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Update generated files related to Go in the repo. Using --force will regenerate all files from scratch.
In particular the script will:
1. update the `vendor` dir with `go mod vendor` (using a go toolchain provided by bazel)
2. update `BUILD.bazel` files using gazelle
3. update `ql/lib/go.dbscheme` using a compiled `go-dbschemegen`
import sys
import pathlib
import subprocess
import os
import argparse
import shutil
from python.runfiles import runfiles
def options():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update generated files related to Go in the repo")
p.add_argument("--force", "-f", action="store_true", help="Regenerate all files from scratch rather than updating them")
p.add_argument("executables", nargs=3, help="Internally provided executables")
return p.parse_args()
opts = options()
workspace_dir = pathlib.Path(os.environ['BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY'])
except KeyError:
print("this should be run with bazel run", file=sys.stderr)
go_extractor_dir = workspace_dir / "go" / "extractor"
if not go_extractor_dir.exists():
# internal repo?
workspace_dir /= "ql"
go_extractor_dir = workspace_dir / "go" / "extractor"
go_dbscheme = workspace_dir / "go" / "ql" / "lib" / "go.dbscheme"
r = runfiles.Create()
go, gazelle, go_gen_dbscheme = map(r.Rlocation, opts.executables)
existing_build_files = set(go_extractor_dir.glob("*/**/BUILD.bazel"))
if opts.force:
print("clearing generated BUILD files")
for build_file in existing_build_files:
print("running gazelle", gazelle, go_extractor_dir)
subprocess.check_call([gazelle, "go/extractor"], cwd=workspace_dir)
# we want to stamp all newly generated `BUILD.bazel` files with a header
build_files_to_update = set(go_extractor_dir.glob("*/**/BUILD.bazel"))
# if --force, all files are new
if not opts.force:
# otherwise, subtract the files that existed at the start
build_files_to_update -= existing_build_files
print("adding header to newly generated BUILD files")
for build_file in build_files_to_update:
contents = build_file.read_text()
build_file.write_text(f"# generated running `bazel run //go/gazelle`, do not edit\n\n{contents}")
subprocess.check_call([go_gen_dbscheme, go_dbscheme])