Remove builtin functions and macros; minor fixes and tweaks.

This commit is contained in:
Ziemowit Laski 2019-08-09 13:06:14 -07:00
Родитель 810c884921
Коммит 6eda7f354a
1 изменённых файлов: 6 добавлений и 154 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -29,47 +29,11 @@ This table lists `Declaration <
| ``enum`` ``{`` **enum_constant1** ``,`` **enum_constant2** ``,`` **enum_constant3** ``}`` | `EnumConstant <$EnumConstant.html>`__ | |
| ``class`` *A* ``{`` ``friend`` ``void`` *f* ``(`` *int* ``);`` ``friend`` ``class`` *X* ``;`` ``};`` ``void`` *f* ``(`` *int x* ``)`` ``{````}`` ``class`` *X* ``{````};`` | `FriendDecl <$FriendDecl.html>`__ | |
| ``class`` ``A`` ``{`` **friend** ``void`` ``f`` ``(`` *int* ``);`` **friend** ``class`` ``X`` ``;`` ``};`` ``void`` ``f`` ``(`` ``int x`* ``)`` ``{````}`` ``class`` ``X`` ``{````};`` | `FriendDecl <$FriendDecl.html>`__ | |
| ``struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(const void *addr, socklen_t len, int type);`` | `Gethostbyaddr <$Gethostbyaddr.html>`__ | |
| *e.g.* , ``int`` ``my_printf`` ``(const char* fmt, ...)`` **__attribute__** ``((format (printf, 1, 2)));`` | `AttributeFormattingFunction <$AttributeFormattingFunction.html>`__ | |
| ``void* gethostbyname(const char *name);`` | `Gethostbyname <$Gethostbyname.html>`__ | |
| ``in_addr_t inet_addr(const char *cp);`` | `InetAddr <$InetAddr.html>`__ | |
| ``int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp);`` | `InetAton <$InetAton.html>`__ | |
| ``in_addr_t inet_network(const char *cp);`` | `InetNetwork <$InetNetwork.html>`__ | |
| ``int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst);`` | `InetPton <$InetPton.html>`__ | |
| ``void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);`` | `MemcpyFunction <$MemcpyFunction.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``long int labs(long int j);`` | `PureFunction <$PureFunction.html>`__ | |
| ``char`` **strcat** ``(char *dest, const char *src);`` | `StrcatFunction <$StrcatFunction.html>`__ | |
| ``char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);`` | `StrcpyFunction <$StrcpyFunction.html>`__ | |
| ``size_t strftime(char *s, size_t max, const char *format, const struct tm *tm);`` | `Strftime <$Strftime.html>`__ | |
| *e.g.* , ``char *`` **__builtin___strcpy_chk** ``(char *dest, const char *src, size_t os);`` | `BuiltInFunction <$BuiltInFunction.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int`` *my_printf* ``(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));`` | `AttributeFormattingFunction <$AttributeFormattingFunction.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);`` | `Fprintf <$Fprintf.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int printf(const char *format, ...);`` | `Printf <$Printf.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);`` | `Snprintf <$Snprintf.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...);`` | `Sprintf <$Sprintf.html>`__ | |
| ``STRSAFEAPI StringCchPrintf (STRSAFE_LPSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest, STRSAFE_LPCSTR pszFormat, ... );`` | `StringCchPrintf <$StringCchPrintf.html>`__ | |
| ``void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...);`` | `Syslog <$Syslog.html>`__ | |
| e.g., ``int`` *my_printf* ``(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));`` | `UserDefinedFormattingFunction <$UserDefinedFormattingFunction.html>`__ | |
| *e.g.* , ``int`` **my_printf** ``(const char* fmt, ...);`` | `UserDefinedFormattingFunction <$UserDefinedFormattingFunction.html>`__ | |
| ... ``=`` *tmpl_func<int, float>* ``(`` ... ``);`` | `FunctionTemplateInstantiation <$FunctionTemplateInstantiation.html>`__ | |
@ -93,12 +57,6 @@ This table lists `Declaration <
| ``T& T::`` **operator=** ``(const T&&);`` | `MoveAssignmentOperator <$MoveAssignmentOperator.html>`__ | |
| ``int`` **scanf** ``(const char *format, ...);`` | `Scanf <$Scanf.html>`__ | |
| ``int`` **snscanf** ``(const char *source, size_t length, const char *format, ...)`` | `Snscanf <$Snscanf.html>`__ | |
| ``int`` **sscanf** ``(const char *source, const char *format, ...);`` | `Sscanf <$Sscanf.html>`__ | |
| ``template < typename T > void`` **func** ``(T param);`` | `TemplateFunction <$TemplateFunction.html>`__ | |
| ``int`` **global_func** ``( const char *param );`` | `TopLevelFunction <$TopLevelFunction.html>`__ | |
@ -173,11 +131,11 @@ This table lists subclasses of `Stmt <
| Statement syntax | QL class | Remarks |
| ``__asm__`` ``("`` *movb %bh (%eax)* ``");`` | `AsmStmt <$AsmStmt.html>`__ | Specific to a given machine and operating system |
| **__asm__** ``("`` ``movb %bh (%eax)`` ``");`` | `AsmStmt <$AsmStmt.html>`__ | Specific to a given CPU instruction set |
| ``{`` `Stmt <$Stmt.html>`__ ... ``}`` | `Block <$Block.html>`__ | |
| ``catch`` ``{`` `DeclStmt <$DeclStmt.html>`__ ``)`` `Handler <$Handler.html>`__ | `CatchBlock <$CatchBlock.html>`__ | |
| **catch** ``{`` `DeclStmt <$DeclStmt.html>`__ ``)`` `Handler <$Handler.html>`__ | `CatchBlock <$CatchBlock.html>`__ | |
| ``catch`` ``{`` ``...`` ``)`` `Handler <$Handler.html>`__ | `CatchAnyBlock <$CatchAnyBlock.html>`__ | |
@ -247,116 +205,10 @@ This table lists subclasses of `Expr <
| ``__assume`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `AssumeExpr <$AssumeExpr.html>`__ | Microsoft extension |
| ``__builtin_choose_expr`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInChooseExpr <$BuiltInChooseExpr.html>`__ | GNU/Clang extension |
| ``__INTADDR__`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInIntAddr <$BuiltInIntAddr.html>`__ | EDG front end extension |
| ``__noop;`` | `BuiltInNoOp <$BuiltInNoOp.html>`__ | Microsoft extension |
| ``__builtin_addressof`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationBuiltInAddressOf <$BuiltInOperationBuiltInAddressOf.html>`__ | Clang extension |
| ``__builtin_convertvector`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationBuiltInConvertVector <$BuiltInOperationBuiltInConvertVector.html>`__ | Clang extension |
| ``__builtin_shufflevector`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__... ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationBuiltInShuffleVector <$BuiltInOperationBuiltInShuffleVector.html>`__ | Clang extension |
| ``__builtin_types_compatible_p`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``,`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationBuiltInTypesCompatibleP <$BuiltInOperationBuiltInTypesCompatibleP.html>`__ | Clang/GNU extension; C only |
| ``__has_assign`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasAssign <$BuiltInOperationHasAssign.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_copy`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasCopy <$BuiltInOperationHasCopy.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_finalizer`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasFinalizer <$BuiltInOperationHasFinalizer.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_nothrow_assign`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowAssign <$BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowAssign.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_nothrow_constructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowConstructor <$BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowConstructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_nothrow_copy`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowCopy <$BuiltInOperationHasNoThrowCopy.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_nothrow_move_assign`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasNothrowMoveAssign <$BuiltInOperationHasNothrowMoveAssign.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_assign`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialAssign <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialAssign.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_constructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialConstructor <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialConstructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_copy`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialCopy <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialCopy.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_destructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialDestructor <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialDestructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_move_assign`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialMoveAssign <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialMoveAssign.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_trivial_move_constructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasTrivialMoveConstructor <$BuiltInOperationHasTrivialMoveConstructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_user_destructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasUserDestructor <$BuiltInOperationHasUserDestructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__has_virtual_destructor`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationHasVirtualDestructor <$BuiltInOperationHasVirtualDestructor.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_abstract`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsAbstract <$BuiltInOperationIsAbstract.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_base_of`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsBaseOf <$BuiltInOperationIsBaseOf.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_class`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsClass <$BuiltInOperationIsClass.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_constructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsConstructible <$BuiltInOperationIsConstructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_convertible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsConvertibleTo <$BuiltInOperationIsConvertibleTo.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_delegate`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsDelegate <$BuiltInOperationIsDelegate.