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Mathias Vorreiter Pedersen 2022-09-23 13:00:22 +01:00
Родитель 494afdde96
Коммит f3212fe01c
1 изменённых файлов: 5 добавлений и 6 удалений

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@ -120,16 +120,15 @@ module SemanticExprConfig {
int getBasicBlockUniqueId(BasicBlock block) { idOf(block.getFirstInstruction().getAst(), result) }
newtype TSsaVariable =
TSsaInstruction(IR::Instruction instr) {
} or
TSsaInstruction(IR::Instruction instr) { instr.hasMemoryResult() } or
TSsaOperand(IR::Operand op) { op.isDefinitionInexact() } or
TSsaPointerArithmeticGuard(IR::PointerArithmeticInstruction instr) {
exists(Guard g, IR::Operand use | use = instr.getAUse() |
g.comparesLt(use, _, _, _, _) or
g.comparesLt(_, use, _, _, _) or
g.comparesEq(use, _, _, _, _) or
g.comparesEq(_, use, _, _, _))
g.comparesEq(_, use, _, _, _)
class SsaVariable extends TSsaVariable {
@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ module SemanticExprConfig {
exists(IR::Operand operand |
operand.getDef() = v.asInstruction() or
operand.getDef() = valueNumber(v.asPointerArithGuard()).getAnInstruction()
not operand instanceof IR::PhiInputOperand and
operand.getUse().getBlock() = block
@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ module SemanticExprConfig {
exists(IR::PhiInputOperand operand |
operand.getDef() = v.asInstruction() or
operand.getDef() = valueNumber(v.asPointerArithGuard()).getAnInstruction()
operand.getPredecessorBlock() = pred and
operand.getUse().getBlock() = succ