# CodeQL style guide ## Introduction This document describes how to format the code you contribute to this repository. It covers aspects such as layout, white-space, naming, and documentation. Adhering to consistent standards makes code easier to read and maintain. Of course, these are only guidelines, and can be overridden as the need arises on a case-by-case basis. Where existing code deviates from these guidelines, prefer consistency with the surrounding code. Note, if you use QL for Eclipse, you can auto-format your query in the [QL editor](https://help.semmle.com/ql-for-eclipse/Content/WebHelp/ql-editor.html). Words in *italic* are defined in the [Glossary](#glossary). ## Indentation 1. *Always* use 2 spaces for indentation. 1. *Always* indent: - The *body* of a module, newtype, class or predicate - The second and subsequent lines after you use a line break to split a long line - The *body* of a `from`, `where` or `select` clause where it spans multiple lines - The *body* of a *quantifier* that spans multiple lines ### Examples ```ql module Helpers { /** ... */ class X ... { /** ... */ int getNumberOfChildren () { result = count(int child | exists(this.getChild(child)) ) } } } ``` ```ql from Call c, string reason where isDeprecated(c, reason) select c, "This call to '$@' is deprecated because " + reason + ".", c.getTarget(), c.getTarget().getName() ``` ## Line breaks 1. Use UNIX line endings. 1. Lines *must not* exceed 100 characters. 1. Long lines *should* be split with a line break, and the following lines *must* be indented one level until the next "regular" line break. 1. There *should* be a single blank line: - Between the file documentation and the first `import` - Before each declaration, except for the first declaration in a *body* - Before the `from`-`where`-`select` section in a query file 1. *Avoid* two or more adjacent blank lines. 1. There *must* be a new line after the *annotations* `cached`, `pragma`, `language` and `bindingset`. Other *annotations* do not have a new line. 1. There *should not* be additional blank lines within a predicate. 1. There *may* be a new line: - Immediately after the `from`, `where` or `select` keywords in a query. - Immediately after `if`, `then`, or `else` keywords. 1. *Avoid* other line breaks in declarations, other than to break long lines. 1. When operands of *binary operators* span two lines, the operator *should* be placed at the end of the first line. 1. If the parameter list needs to be broken across multiple lines then there *must* be a line break after the opening `(`, the parameter declarations indented one level, and the `) {` *must* be on its own line at the outer indentation. ### Examples ```ql cached private int getNumberOfParameters() { ... } ``` ```ql predicate methodStats( string qualifiedName, string name, int numberOfParameters, int numberOfStatements, int numberOfExpressions, int linesOfCode, int nestingDepth, int numberOfBranches ) { ... } ``` ```ql from Method main where main.getName() = "Main" select main, "This is the program entry point." ``` ```ql from Method main where main.getName() = "Main" and main.getNumberOfParameters() = 0 select main, "Main method has no parameters." ``` ```ql if x.isPublic() then result = "public" else result = "private" ``` ```ql if x.isPublic() then result = "public" else result = "private" ``` ```ql if x.isPublic() then result = "public" else if x.isPrivate() then result = "private" else result = "protected" ``` ## Braces 1. Braces follow [Stroustrup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentation_style#Variant:_Stroustrup) style. The opening `{` *must* be placed at the end of the preceding line. 1. The closing `}` *must* be placed on its own line, indented to the outer level, or be on the same line as the opening `{`. 1. Braces of empty blocks *may* be placed on a single line, with a single space separating the braces. 1. Short predicates, not exceeding the maximum line width, *may* be placed on a single line, with a space following the opening brace and preceding the closing brace. ### Examples ```ql class ThrowException extends ThrowExpr { Foo() { this.getTarget() instanceof ExceptionClass } override string toString() { result = "Throw Exception" } } ``` ## Spaces 1. There *must* be a space or line break: - Surrounding each `=` and `|` - After each `,` 1. There *should* be a space or line break: - Surrounding each *binary operator*, which *must* be balanced - Surrounding `..` in a range - Exceptions to this may be made to save space or to improve readability. 1. *Avoid* other spaces, for example: - After a *quantifier/aggregation* keyword - After the predicate name in a *call* - Inside brackets used for *calls*, single-line quantifiers, and parenthesised formulas - Surrounding a `.` - Inside the opening or closing `[ ]` in a range expression - Inside casts `a.(X)` 1. *Avoid* multiple spaces, except for indentation, and *avoid* additional indentation to align formulas, parameters or arguments. 1. *Do not* put whitespace on blank lines, or trailing on the end of a line. 1. *Do not* use tabs. ### Examples ```ql cached private predicate foo(Expr e, Expr p) { exists(int n | n in [0 .. 1] | e = p.getChild(n + 1) ) } ``` ## Naming 1. Use [PascalCase](http://wiki.c2.com/?PascalCase) for: - `class` names - `module` names - `newtype` names 1. Use [camelCase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case) for: - Predicate names - Variable names 1. Newtype predicate names *should* begin with `T`. 1. Predicates that have a result *should* be named `get...` 1. Predicates that can return multiple results *should* be named `getA...` or `getAn...` 1. Predicates that don't have a result or parameters *should* be named `is...` or `has...` 1. *Avoid* underscores in names. 1. *Avoid* short or single-letter names for classes, predicates and fields. 1. Short or single letter names for parameters and *quantifiers* *may* be used provided that they are sufficiently clear. 1. Use names as they are used in the target-language specification. 1. Use American English. ### Examples ```ql /** ... */ predicate calls(Callable caller, Callable callee) { ... } ``` ```ql /** ... */ class Type extends ... { /** ... */ string getName() { ... } /** ... */ predicate declares(Member m) { ... } /** ... */ predicate isGeneric() { ... } /** ... */ Type getTypeParameter(int n) { ... } /** ... */ Type getATypeParameter() { ... } } ``` ## Documentation General requirements: 1. Documentation *must* adhere to the [QLDoc specification](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLDocSpecification.html). 1. Use `/** ... */` for documentation, even for single line comments. 1. For single-line documentation, the `/**` and `*/` are written on the same line as the comment. 1. For multi-line documentation, the `/**` and `*/` are written on separate lines. There is a `*` preceding each comment line, aligned on the first `*`. 1. Use full sentences, with capital letters and full stops. 1. Use American English. 1. Documentation comments *should* be appropriate for users of the code. 1. Documentation for maintainers of the code *must* use normal comments. Documentation for specific items: 1. Public declarations *must* be documented. 1. Non-public declarations *should* be documented. 1. Declarations in query files *should* be documented. 1. Library files (`.qll` files) *should* be have a documentation comment at the top of the file. 1. Query files, except for tests, *must* have a QLDoc query documentation comment at the top of the file. 1. Predicates that do not have a result *should* be documented `/** Holds if ... */` 1. Predicates that have a result *should* be documented `/** Gets ... */` 1. All predicate parameters *should* be referred to in the predicate documentation. 1. Reference names, such as types and parameters, using backticks `` ` ``. 1. Give examples of code in the target language, enclosed in ```` ``` ```` or `` ` ``. 1. Classes *should* be documented in the singular, for example `/* An expression. */` 1. Where a class denotes a generic concept with subclasses, list those subclasses. 1. Declarations that are deprecated *should* be documented as `DEPRECATED: ...` 1. Declarations that are for internal use *should* be documented as `INTERNAL: Do not use`. ### Examples ```ql /** Provides logic for determining constant expressions. */ ``` ```ql /** * Holds if the qualifier of this call has type `qualifierType`. * `isExactType` indicates whether the type is exact, that is, whether * the qualifier is guaranteed not to be a subtype of `qualifierType`. */ ``` ```ql /** * A delegate declaration, for example * ``` * delegate void Logger(string text); * ``` */ class Delegate extends ... ``` ```ql /** * An element that can be called. * * Either a method (`Method`), a constructor (`Constructor`), a destructor * (`Destructor`), an operator (`Operator`), an accessor (`Accessor`), * an anonymous function (`AnonymousFunctionExpr`), or a local function * (`LocalFunction`). */ class Callable extends ... ``` ```ql /** DEPRECATED: Use `getAnExpr()` instead. */ deprecated Expr getInitializer() ``` ```ql /** * INTERNAL: Do not use. */ ``` ## Formulas 1. *Prefer* one *conjunct* per line. 1. Write the `and` at the end of the line. This also applies in `where` clauses. 1. *Prefer* to write the `or` keyword on its own line. 1. The `or` keyword *may* be written at the end of a line, or within a line, provided that it has no `and` operands. 1. Single-line formulas *may* be used in order to save space or add clarity, particularly in the *body* of a *quantifier/aggregation*. 1. *Always* use brackets to clarify the precedence of: - `implies` - `if`-`then`-`else` 1. *Avoid* using brackets to clarify the precedence of: - `not` - `and` - `or` 1. Parenthesised formulas *can* be written: - Within a single line. There *should not* be an additional space following the opening parenthesis or preceding the closing parenthesis. - Spanning multiple lines. The opening parenthesis *should* be placed at the end of the preceding line, the body should be indented one level, and the closing bracket should be placed on a new line at the outer indentation. 1. *Quantifiers/aggregations* *can* be written: - Within a single line. In this case, there is no space to the inside of the parentheses, or after the quantifier keyword. - Across multiple lines. In this case, type declarations are on the same line as the quantifier with the first `|` at the same line as the quantifier, the second `|` *must* be at the end of the same line as the quantifier or on its own line at the outer indentation, and the body of the quantifier *must* be indented one level. The closing `)` is written on a new line, at the outer indentation. If the type declarations need to be broken across multiple lines then there must *must* be a line break after the opening `(`, the type declarations indented one level, and the first `|` on its own line at the outer indentation. 1. `if`-`then`-`else` *can* be written: - On a single line - With the *body* after the `if`/`then`/`else` keyword - With the *body* indented on the next line - *Always* parenthesise the `else` part if it is a compound formula. 1. If an `if`-`then`-`else` is broken across multiple lines then the `then` and `else` keywords *should* be at the start of lines aligned with the `if`. 1. The `and` and `else` keywords *may* be placed on the same line as the closing parenthesis. 1. The `and` and `else` keywords *may* be "cuddled": `) else (` 1. *Always* qualify *calls* to predicates of the same class with `this`. 2. *Prefer* postfix casts `a.(Expr)` to prefix casts `(Expr)a`. ### Examples ```ql argumentType.isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(parameterType) or argumentType instanceof NullType and result.getParameter(i).isOut() and parameterType instanceof SimpleType or reflectionOrDynamicArg(argumentType, parameterType) ``` ```ql this.getName() = "Finalize" and not exists(this.getAParameter()) ``` ```ql e1.getType() instanceof BoolType and ( b1 = true or b1 = false ) and ( b2 = true or b2 = false ) ``` ```ql if e1 instanceof BitwiseOrExpr or e1 instanceof LogicalOrExpr then ( impliesSub(e1.(BinaryOperation).getAnOperand(), e2, b1, b2) and b1 = false ) else ( e1.getType() instanceof BoolType and e1 = e2 and b1 = b2 and (b1 = true or b1 = false) ) ``` ```ql (x instanceof Exception implies x.isPublic()) and y instanceof Exception ``` ```ql x instanceof Exception implies (x.isPublic() and y instanceof Exception) ``` ```ql exists(Type arg | arg = this.getAChild() | arg instanceof TypeParameter) ``` ```ql exists(Type qualifierType | this.hasNonExactQualifierType(qualifierType) | result = getANonExactQualifierSubType(qualifierType) ) ``` ```ql methods = count(Method m | t = m.getDeclaringType() and not ilc(m)) ``` ```ql if n = 0 then result = 1 else result = n * f(n - 1) ``` ```ql if n = 0 then result = 1 else result = n * f(n - 1) ``` ```ql if n = 0 then result = 1 else result = n * f(n - 1) ``` ```ql if exists(this.getContainingType()) then ( result = "A nested class" and parentName = this.getContainingType().getFullyQualifiedName() ) else ( result = parentName + "." + this.getName() and parentName = this.getNamespace().getFullyQualifiedName() ) ``` ## Glossary | Phrase | Meaning | |-------------|----------| | *[annotation](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLLanguageSpecification.html#annotations)* | An additional specifier used to modify a declaration, such as `private`, `override`, `deprecated`, `pragma`, `bindingset`, or `cached`. | | *body* | The text inside `{ }`, `( )`, or each section of an `if`-`then`-`else` or `from`-`where`-`select`. | | *binary operator* | An operator with two operands, such as comparison operators, `and`, `or`, `implies`, or arithmetic operators. | | *call* | A *formula* that invokes a predicate, e.g. `this.isStatic()` or `calls(a,b)`. | | *[conjunct](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLLanguageSpecification.html#conjunctions)* | A formula that is an operand to an `and`. | | *declaration* | A class, module, predicate, field or newtype. | | *[disjunct](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLLanguageSpecification.html#disjunctions)* | A formula that is an operand to an `or`. | | *[formula](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLLanguageSpecification.html#formulas)* | A logical expression, such as `A = B`, a *call*, a *quantifier*, `and`, `or`, `not`, `in` or `instanceof`. | | *should/should not/avoid/prefer* | Adhere to this rule wherever possible, where it makes sense. | | *may/can* | This is a reasonable alternative, to be used with discretion. | | *must/always/do not* | Always adhere to this rule. | | *[quantifier/aggregation](https://help.semmle.com/QL/QLLanguageSpecification.html#aggregations)* | `exists`, `count`, `strictcount`, `any`, `forall`, `forex` and so on. | | *variable* | A parameter to a predicate, a field, a from variable, or a variable introduced by a *quantifier* or *aggregation*. |