зеркало из https://github.com/github/codeql.git
1218 строки
34 KiB
1218 строки
34 KiB
/*** Standard fragments ***/
/** Files and folders **/
@location = @location_default;
locations_default(unique int id: @location_default,
int file: @file ref,
int beginLine: int ref,
int beginColumn: int ref,
int endLine: int ref,
int endColumn: int ref
@sourceline = @locatable;
numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref,
int num_lines: int ref,
int num_code: int ref,
int num_comment: int ref
files(unique int id: @file,
varchar(900) name: string ref);
folders(unique int id: @folder,
varchar(900) name: string ref);
@container = @folder | @file ;
containerparent(int parent: @container ref,
unique int child: @container ref);
/** Duplicate code **/
unique int id : @duplication,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
unique int id : @similarity,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
int offset : int ref,
int beginLine : int ref,
int beginColumn : int ref,
int endLine : int ref,
int endColumn : int ref);
/** External data **/
int id : @externalDataElement,
varchar(900) path : string ref,
int column: int ref,
varchar(900) value : string ref
snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
/** Version control data **/
int id : @svnentry,
varchar(500) revision : string ref,
varchar(500) author : string ref,
date revisionDate : date ref,
int changeSize : int ref
int id : @svnentry ref,
int file : @file ref,
varchar(500) action : string ref
int id : @svnentry ref,
varchar(500) message : string ref
int commit : @svnentry ref,
int file : @file ref,
int addedLines : int ref,
int deletedLines : int ref
/*** JavaScript-specific part ***/
int file: @file ref,
string filetype: string ref
// top-level code fragments
toplevels (unique int id: @toplevel,
int kind: int ref);
is_externs (int toplevel: @toplevel ref);
case @toplevel.kind of
0 = @script
| 1 = @inline_script
| 2 = @event_handler
| 3 = @javascript_url
| 4 = @template_toplevel;
is_module (int tl: @toplevel ref);
is_nodejs (int tl: @toplevel ref);
is_es2015_module (int tl: @toplevel ref);
is_closure_module (int tl: @toplevel ref);
@xml_node_with_code = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute | @template_placeholder_tag;
unique int toplevel: @toplevel ref,
int xmlnode: @xml_node_with_code ref);
unique int xmlnode: @xmlelement ref,
int expression: @expr ref,
int index: int ref);
// statements
#keyset[parent, idx]
stmts (unique int id: @stmt,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @stmt_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
stmt_containers (unique int stmt: @stmt ref,
int container: @stmt_container ref);
jump_targets (unique int jump: @stmt ref,
int target: @stmt ref);
@stmt_parent = @stmt | @toplevel | @function_expr | @arrow_function_expr | @static_initializer;
@stmt_container = @toplevel | @function | @namespace_declaration | @external_module_declaration | @global_augmentation_declaration;
case @stmt.kind of
0 = @empty_stmt
| 1 = @block_stmt
| 2 = @expr_stmt
| 3 = @if_stmt
| 4 = @labeled_stmt
| 5 = @break_stmt
| 6 = @continue_stmt
| 7 = @with_stmt
| 8 = @switch_stmt
| 9 = @return_stmt
| 10 = @throw_stmt
| 11 = @try_stmt
| 12 = @while_stmt
| 13 = @do_while_stmt
| 14 = @for_stmt
| 15 = @for_in_stmt
| 16 = @debugger_stmt
| 17 = @function_decl_stmt
| 18 = @var_decl_stmt
| 19 = @case
| 20 = @catch_clause
| 21 = @for_of_stmt
| 22 = @const_decl_stmt
| 23 = @let_stmt
| 24 = @legacy_let_stmt
| 25 = @for_each_stmt
| 26 = @class_decl_stmt
| 27 = @import_declaration
| 28 = @export_all_declaration
| 29 = @export_default_declaration
| 30 = @export_named_declaration
| 31 = @namespace_declaration
| 32 = @import_equals_declaration
| 33 = @export_assign_declaration
| 34 = @interface_declaration
| 35 = @type_alias_declaration
| 36 = @enum_declaration
| 37 = @external_module_declaration
| 38 = @export_as_namespace_declaration
| 39 = @global_augmentation_declaration
@decl_stmt = @var_decl_stmt | @const_decl_stmt | @let_stmt | @legacy_let_stmt;
@export_declaration = @export_all_declaration | @export_default_declaration | @export_named_declaration;
@namespace_definition = @namespace_declaration | @enum_declaration;
@type_definition = @class_definition | @interface_declaration | @enum_declaration | @type_alias_declaration | @enum_member;
is_instantiated(unique int decl: @namespace_declaration ref);
@declarable_node = @decl_stmt | @namespace_declaration | @class_decl_stmt | @function_decl_stmt | @enum_declaration | @external_module_declaration | @global_augmentation_declaration | @field;
has_declare_keyword(unique int stmt: @declarable_node ref);
is_for_await_of(unique int forof: @for_of_stmt ref);
// expressions
#keyset[parent, idx]
exprs (unique int id: @expr,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @expr_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
literals (varchar(900) value: string ref,
varchar(900) raw: string ref,
unique int expr: @expr_or_type ref);
enclosing_stmt (unique int expr: @expr_or_type ref,
int stmt: @stmt ref);
expr_containers (unique int expr: @expr_or_type ref,
int container: @stmt_container ref);
array_size (unique int ae: @arraylike ref,
int sz: int ref);
is_delegating (int yield: @yield_expr ref);
@expr_or_stmt = @expr | @stmt;
@expr_or_type = @expr | @typeexpr;
@expr_parent = @expr_or_stmt | @property | @function_typeexpr;
@arraylike = @array_expr | @array_pattern;
@type_annotation = @typeexpr | @jsdoc_type_expr;
@node_in_stmt_container = @cfg_node | @type_annotation | @toplevel;
case @expr.kind of
0 = @label
| 1 = @null_literal
| 2 = @boolean_literal
| 3 = @number_literal
| 4 = @string_literal
| 5 = @regexp_literal
| 6 = @this_expr
| 7 = @array_expr
| 8 = @obj_expr
| 9 = @function_expr
| 10 = @seq_expr
| 11 = @conditional_expr
| 12 = @new_expr
| 13 = @call_expr
| 14 = @dot_expr
| 15 = @index_expr
| 16 = @neg_expr
| 17 = @plus_expr
| 18 = @log_not_expr
| 19 = @bit_not_expr
| 20 = @typeof_expr
| 21 = @void_expr
| 22 = @delete_expr
| 23 = @eq_expr
| 24 = @neq_expr
| 25 = @eqq_expr
| 26 = @neqq_expr
| 27 = @lt_expr
| 28 = @le_expr
| 29 = @gt_expr
| 30 = @ge_expr
| 31 = @lshift_expr
| 32 = @rshift_expr
| 33 = @urshift_expr
| 34 = @add_expr
| 35 = @sub_expr
| 36 = @mul_expr
| 37 = @div_expr
| 38 = @mod_expr
| 39 = @bitor_expr
| 40 = @xor_expr
| 41 = @bitand_expr
| 42 = @in_expr
| 43 = @instanceof_expr
| 44 = @logand_expr
| 45 = @logor_expr
| 47 = @assign_expr
| 48 = @assign_add_expr
| 49 = @assign_sub_expr
| 50 = @assign_mul_expr
| 51 = @assign_div_expr
| 52 = @assign_mod_expr
| 53 = @assign_lshift_expr
| 54 = @assign_rshift_expr
| 55 = @assign_urshift_expr
| 56 = @assign_or_expr
| 57 = @assign_xor_expr
| 58 = @assign_and_expr
| 59 = @preinc_expr
| 60 = @postinc_expr
| 61 = @predec_expr
| 62 = @postdec_expr
| 63 = @par_expr
| 64 = @var_declarator
| 65 = @arrow_function_expr
| 66 = @spread_element
| 67 = @array_pattern
| 68 = @object_pattern
| 69 = @yield_expr
| 70 = @tagged_template_expr
| 71 = @template_literal
| 72 = @template_element
| 73 = @array_comprehension_expr
| 74 = @generator_expr
| 75 = @for_in_comprehension_block
| 76 = @for_of_comprehension_block
| 77 = @legacy_letexpr
| 78 = @var_decl
| 79 = @proper_varaccess
| 80 = @class_expr
| 81 = @super_expr
| 82 = @newtarget_expr
| 83 = @named_import_specifier
| 84 = @import_default_specifier
| 85 = @import_namespace_specifier
| 86 = @named_export_specifier
| 87 = @exp_expr
| 88 = @assign_exp_expr
| 89 = @jsx_element
| 90 = @jsx_qualified_name
| 91 = @jsx_empty_expr
| 92 = @await_expr
| 93 = @function_sent_expr
| 94 = @decorator
| 95 = @export_default_specifier
| 96 = @export_namespace_specifier
| 97 = @bind_expr
| 98 = @external_module_reference
| 99 = @dynamic_import
| 100 = @expression_with_type_arguments
| 101 = @prefix_type_assertion
| 102 = @as_type_assertion
| 103 = @export_varaccess
| 104 = @decorator_list
| 105 = @non_null_assertion
| 106 = @bigint_literal
| 107 = @nullishcoalescing_expr
| 108 = @e4x_xml_anyname
| 109 = @e4x_xml_static_attribute_selector
| 110 = @e4x_xml_dynamic_attribute_selector
| 111 = @e4x_xml_filter_expression
| 112 = @e4x_xml_static_qualident
| 113 = @e4x_xml_dynamic_qualident
| 114 = @e4x_xml_dotdotexpr
| 115 = @import_meta_expr
| 116 = @assignlogandexpr
| 117 = @assignlogorexpr
| 118 = @assignnullishcoalescingexpr
| 119 = @template_pipe_ref
| 120 = @generated_code_expr
@varaccess = @proper_varaccess | @export_varaccess;
@varref = @var_decl | @varaccess;
@identifier = @label | @varref | @type_identifier;
@literal = @null_literal | @boolean_literal | @number_literal | @string_literal | @regexp_literal | @bigint_literal;
@propaccess = @dot_expr | @index_expr;
@invokeexpr = @new_expr | @call_expr;
@unaryexpr = @neg_expr | @plus_expr | @log_not_expr | @bit_not_expr | @typeof_expr | @void_expr | @delete_expr | @spread_element;
@equality_test = @eq_expr | @neq_expr | @eqq_expr | @neqq_expr;
@comparison = @equality_test | @lt_expr | @le_expr | @gt_expr | @ge_expr;
@binaryexpr = @comparison | @lshift_expr | @rshift_expr | @urshift_expr | @add_expr | @sub_expr | @mul_expr | @div_expr | @mod_expr | @exp_expr | @bitor_expr | @xor_expr | @bitand_expr | @in_expr | @instanceof_expr | @logand_expr | @logor_expr | @nullishcoalescing_expr;
@assignment = @assign_expr | @assign_add_expr | @assign_sub_expr | @assign_mul_expr | @assign_div_expr | @assign_mod_expr | @assign_exp_expr | @assign_lshift_expr | @assign_rshift_expr | @assign_urshift_expr | @assign_or_expr | @assign_xor_expr | @assign_and_expr | @assignlogandexpr | @assignlogorexpr | @assignnullishcoalescingexpr;
@updateexpr = @preinc_expr | @postinc_expr | @predec_expr | @postdec_expr;
@pattern = @varref | @array_pattern | @object_pattern;
@comprehension_expr = @array_comprehension_expr | @generator_expr;
@comprehension_block = @for_in_comprehension_block | @for_of_comprehension_block;
@import_specifier = @named_import_specifier | @import_default_specifier | @import_namespace_specifier;
@exportspecifier = @named_export_specifier | @export_default_specifier | @export_namespace_specifier;
@type_keyword_operand = @import_declaration | @export_declaration | @import_specifier;
@type_assertion = @as_type_assertion | @prefix_type_assertion;
@class_definition = @class_decl_stmt | @class_expr;
@interface_definition = @interface_declaration | @interface_typeexpr;
@class_or_interface = @class_definition | @interface_definition;
@lexical_decl = @var_decl | @type_decl;
@lexical_access = @varaccess | @local_type_access | @local_var_type_access | @local_namespace_access;
@lexical_ref = @lexical_decl | @lexical_access;
@e4x_xml_attribute_selector = @e4x_xml_static_attribute_selector | @e4x_xml_dynamic_attribute_selector;
@e4x_xml_qualident = @e4x_xml_static_qualident | @e4x_xml_dynamic_qualident;
int expr: @expr ref,
int location: @location ref
@template_placeholder_tag_parent = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute | @file;
unique int node: @template_placeholder_tag,
int parentNode: @template_placeholder_tag_parent ref,
varchar(900) raw: string ref
// scopes
scopes (unique int id: @scope,
int kind: int ref);
case @scope.kind of
0 = @global_scope
| 1 = @function_scope
| 2 = @catch_scope
| 3 = @module_scope
| 4 = @block_scope
| 5 = @for_scope
| 6 = @for_in_scope // for-of scopes work the same as for-in scopes
| 7 = @comprehension_block_scope
| 8 = @class_expr_scope
| 9 = @namespace_scope
| 10 = @class_decl_scope
| 11 = @interface_scope
| 12 = @type_alias_scope
| 13 = @mapped_type_scope
| 14 = @enum_scope
| 15 = @external_module_scope
| 16 = @conditional_type_scope;
scopenodes (unique int node: @ast_node ref,
int scope: @scope ref);
scopenesting (unique int inner: @scope ref,
int outer: @scope ref);
// functions
@function = @function_decl_stmt | @function_expr | @arrow_function_expr;
@parameterized = @function | @catch_clause;
@type_parameterized = @function | @class_or_interface | @type_alias_declaration | @mapped_typeexpr | @infer_typeexpr;
is_generator (int fun: @function ref);
has_rest_parameter (int fun: @function ref);
is_async (int fun: @function ref);
// variables and lexically scoped type names
#keyset[scope, name]
variables (unique int id: @variable,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int scope: @scope ref);
#keyset[scope, name]
local_type_names (unique int id: @local_type_name,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int scope: @scope ref);
#keyset[scope, name]
local_namespace_names (unique int id: @local_namespace_name,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int scope: @scope ref);
is_arguments_object (int id: @variable ref);
@lexical_name = @variable | @local_type_name | @local_namespace_name;
@bind_id = @varaccess | @local_var_type_access;
bind (unique int id: @bind_id ref,
int decl: @variable ref);
decl (unique int id: @var_decl ref,
int decl: @variable ref);
@typebind_id = @local_type_access | @export_varaccess;
typebind (unique int id: @typebind_id ref,
int decl: @local_type_name ref);
@typedecl_id = @type_decl | @var_decl;
typedecl (unique int id: @typedecl_id ref,
int decl: @local_type_name ref);
namespacedecl (unique int id: @var_decl ref,
int decl: @local_namespace_name ref);
@namespacebind_id = @local_namespace_access | @export_varaccess;
namespacebind (unique int id: @namespacebind_id ref,
int decl: @local_namespace_name ref);
// properties in object literals, property patterns in object patterns, and method declarations in classes
#keyset[parent, index]
properties (unique int id: @property,
int parent: @property_parent ref,
int index: int ref,
int kind: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
case @property.kind of
0 = @value_property
| 1 = @property_getter
| 2 = @property_setter
| 3 = @jsx_attribute
| 4 = @function_call_signature
| 5 = @constructor_call_signature
| 6 = @index_signature
| 7 = @enum_member
| 8 = @proper_field
| 9 = @parameter_field
| 10 = @static_initializer
@property_parent = @obj_expr | @object_pattern | @class_definition | @jsx_element | @interface_definition | @enum_declaration;
@property_accessor = @property_getter | @property_setter;
@call_signature = @function_call_signature | @constructor_call_signature;
@field = @proper_field | @parameter_field;
@field_or_vardeclarator = @field | @var_declarator;
is_computed (int id: @property ref);
is_method (int id: @property ref);
is_static (int id: @property ref);
is_abstract_member (int id: @property ref);
is_const_enum (int id: @enum_declaration ref);
is_abstract_class (int id: @class_decl_stmt ref);
has_public_keyword (int id: @property ref);
has_private_keyword (int id: @property ref);
has_protected_keyword (int id: @property ref);
has_readonly_keyword (int id: @property ref);
has_type_keyword (int id: @type_keyword_operand ref);
is_optional_member (int id: @property ref);
has_definite_assignment_assertion (int id: @field_or_vardeclarator ref);
is_optional_parameter_declaration (unique int parameter: @pattern ref);
#keyset[constructor, param_index]
unique int field: @parameter_field ref,
int constructor: @function_expr ref,
int param_index: int ref
// types
#keyset[parent, idx]
typeexprs (
unique int id: @typeexpr,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @typeexpr_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref
case @typeexpr.kind of
0 = @local_type_access
| 1 = @type_decl
| 2 = @keyword_typeexpr
| 3 = @string_literal_typeexpr
| 4 = @number_literal_typeexpr
| 5 = @boolean_literal_typeexpr
| 6 = @array_typeexpr
| 7 = @union_typeexpr
| 8 = @indexed_access_typeexpr
| 9 = @intersection_typeexpr
| 10 = @parenthesized_typeexpr
| 11 = @tuple_typeexpr
| 12 = @keyof_typeexpr
| 13 = @qualified_type_access
| 14 = @generic_typeexpr
| 15 = @type_label
| 16 = @typeof_typeexpr
| 17 = @local_var_type_access
| 18 = @qualified_var_type_access
| 19 = @this_var_type_access
| 20 = @predicate_typeexpr
| 21 = @interface_typeexpr
| 22 = @type_parameter
| 23 = @plain_function_typeexpr
| 24 = @constructor_typeexpr
| 25 = @local_namespace_access
| 26 = @qualified_namespace_access
| 27 = @mapped_typeexpr
| 28 = @conditional_typeexpr
| 29 = @infer_typeexpr
| 30 = @import_type_access
| 31 = @import_namespace_access
| 32 = @import_var_type_access
| 33 = @optional_typeexpr
| 34 = @rest_typeexpr
| 35 = @bigint_literal_typeexpr
| 36 = @readonly_typeexpr
| 37 = @template_literal_typeexpr
@typeref = @typeaccess | @type_decl;
@type_identifier = @type_decl | @local_type_access | @type_label | @local_var_type_access | @local_namespace_access;
@typeexpr_parent = @expr | @stmt | @property | @typeexpr;
@literal_typeexpr = @string_literal_typeexpr | @number_literal_typeexpr | @boolean_literal_typeexpr | @bigint_literal_typeexpr;
@typeaccess = @local_type_access | @qualified_type_access | @import_type_access;
@vartypeaccess = @local_var_type_access | @qualified_var_type_access | @this_var_type_access | @import_var_type_access;
@namespace_access = @local_namespace_access | @qualified_namespace_access | @import_namespace_access;
@import_typeexpr = @import_type_access | @import_namespace_access | @import_var_type_access;
@function_typeexpr = @plain_function_typeexpr | @constructor_typeexpr;
// types
types (
unique int id: @type,
int kind: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref
#keyset[parent, idx]
type_child (
int child: @type ref,
int parent: @type ref,
int idx: int ref
case @type.kind of
0 = @any_type
| 1 = @string_type
| 2 = @number_type
| 3 = @union_type
| 4 = @true_type
| 5 = @false_type
| 6 = @type_reference
| 7 = @object_type
| 8 = @canonical_type_variable_type
| 9 = @typeof_type
| 10 = @void_type
| 11 = @undefined_type
| 12 = @null_type
| 13 = @never_type
| 14 = @plain_symbol_type
| 15 = @unique_symbol_type
| 16 = @objectkeyword_type
| 17 = @intersection_type
| 18 = @tuple_type
| 19 = @lexical_type_variable_type
| 20 = @this_type
| 21 = @number_literal_type
| 22 = @string_literal_type
| 23 = @unknown_type
| 24 = @bigint_type
| 25 = @bigint_literal_type
@boolean_literal_type = @true_type | @false_type;
@symbol_type = @plain_symbol_type | @unique_symbol_type;
@union_or_intersection_type = @union_type | @intersection_type;
@typevariable_type = @canonical_type_variable_type | @lexical_type_variable_type;
has_asserts_keyword(int node: @predicate_typeexpr ref);
@typed_ast_node = @expr | @typeexpr | @function;
unique int node: @typed_ast_node ref,
int typ: @type ref);
unique int node: @function ref,
int sig: @signature_type ref
unique int node: @invokeexpr ref,
int sig: @signature_type ref
unique int node: @invokeexpr ref,
int index: int ref
symbols (
unique int id: @symbol,
int kind: int ref,
varchar(900) name: string ref
symbol_parent (
unique int symbol: @symbol ref,
int parent: @symbol ref
symbol_module (
int symbol: @symbol ref,
varchar(900) moduleName: string ref
symbol_global (
int symbol: @symbol ref,
varchar(900) globalName: string ref
case @symbol.kind of
0 = @root_symbol
| 1 = @member_symbol
| 2 = @other_symbol
@type_with_symbol = @type_reference | @typevariable_type | @typeof_type | @unique_symbol_type;
@ast_node_with_symbol = @type_definition | @namespace_definition | @toplevel | @typeaccess | @namespace_access | @var_decl | @function | @invokeexpr | @import_declaration | @external_module_reference;
unique int node: @ast_node_with_symbol ref,
int symbol: @symbol ref);
unique int typ: @type_with_symbol ref,
int symbol: @symbol ref);
#keyset[typ, name]
int typ: @type ref,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int propertyType: @type ref);
unique int aliasType: @type ref,
int underlyingType: @type ref);
@literal_type = @string_literal_type | @number_literal_type | @boolean_literal_type | @bigint_literal_type;
@type_with_literal_value = @string_literal_type | @number_literal_type | @bigint_literal_type;
unique int typ: @type_with_literal_value ref,
varchar(900) value: string ref);
signature_types (
unique int id: @signature_type,
int kind: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref,
int type_parameters: int ref,
int required_params: int ref
