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumEnded() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_EnumEnded, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumFailedVersion() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_EnumFailedVersion, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumNotStarted() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_EnumNotStarted, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumOpCantHappen() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_EnumOpCantHappen, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_NoValue() | System.InvalidOperationException | 0: call System.SR.get_InvalidOperation_NoValue, 1: newobj System.InvalidOperationException..ctor, 2: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported(System.Type) | System.ArgumentException | 0: call System.SR.get_Argument_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported, 1: ldarg.0, 2: call System.SR.Format, 3: newobj System.ArgumentException..ctor, 4: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException`1(!0) | System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: box, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetKeyNotFoundException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowLengthArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.4, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowLengthArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowNotSupportedException() | System.NotSupportedException | 0: newobj System.NotSupportedException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowOutOfMemoryException() | System.OutOfMemoryException | 0: newobj System.OutOfMemoryException..ctor, 1: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowStartIndexArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_Index() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.s 31, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowStartIndexArgumentOutOfRange_ArgumentOutOfRange_Index() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.8, 1: ldc.i4.0, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowValueArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNumException() | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 0: ldc.i4.7, 1: ldc.i4.s 31, 2: call System.ThrowHelper.GetArgumentOutOfRangeException, 3: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowWrongKeyTypeArgumentException`1(!0,System.Type) | System.ArgumentException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: box, 2: ldarg.1, 3: call System.ThrowHelper.GetWrongKeyTypeArgumentException, 4: throw |
| System.Void System.ThrowHelper.ThrowWrongValueTypeArgumentException`1(!0,System.Type) | System.ArgumentException | 0: ldarg.0, 1: box, 2: ldarg.1, 3: call System.ThrowHelper.GetWrongValueTypeArgumentException, 4: throw |

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
| ArraySegment<T> | Memory<> |
| ArraySegment<T> | ReadOnlyMemory<> |
| ArraySegment<T> | ReadOnlySpan<> |
| ArraySegment<T> | Span<> |
| ArraySegment<T> | Memory<T> |
| ArraySegment<T> | ReadOnlyMemory<T> |
| ArraySegment<T> | ReadOnlySpan<T> |
| ArraySegment<T> | Span<T> |
| Byte | Decimal |
| Char | Decimal |
| Char | StandardFormat |
| DateTime | DateTimeOffset |
| Int16 | Decimal |
| Int32 | C |
| Int32 | Decimal |
| Int32 | Index |
| Int32 | MetadataToken |
| Int64 | Decimal |
| Memory<> | ReadOnlyMemory<T> |
| Memory<T> | ReadOnlyMemory<T> |
| MetadataToken | Int32 |
| SByte | Decimal |
| Span<> | ReadOnlySpan<T> |
| Span<T> | ReadOnlySpan<T> |
| String | ReadOnlySpan<Char> |
| T | Nullable<> |
| T[] | ArraySegment<> |
| T[] | Memory<> |
| T[] | ReadOnlyMemory<> |
| T[] | ReadOnlySpan<> |
| T[] | Span<> |
| T[] | ArraySegment<T> |
| T[] | Memory<T> |
| T[] | ReadOnlyMemory<T> |
| T[] | ReadOnlySpan<T> |
| T[] | Span<T> |
| UInt16 | Decimal |
| UInt32 | Decimal |
| UInt64 | Decimal |

Просмотреть файл

@ -545,6 +545,7 @@
| System.IO.BufferedStream.WriteAsync(Byte[], int, int, CancellationToken) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.BeginRead(Byte[], int, int, AsyncCallback, object) | qualifier -> argument 0 | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.BeginWrite(Byte[], int, int, AsyncCallback, object) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.CopyTo(Stream, int) | qualifier -> argument 0 | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.CopyToAsync(Stream, int, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> argument 0 | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.DeflateStream(Stream, CompressionLevel) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.DeflateStream(Stream, CompressionLevel, bool) | argument 0 -> return | false |
@ -1332,9 +1333,19 @@
| System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.ReadAsync(Byte[], int, int, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> argument 0 | false |
| System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Write(Byte[], int, int) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.WriteAsync(Byte[], int, int, CancellationToken) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Security.PermissionSet.GetEnumerator() | qualifier -> return | false |
| System.String.Clone() | qualifier -> return | false |
| System.String.Clone() | qualifier -> return | true |
| System.String.Concat(IEnumerable<String>) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 1 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 1 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 2 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 1 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 2 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) | argument 3 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(object) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(object, object) | argument 0 -> return | false |
| System.String.Concat(object, object) | argument 1 -> return | false |
@ -1454,6 +1465,7 @@
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.GetEnumerator() | qualifier -> return | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.Insert(int, Group) | argument 1 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.Insert(int, object) | argument 1 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.get_Values() | qualifier -> return | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection.Add(Match) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection.Add(object) | argument 0 -> qualifier | false |
| System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection.GetEnumerator() | qualifier -> return | false |
@ -1520,46 +1532,26 @@
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAny<TResult>(IEnumerable<Task<TResult>>) | argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAny<TResult>(params Task<TResult>[]) | argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAny<TResult>(params Task<TResult>[]) | argument 1 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, CancellationToken) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>, Object>, object, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>>) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>>, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>>, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>>, TaskContinuationOptions) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<>>, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, TaskContinuationOptions) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, TaskContinuationOptions) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<>, TNewResult>, TaskScheduler) | qualifier -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>, Object>, object) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>, Object>, object, CancellationToken) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>, Object>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>, Object>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>, Object>, object, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskContinuationOptions) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskScheduler) | argument 1 -> parameter 1 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, Object, TNewResult>, object, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult>) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult>, CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult>, TaskContinuationOptions) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.ContinueWith<TNewResult>(Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult>, TaskScheduler) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.Task(Func<Object, TResult>, object) | argument 1 -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.Task(Func<Object, TResult>, object) | output from argument 0 -> return | true |
| System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>.Task(Func<Object, TResult>, object, CancellationToken) | argument 1 -> parameter 0 of argument 0 | true |

Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@
| statements.cs:40:21:40:38 | MainLocalConstDecl | statements.cs:42:13:42:40 | const ... ...; | statements.cs:42:25:42:39 | Single pi = ... |
| statements.cs:40:21:40:38 | MainLocalConstDecl | statements.cs:42:13:42:40 | const ... ...; | statements.cs:42:25:42:39 | Single pi = ... | 3.1415927 |

Просмотреть файл

@ -11,6 +11,5 @@ where
s.getAVariableDeclExpr() = e and
e.getVariable().getName() = "pi" and
e.getVariable().getType() instanceof FloatType and
e.getInitializer() instanceof FloatLiteral and
e.getVariable().getValue() = "3.141593"
select m, s, e
e.getInitializer() instanceof FloatLiteral
select m, s, e, e.getVariable().getValue()

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ class Test
// GOOD: Passed to a library. This is only detected in CIL.
Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter("output.txt"));
DisposalTests.Class1.Dispose(new StreamWriter("output.txt"));
// GOOD: Disposed automatically.
using var c2 = new Timer(TimerProc);
// GOOD: ownership taken via ??
StringReader source = null;
using(XmlReader.Create(source ?? new StringReader("xml"), null))
using (XmlReader.Create(source ?? new StringReader("xml"), null))
return null;

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны