# Code generation suite This directory contains the code generation suite used by the Swift extractor and the QL library. This suite will use the abstract class specification of `schema.py` to generate: * the `dbscheme` file (see [`dbschemegen.py`](generators/dbschemegen.py)) * the QL generated code and when appropriate the corresponding stubs (see [`qlgen.py`](generators/qlgen.py)) * C++ tags and trap entries (see [`trapgen.py`](generators/trapgen.py)) * C++ structured classes (see [`cppgen.py`](generators/cppgen.py)) An example `schema.py` [can be found in the Swift package](../../swift/schema.py). ## Usage By default `bazel run //misc/codegen -- -c your-codegen.conf` will load options from `your-codegen.conf`. See the [Swift configuration](../../swift/codegen.conf) for an example. Calling `misc/codegen/codegen.py` directly (provided you installed dependencies via `pip3 install -r misc/codegen/requirements.txt`) will use a file named `codegen.conf` contained in an ancestor directory if any exists. See `bazel run //misc/codegen -- --help` for a list of all options. In particular `--generate` can be used with a comma separated list to select what to generate (choosing among `dbscheme`, `ql`, `trap` and `cpp`). ## Implementation notes The suite uses [mustache templating](https://mustache.github.io/) for generation. Templates are in [the `templates` directory](templates), prefixed with the generation target they are used for. Rather than passing dictionaries to the templating engine, python dataclasses are used as defined in [the `lib` directory](lib). For each of the four generation targets the entry point for the implementation is specified as the `generate` function in the modules within [the `generators` directory](generators). Finally, [`codegen.py`](codegen.py) is the driver script gluing everything together and specifying the command line options. Unit tests are in [the `test` directory](test) and can be run via `bazel test //misc/codegen/test`. For more details about each specific generation target, please refer to the module docstrings in [the `generators` directory](generators).