unique int sig: @signature_type ref
unique int sig: @signature_type ref,
int rest_param_arra_type: @type ref
case @signature_type.kind of
0 = @function_signature_type
| 1 = @constructor_signature_type
#keyset[typ, kind, index]
type_contains_signature (
int typ: @type ref,
int kind: int ref, // constructor/call/index
int index: int ref, // ordering of overloaded signatures
int sig: @signature_type ref
#keyset[parent, index]
signature_contains_type (
int child: @type ref,
int parent: @signature_type ref,
int index: int ref
#keyset[sig, index]
signature_parameter_name (
int sig: @signature_type ref,
int index: int ref,
varchar(900) name: string ref
number_index_type (
unique int baseType: @type ref,
int propertyType: @type ref
string_index_type (
unique int baseType: @type ref,
int propertyType: @type ref
int typeName: @symbol ref,
int baseTypeName: @symbol ref
int typeName: @symbol ref,
int selfType: @type_reference ref
unique int typ: @type ref,
int minLength: int ref
unique int typ: @type ref,
int index: int ref
// comments
comments (unique int id: @comment,
int kind: int ref,
int toplevel: @toplevel ref,
varchar(900) text: string ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
case @comment.kind of
0 = @slashslash_comment
| 1 = @slashstar_comment
| 2 = @doc_comment
| 3 = @html_comment_start
| 4 = @htmlcommentend;
@html_comment = @html_comment_start | @htmlcommentend;
@line_comment = @slashslash_comment | @html_comment;
@block_comment = @slashstar_comment | @doc_comment;
// source lines
lines (unique int id: @line,
int toplevel: @toplevel ref,
varchar(900) text: string ref,
varchar(2) terminator: string ref);
indentation (int file: @file ref,
int lineno: int ref,
varchar(1) indentChar: string ref,
int indentDepth: int ref);
// JavaScript parse errors
js_parse_errors (unique int id: @js_parse_error,
int toplevel: @toplevel ref,
varchar(900) message: string ref,
varchar(900) line: string ref);
// regular expressions
#keyset[parent, idx]
regexpterm (unique int id: @regexpterm,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @regexpparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
@regexpparent = @regexpterm | @regexp_literal | @string_literal | @add_expr;
case @regexpterm.kind of
0 = @regexp_alt
| 1 = @regexp_seq
| 2 = @regexp_caret
| 3 = @regexp_dollar
| 4 = @regexp_wordboundary
| 5 = @regexp_nonwordboundary
| 6 = @regexp_positive_lookahead
| 7 = @regexp_negative_lookahead
| 8 = @regexp_star
| 9 = @regexp_plus
| 10 = @regexp_opt
| 11 = @regexp_range
| 12 = @regexp_dot
| 13 = @regexp_group
| 14 = @regexp_normal_constant
| 15 = @regexp_hex_escape
| 16 = @regexp_unicode_escape
| 17 = @regexp_dec_escape
| 18 = @regexp_oct_escape
| 19 = @regexp_ctrl_escape
| 20 = @regexp_char_class_escape
| 21 = @regexp_id_escape
| 22 = @regexp_backref
| 23 = @regexp_char_class
| 24 = @regexp_char_range
| 25 = @regexp_positive_lookbehind
| 26 = @regexp_negative_lookbehind
| 27 = @regexp_unicode_property_escape;
regexp_parse_errors (unique int id: @regexp_parse_error,
int regexp: @regexpterm ref,
varchar(900) message: string ref);
@regexp_quantifier = @regexp_star | @regexp_plus | @regexp_opt | @regexp_range;
@regexp_escape = @regexp_char_escape | @regexp_char_class_escape | @regexp_unicode_property_escape;
@regexp_char_escape = @regexp_hex_escape | @regexp_unicode_escape | @regexp_dec_escape | @regexp_oct_escape | @regexp_ctrl_escape | @regexp_id_escape;
@regexp_constant = @regexp_normal_constant | @regexp_char_escape;
@regexp_lookahead = @regexp_positive_lookahead | @regexp_negative_lookahead;
@regexp_lookbehind = @regexp_positive_lookbehind | @regexp_negative_lookbehind;
@regexp_subpattern = @regexp_lookahead | @regexp_lookbehind;
@regexp_anchor = @regexp_dollar | @regexp_caret;
is_greedy (int id: @regexp_quantifier ref);
range_quantifier_lower_bound (unique int id: @regexp_range ref, int lo: int ref);
range_quantifier_upper_bound (unique int id: @regexp_range ref, int hi: int ref);
is_capture (unique int id: @regexp_group ref, int number: int ref);