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_destructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsDestructible <$BuiltInOperationIsDestructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_empty ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsEmpty <$BuiltInOperationIsEmpty.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_enum`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsEnum <$BuiltInOperationIsEnum.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_final`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsFinal <$BuiltInOperationIsFinal.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_interface_class`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsInterfaceClass <$BuiltInOperationIsInterfaceClass.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_literal_type`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsLiteralType <$BuiltInOperationIsLiteralType.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_nothrow_assignable`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsNothrowAssignable <$BuiltInOperationIsNothrowAssignable.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_nothrow_constructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsNothrowConstructible <$BuiltInOperationIsNothrowConstructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_nothrow_destructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsNothrowDestructible <$BuiltInOperationIsNothrowDestructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_pod`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsPod <$BuiltInOperationIsPod.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_polymorphic`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsPolymorphic <$BuiltInOperationIsPolymorphic.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_ref_array`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsRefArray <$BuiltInOperationIsRefArray.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_ref_class`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsRefClass <$BuiltInOperationIsRefClass.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_sealed`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsSealed <$BuiltInOperationIsSealed.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_simple_value_class`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsSimpleValueClass <$BuiltInOperationIsSimpleValueClass.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_standard_layout`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsStandardLayout <$BuiltInOperationIsStandardLayout.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_trivially_assignable`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyAssignable <$BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyAssignable.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_trivially_constructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyConstructible <$BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyConstructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_trivially_copyable`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyCopyable <$BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyCopyable.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_trivially_destructible`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyDestructible <$BuiltInOperationIsTriviallyDestructible.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_union`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsUnion <$BuiltInOperationIsUnion.html>`__ | |
| ``__is_value_class`` ``(`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationIsValueClass <$BuiltInOperationIsValueClass.html>`__ | |
| ``__builtin_offsetof`` ``(`` `Class <$Class.html>`__ ``,`` `Field <$Field.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInOperationOffsetOf <$BuiltInOperationOffsetOf.html>`__ | |
| ``__builtin_va_copy`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInVarArgCopy <$BuiltInVarArgCopy.html>`__ | |
| ``__builtin_va_end`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInVarArgsEnd <$BuiltInVarArgsEnd.html>`__ | |
| ``__builtin_va_start`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Parameter <$Parameter.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInVarArgsStart <$BuiltInVarArgsStart.html>`__ | |
| ``__builtin_va_arg`` ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ``,`` `Type <$Type.html>`__ ``)`` | `BuiltInVarArg <$BuiltInVarArg.html>`__ | |
| *func_pointer* ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ... ``);`` | `VariableCall <$VariableCall.html>`__ | |
| *func* ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ... ``);`` ... *class_instance* ``->`` *member_func* ``(`` `Expr <$Expr.html>`__ ... ``);`` | `FunctionCall <$FunctionCall.html>`__ | |
@ -669,7 +521,7 @@ This table lists `Preprocessor <
| ``#pragma`` *pragma_property* | `PreprocessorPragma <$PreprocessorPragma.html>`__ | |
| ``#under`` *macro* | `PreprocessorUndef <$PreprocessorUndef.html>`__ | |
| ``#undef`` *macro* | `PreprocessorUndef <$PreprocessorUndef.html>`__ | |
| ``#warning`` *message* | `PreprocessorWarning <$PreprocessorWarning.html>`__ | |