# editor and OS artifacts *~ .DS_STORE *.swp # query compilation caches .cache # qltest projects and artifacts */ql/test/**/*.testproj */ql/test/**/*.actual */ql/test/**/go.sum # Visual studio temporaries, except a file used by QL4VS .vs/* !.vs/VSWorkspaceSettings.json # Byte-compiled python files *.pyc # python virtual environment folder .venv/ # binary files created by pytest-cov .coverage # It's useful (though not required) to be able to unpack codeql in the ql checkout itself /codeql/ # Avoid committing cached package components .codeql # Compiled class file *.class # links created by bazel /bazel-* # local bazel options /local.bazelrc # generated cmake directory /.bazel-cmake # CLion project files /.clwb # Go build artifacts go/build/* # Go binaries go/tools/bin go/tools/linux64 go/tools/osx64 go/tools/win64 go/tools/tokenizer.jar go/main # node_modules folders except in the JS test suite node_modules/ !/javascript/ql/test/**/node_modules/ # Temporary folders for working with generated models .model-temp