is_named_capture (unique int id: @regexp_group ref, string name: string ref);
is_inverted (int id: @regexp_char_class ref);
regexp_const_value (unique int id: @regexp_constant ref, varchar(1) value: string ref);
char_class_escape (unique int id: @regexp_char_class_escape ref, varchar(1) value: string ref);
backref (unique int id: @regexp_backref ref, int value: int ref);
named_backref (unique int id: @regexp_backref ref, string name: string ref);
unicode_property_escapename (unique int id: @regexp_unicode_property_escape ref, string name: string ref);
unicode_property_escapevalue (unique int id: @regexp_unicode_property_escape ref, string value: string ref);
// tokens
#keyset[toplevel, idx]
tokeninfo (unique int id: @token,
int kind: int ref,
int toplevel: @toplevel ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) value: string ref);
case @token.kind of
0 = @token_eof
| 1 = @token_null_literal
| 2 = @token_boolean_literal
| 3 = @token_numeric_literal
| 4 = @token_string_literal
| 5 = @token_regular_expression
| 6 = @token_identifier
| 7 = @token_keyword
| 8 = @token_punctuator;
// associate comments with the token immediately following them (which may be EOF)
next_token (int comment: @comment ref, int token: @token ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
json (unique int id: @json_value,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @json_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
json_literals (varchar(900) value: string ref,
varchar(900) raw: string ref,
unique int expr: @json_value ref);
json_properties (int obj: @json_object ref,
varchar(900) property: string ref,
int value: @json_value ref);
json_errors (unique int id: @json_parse_error,
varchar(900) message: string ref);
json_locations(unique int locatable: @json_locatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref);
case @json_value.kind of
0 = @json_null
| 1 = @json_boolean
| 2 = @json_number
| 3 = @json_string
| 4 = @json_array
| 5 = @json_object;
@json_parent = @json_object | @json_array | @file;
@json_locatable = @json_value | @json_parse_error;
// locations
@ast_node = @toplevel | @stmt | @expr | @property | @typeexpr;
@locatable = @file
| @ast_node
| @comment
| @line
| @js_parse_error | @regexp_parse_error
| @regexpterm
| @json_locatable
| @token
| @cfg_node
| @jsdoc | @jsdoc_type_expr | @jsdoc_tag
| @yaml_locatable
| @xmllocatable
| @configLocatable
| @template_placeholder_tag;
hasLocation (unique int locatable: @locatable ref,
int location: @location ref);
// CFG
entry_cfg_node (unique int id: @entry_node, int container: @stmt_container ref);
exit_cfg_node (unique int id: @exit_node, int container: @stmt_container ref);
guard_node (unique int id: @guard_node, int kind: int ref, int test: @expr ref);
case @guard_node.kind of
0 = @falsy_guard
| 1 = @truthy_guard;
@condition_guard = @falsy_guard | @truthy_guard;
@synthetic_cfg_node = @entry_node | @exit_node | @guard_node;
@cfg_node = @synthetic_cfg_node | @expr_parent;
successor (int pred: @cfg_node ref, int succ: @cfg_node ref);
// JSDoc comments
jsdoc (unique int id: @jsdoc, varchar(900) description: string ref, int comment: @comment ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
jsdoc_tags (unique int id: @jsdoc_tag, varchar(900) title: string ref,
int parent: @jsdoc ref, int idx: int ref, varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
jsdoc_tag_descriptions (unique int tag: @jsdoc_tag ref, varchar(900) text: string ref);
jsdoc_tag_names (unique int tag: @jsdoc_tag ref, varchar(900) text: string ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
jsdoc_type_exprs (unique int id: @jsdoc_type_expr,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @jsdoc_type_expr_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
case @jsdoc_type_expr.kind of
0 = @jsdoc_any_type_expr
| 1 = @jsdoc_null_type_expr
| 2 = @jsdoc_undefined_type_expr
| 3 = @jsdoc_unknown_type_expr
| 4 = @jsdoc_void_type_expr
| 5 = @jsdoc_named_type_expr
