This used right-to-left evaluation for API graphs, which is not supported anymore
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Asger F 2023-06-19 12:04:53 +02:00
Родитель b305c13b65
Коммит f8ae5301a4
1 изменённых файлов: 3 добавлений и 26 удалений

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@ -21,38 +21,15 @@ module Twirp {
this = API::getTopLevelMember("Twirp").getMember("Service").getAnInstantiation()
* Gets a local source node for the Service instantiation argument (the service handler).
private DataFlow::LocalSourceNode getHandlerSource() {
result = this.getArgument(0).getALocalSource()
* Gets the API::Node for the service handler's class.
private API::Node getAHandlerClassApiNode() {
result.getAnInstantiation() = this.getHandlerSource()
* Gets the AST module for the service handler's class.
private Ast::Module getAHandlerClassAstNode() {
result =
private DataFlow::ClassNode getAHandlerClass() {
* Gets a handler's method.
Ast::Method getAHandlerMethod() {
result = this.getAHandlerClassAstNode().getAnInstanceMethod()
result = this.getAHandlerClass().getAnAncestor().getAnOwnInstanceMethod().asCallableAstNode()