| 6 = @jsdoc_applied_type_expr
| 7 = @jsdoc_nullable_type_expr
| 8 = @jsdoc_non_nullable_type_expr
| 9 = @jsdoc_record_type_expr
| 10 = @jsdoc_array_type_expr
| 11 = @jsdoc_union_type_expr
| 12 = @jsdoc_function_type_expr
| 13 = @jsdoc_optional_type_expr
| 14 = @jsdoc_rest_type_expr
#keyset[id, idx]
jsdoc_record_field_name (int id: @jsdoc_record_type_expr ref, int idx: int ref, varchar(900) name: string ref);
jsdoc_prefix_qualifier (int id: @jsdoc_type_expr ref);
jsdoc_has_new_parameter (int fn: @jsdoc_function_type_expr ref);
@jsdoc_type_expr_parent = @jsdoc_type_expr | @jsdoc_tag;
jsdoc_errors (unique int id: @jsdoc_error, int tag: @jsdoc_tag ref, varchar(900) message: string ref, varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
yaml (unique int id: @yaml_node,
int kind: int ref,
int parent: @yaml_node_parent ref,
int idx: int ref,
varchar(900) tag: string ref,
varchar(900) tostring: string ref);
case @yaml_node.kind of
0 = @yaml_scalar_node
| 1 = @yaml_mapping_node
| 2 = @yaml_sequence_node
| 3 = @yaml_alias_node
@yaml_collection_node = @yaml_mapping_node | @yaml_sequence_node;
@yaml_node_parent = @yaml_collection_node | @file;
yaml_anchors (unique int node: @yaml_node ref,
varchar(900) anchor: string ref);
yaml_aliases (unique int alias: @yaml_alias_node ref,
varchar(900) target: string ref);
yaml_scalars (unique int scalar: @yaml_scalar_node ref,
int style: int ref,
varchar(900) value: string ref);
yaml_errors (unique int id: @yaml_error,
varchar(900) message: string ref);
yaml_locations(unique int locatable: @yaml_locatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref);
@yaml_locatable = @yaml_node | @yaml_error;
/* XML Files */
unique int id: @file ref,
varchar(900) encoding: string ref
unique int id: @xmldtd,
varchar(900) root: string ref,
varchar(900) publicId: string ref,
varchar(900) systemId: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlelement,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlattribute,
int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
varchar(3600) value: string ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
int id: @xmlnamespace,
varchar(900) prefixName: string ref,
varchar(900) URI: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref
int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlcomment,
varchar(3600) text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
varchar(3600) text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int isCDATA: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref
@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
@dataflownode = @expr | @function_decl_stmt | @class_decl_stmt | @namespace_declaration | @enum_declaration | @property;
@optionalchainable = @call_expr | @propaccess;
isOptionalChaining(int id: @optionalchainable ref);
* configuration files with key value pairs
unique int id: @config
unique int id: @configName,
int config: @config ref,
string name: string ref
unique int id: @configValue,
int config: @config ref,
string value: string ref
int locatable: @configLocatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref
@configLocatable = @config | @configName | @configValue;
* The time taken for the extraction of a file.
* This table contains non-deterministic content.
* The sum of the `time` column for each (`file`, `timerKind`) pair
* is the total time taken for extraction of `file`. The `extractionPhase`
* column provides a granular view of the extraction time of the file.
int file : @file ref,
// see `com.semmle.js.extractor.ExtractionMetrics.ExtractionPhase`.
int extractionPhase: int ref,
// 0 for the elapsed CPU time in nanoseconds, 1 for the elapsed wallclock time in nanoseconds
int timerKind: int ref,
float time: float ref
* Non-timing related data for the extraction of a single file.
* This table contains non-deterministic content.
int file : @file ref,
// the absolute path to the cache file
varchar(900) cacheFile: string ref,
boolean fromCache: boolean ref,
int length: int ref